#I’m BACK! #Update #BlogFeatures

Okay, okay. I know I look NOTHING like Gene Wilder, but he’s a personal favorite of mine and I couldn’t resist his saucy expression! 😀 Besides, the message works! I am officially back from my adventure in the Land of Breakthrough COVID. (Not an adventure I’d wish on anybody else, and boy am I grateful every day that we’d gotten both of our shots before this hit us.) I’m also grateful to have come through it all not too much the worse for wear. Still low energy, so I try not to push too hard, but mostly all symptoms are gone, even those dreadful narcoleptic-like fatigue episodes.

The important thing is, I survived,  and I feel well enough to tackle getting most of my regular blog features back up and running  once more, though it’s possible, I may need to step back now and then if I find I’m getting overwhelmed. Hopefully that won’t happen, or at least, not often.  With that in mind,  here’s what you can look for coming up on The Write Stuff, usually on a bi-weekly basis:

  1. Every other Monday: #MondayMeme (usually writing related)
  2. Every other Tuesday: #GuestDayTuesday (I’m ready to start scheduling )
  3. Every other Wednesday: #TenThingsYouMayNotKnowAboutMe guests
  4.  Every other Thursday: #ThorsDaySmiles
  5. Every other Friday: #Granny Says

I have the weeks set up so that Monday, Wednesday, & Friday posts run one week, and Tuesday and Thursday posts, the next week. That gives me a couple of empty days each week for miscellaneous posts that I want to share and some extra guest posts now and then. Weekends are also open for whatever comes along, and a couple of times a year, I’m planning to run #ExcerptWeek, wherein you’ll be invited to share an excerpt from one of your books as one more way to promote them.

I have the #TenThings Wednesday spots filled every other week up to December, but if you’d like to be scheduled after Wed, Nov 24, just email me, and I’ll get you set up.

#GuestDayTuesday, where you can post anything you want about your books and writing (from promos to new releases to cover reveals, and more),  is wide open, starting now. Tuesday, Oct 12 is the only Tuesday I have already scheduled at this point, so feel free to contact me if you’d like to take part. (Otherwise, you might be seeing a lot of ME as my own guest. 😁 )

And I think that pretty much covers what’s coming up, but if you have any questions, all of the instructions and lists of what I’d need for you to send me are listed above (right beneath the blog header) under “General Blog Rules and Various Feature Instructions.” If you can’t find the information you’re looking for there, feel free to email me, and I’ll help as best I can.

Thanks so much to each of you for your support, healing wishes and prayers, and patience as I dealt with this situation. I am truly looking forward to catching up with all of my favorite blogs once again. And I can’t begin to tell you how much our writing and blogging community has meant to me during the eight-plus weeks I was quarantined! Probably would have lost my mind without the online friendships I’ve made.

All that being said,

UPDATE: Still Here, and Still Crazy After All These Years!

Yep, in spite of the fact that I’ve not left my house in over 8 weeks, nor seen the face of a single friend, nor been able to do much writing thanks to COVID-Brain, I am definitely feeling lucky. I’m still HERE! As of today, at least, I still get another chance to do it all better! And that, my friends, is a daily miracle we often forget, and honestly, one I’m surprised to find myself enjoying: the miracle of life in all its guises. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. WOOOO and also HOOOO!! 

To bring you up to date, I am no longer having any symptoms of this dreaded, miserably wretched, murderous virus we’re all sick of hearing about. I do have a greatly reduced energy level, but I’ve even seen some improvement in that area, too. I know the fatigue-related stuff can go on for an extended period, but I’ve learned how to go on, myself, right alongside it. In other words, it might slow me down, but it’s not going to stop me. 

I do plan to return to blogging (and visiting the blogs of my friends) by October 1. I’m giving myself the rest of this month without any firm commitments as to the blog or my current WIP, just keeping the posting and writing flexible and simple for now. But come October 1, I want to get back to my regularly scheduled programming, as they say.

I will be putting out a call for those who’d like to take part in #GuestDayTuesdays to share promotions, new releases, and various other topics. I’ll be continuing with my new #GrannySays series, and will start back sharing weekly roundup posts from Story Empire and Sally Cronin’s Smorgasbord. I’m not going to continue with #FirstLineFriday for now, though that might return in the future. But I do want to run some special “events” now and then, such as #ExcerptWeek, and a few new things I’m going to fit in here and there.

I’m very much looking forward to resuming these features and adding some new ones, and to finishing my current WIP, Riverbend #4, Working title A Need to Burn, and just may share some excerpts from that, along the way.

And finally, I’d like to thank all of you for your support and encouragement over the last weeks. Our blogging and writing community is the absolute BEST, and I appreciate each and every one of you! 

Stay tuned, my friends, and remember, “Life Finds a Way.” (Recognize that? Hmmm. Maybe a new series for this blog: “Who Said It?” That could be fun!)

Now go forth and live YOUR life! And be sure to stay Safe and Well! (It’s much more enjoyable that way.)

#GrannySays and #CovidUpdate

I’m very happy to let you good folks know that after 4 weeks (ack!) tomorrow, I may be turning a corner. Saturday was a pretty bad day. Symptoms were still qualifying as mild, but they were noticeably worse than they’d been in the preceding weeks. In fact, Mark and I both had clean clothes lying in wait at the foot of the bed in case we had to make a trip to the ER in the middle of the night. (Nothing like being pepared for something to assure that it doesn’t happen, you know.) 😁

Happily, when I woke up Sunday morning, I felt quite a bit better. And Monday, better still. In fact, it was the best day I’d had since this whole thing began last month. For the FIRST time, I made it through the day without multiple naps, too, so even the fatigue issue was improving. Yesterday continued with things still remaining pretty level, and again, no naps necessary! WOOHOO! 🎈✨🎈

I’m not back 100% by any means, but it’s a huge step forward, and I’m looking forward to at least being able to catch up with a few of my favorite blogs. It might be a while longer before I’m able to do all the things I was doing before this wretched virus came along, but I believe someone once said “slow and steady wins the race.” (Thank you, Aesop.) So that’s my plan. Still gonna listen to my body, get plenty of rest, and stay home a bit longer until I’m ready to be tested and cleared for take-off! 😊

Finally, I’d like to thank you all for your support, encouraging emails, and friendship. It has meant the world to me, and I love each and every one of you! 


And with that thought in mind, I’m going to keep on smiling and reminding myself that I could be hospitalized with severe COVID symptoms, instead of the daily mild flu-type stuff going on. Yeah, I’m too tired to do very much, and feel a bit crummy overall. (I mean, even mild COVID is unpleasant and exhausting.) But, I’m still here. And I will get past this! So yep. I’m going to CHOOSE to be happy! It’s that simple.


One Down and One To Go – Let’s Celebrate! #Sale

In celebration of my husband’s remarkable complete recovery from COVID-19, I have made an executive decision! (Alert the Media!) The best way I can think of to share our good fortune with others is to have a BIG SALE, so for at least a week (possibly a bit longer), my entire Wake-Robin Ridge series will be on sale for $.99 per book! Yep. You read correctly. That’s a savings of $2 on Book 1, and $4 on each of Books 2, 3, and 4. (Blame it on Covid Fog, as I’m not over it yet, but even so, I have enough brain power to know how lucky we’ve been so far.)

If you’ve been at all curious about this mildly paranormal series set in the breathtaking splendor of the Blue Ridge Mountains, now is the time to grab some books. Maybe you’ve even wondered who this little boy named Rabbit is and why a ten-year-old mountain boy raised in the wilderness would  garner the lion’s share of attention from my readers. If so, you now have a chance to learn more about him (and his extraordinary abilities) for a ridiculously low price.

If you (like me) are stuck at home quarantining, or just trying to avoid being in many public places right now, reading is a great way to escape for a while. (Reading and writing are recommended by the Alzheimer’s Association as the best ways to stave off loss of brain function, too. TV isn’t even in the top ten! Just sayin’ … )

Hope you’ll consider joining my official Kick COVID in the BACKSIDE celebration by taking advantage of the first ever Complete Series Sale on these books. 

(Mark Kicking the Crap Outta This Stinkin’ Virus)

In the meantime, PLEASE feel free to join the singing, dancing, and general HOOPLA of the celebration going on at the Meara household. (One of us is Hoopla-ing a bit more energetically than the other, but I’m giving it the best I’ve got right now.)


(Please Feel Free to Share the News, Thanks!)
Buy Any  or All of These Books for $.99 each!

Download Wake-Robin Ridge #1 HERE

Download A Boy Named Rabbit HERE

Download Harbinger HERE

Download The Light HERE



And Yet Another #COVID Update

I hate to say it, but it would seem I spoke a bit too soon in my last update. While Mark seems to be completely over this wretched virus, it appears I am not. My original symptoms disappeared, as reported, and I was left with some pretty severe fatigue for a few days, but it looks like the whole thing has circled back around. I’m now experiencing the same symptoms I developed six days after Mark’s positive test, only a wee bit more so. 

Don’t get me wrong. So far, it is NOTHING worse than mild flu-like symptoms, and I have no reason to think that that’s going to change, thanks to the vaccine.

But I’m definitely not quite done with this yet. Yesterday it was sniffles and headaches along with the persistent fatigue. Today, it’s a sore throat. (I’ve had worse cases of both of these things with bad colds.) I suspect the reason Mark kicked his sooner than I’ve managed is two-fold. One is because he’s six-years younger than I and has no other health issues going on, and two is because he got the antibody infusion. In addition to helping keep symptoms mild, that treatment can significantly shorten the duration. 

Bottom line is, while I don’t expect to get any symptoms more dire than what I’m experiencing right now, it’s obviously going to take me a bit longer to fully recover. But FULL RECOVERY is what I’m expecting, and I will settle for nothing less! “So there!” to this CRUMMY COVID CRAP!! (Tacky language apology.)

With that full recovery in mind, I’m still going to listen to my body and REST, REST, REST, as needed. I will not likely be very active on the blog (or anywhere else) for a couple more weeks, though I do have a few things (like the #TenThings posts every other Wednesday) already scheduled for you. I will “Like” comments so you know I’m still alive and kicking here, but will probably limit my own comments, unless I’m feeling a lot perkier.

But be prepared! When I do return, it will be with a lot of hoopla and a celebratory book sale. Or two. 😃 And jokes, and smiley faces, and every happy meme I can find!




Checkin’ In With an #Update

Good News for the most part! Mark’s first week back at work went well, though his energy level is lower than usual, and all of my symptoms are long gone, except for recurring bouts of fatigue, which are getting farther apart and lasting a shorter duration. So, we BOTH seem to be out of the woods, and between the vaccine and having actually had COVID, we now have double protection against future illness. Or so they say. (If you pick up on a wee bit of skepticism there, it’s only because what “they say” seems to change pretty much daily.) But, I do feel incredibly lucky and like we dodged the bullet for the most part, since we’ve both had bad colds that were worse than this turned out to be, thanks to the vaccines. 

I’m hoping to gradually return to a more normal blogging routine by next week, as I don’t want to push myself when I’m still having spells where I have to go lie down for a bit. But never fear. I have some posts already scheduled, including a #GuestDayTuesday post this week and a #TenThings post next Wednesday. I’ll probably have a #ThorsDaySmile post this week, too, as I think we need all the smiles we can get. 

And when I’m “officially back” again, I’ll catch you up on the links to #StoryEmpire and #Smorgasbord posts as well, in case there are any you missed. In the meantime, please stay safe, everybody, and if you’ve been hesitant about getting the vaccine, I heartily recommend you go for it. I’m pretty sure it saved my life. 


That’s all for now, but I’ll be back before you know it.

Update: Giving COVID a KNOCK-OUT Punch Around Here!

Just HAD to take a moment to let you know that Mark is cleared to return to work tomorrow. Yep! He has prevailed! Retest was negative, so there’s ONE down, and one to go. 

As for me, my symptoms are almost totally gone, so I think I’m probably going to prevail, too, though I won’t know for sure until I get tested. I’m waiting the required 10 days quarantine, then will test to be SURE it’s safe for me to get back to giving my wildlife talks. But I’m feeling 99.9% sure I’m going to be okay, too, thanks to having gotten both shots weeks ago. As someone with three strikes against them health-wise, in addition to my age, I have no doubt that without the vaccine, I’d probably have ended up in the hospital, and likely intubated.   If you are hesitant about being vaccinated, I hope you’ll give it more consideration now. It can and does save lives, even if it’s not perfect, yet.

I’m still resting, taking it easy, AND isolating/quarantining here at home, but I feel more and more optimistic every day that I’ll come through this just like Mark has!

Thanks again for all your well wishes, prayers, love, and support! You guys ROCK!

A Very Quick Update

I think I’ll just get the bad news done and over with. Yesterday, I started exhibiting the same mild COVID symptoms Mark had on Friday night/Saturday morning. (I’m not surprised, given that he slept right next to me the night he woke up sick.)

The good news is, I feel better today than I did yesterday, so I’m hoping mine will follow the same route his has. (He’s decided he’s done with being shut inside, and yesterday expanded his quarantine to our fairly large, fenced in back yard, where he proceeded to get his hourly FitBit steps and did some weeding! Don’t worry. He’s not taking his evening walks around the neighborhood, or going anywhere else. )

Since we’ve been quarantined in the same house for six days now, even though in separate areas, and with masks, I think it was inevitable that I’d get this. And since my symptoms are slightly better today than yesterday, I’m going to give this another day or two before deciding what I want to do. If they increase in severity AT ALL, I will make immediate arrangements to get the infusion, though we’re not sure it changed anything for Mark. Still, if I’m not slowly improving, I won’t take a chance, and will get it.

Back to the bad news. I’m going to take ten days off from blogging for the duration of the rest of my quarantine, starting from yesterday, so I’ll be scarce around the blog. Sorry, but I want to conserve my energy while I’m fighting this infection. I do have a Ten Things guest  posts already scheduled for next week. (And every other Wednesday into November), so you can all look forward to that. HOPEFULLY, I’ll feel well enough to comment by then, though I doubt I’ll be originating any new posts for the ten days I’m quarantined.

Just so you know, I plan to beat the living daylights outta this NO MATTER WHAT! I still have way too many things to do yet before I’m ready to quit. 😉 So look for me around August 8, if not sooner. And thanks again for all your wonderful support! I LOVE our blogging community! ❤ ❤ ❤

An Update, and a Some Big News!

Just a quick update to let you know that Mark received the infusion today and is feeling fine. No side effects so far, and the folks who took care of him said this would be a double protection that his symptoms wouldn’t get much worse than they are now, which is negligible. And I’m still fine, too, knock wood.

And now for the really big news. My son, Jason, turned fifty years old today! FIFTY! I was looking through old pictures and came across this one of he and my daughter, Erin, some time ago, quite a few years before either was married or had started a family. Looking at it, it’s hard for me to get my head around the fact that my son is … still choking, here … FIFTY today! Holy guacamole! My how time flies when you’re having fun, eh?

And Jason, in case you’re reading this (not really likely, but you never know)