One Down and One To Go – Let’s Celebrate! #Sale

In celebration of my husband’s remarkable complete recovery from COVID-19, I have made an executive decision! (Alert the Media!) The best way I can think of to share our good fortune with others is to have a BIG SALE, so for at least a week (possibly a bit longer), my entire Wake-Robin Ridge series will be on sale for $.99 per book! Yep. You read correctly. That’s a savings of $2 on Book 1, and $4 on each of Books 2, 3, and 4. (Blame it on Covid Fog, as I’m not over it yet, but even so, I have enough brain power to know how lucky we’ve been so far.)

If you’ve been at all curious about this mildly paranormal series set in the breathtaking splendor of the Blue Ridge Mountains, now is the time to grab some books. Maybe you’ve even wondered who this little boy named Rabbit is and why a ten-year-old mountain boy raised in the wilderness would  garner the lion’s share of attention from my readers. If so, you now have a chance to learn more about him (and his extraordinary abilities) for a ridiculously low price.

If you (like me) are stuck at home quarantining, or just trying to avoid being in many public places right now, reading is a great way to escape for a while. (Reading and writing are recommended by the Alzheimer’s Association as the best ways to stave off loss of brain function, too. TV isn’t even in the top ten! Just sayin’ … )

Hope you’ll consider joining my official Kick COVID in the BACKSIDE celebration by taking advantage of the first ever Complete Series Sale on these books. 

(Mark Kicking the Crap Outta This Stinkin’ Virus)

In the meantime, PLEASE feel free to join the singing, dancing, and general HOOPLA of the celebration going on at the Meara household. (One of us is Hoopla-ing a bit more energetically than the other, but I’m giving it the best I’ve got right now.)


(Please Feel Free to Share the News, Thanks!)
Buy Any  or All of These Books for $.99 each!

Download Wake-Robin Ridge #1 HERE

Download A Boy Named Rabbit HERE

Download Harbinger HERE

Download The Light HERE



36 thoughts on “One Down and One To Go – Let’s Celebrate! #Sale

  1. I think I might have to get My Wake-Robin Ridge books out again and have another ‘fix’ of Rabbit. I know I’m only one of a very large fanclub of his!
    Delighted to see you here and I hope you’ll kick Covid into touch very quickly! (Is that the right expression?!) ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, Trish, And please feel free to pass the word around. (As for that expression, I get your meaning just fine, even though I’ve never heard it before, so thanks for that, too! ) 😀 ❤


  2. Wonderful news. Glad everyone is improving. I shared this a few extra places and hope it drives you some traffic. PS: Where did you get that wonderful graphic of all the covers? I would like to do something similar for one of my series.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Kass. Hopefully this will soon be GONE! And I’m so happy you took advantage of the sale to get the last book in the series. Before you know it, there will be some other goodies coming. (I’m planning a spinoff series called Cole, Cole, and Dupree, and I think it will be fun. Probably novellas, but once I start writing, who knows where it will go? Hope you’ll find The Light a good read! I’ll be interested in your thoughts when you get a chance to check it out. 😊 ❤


  3. I’m so, so happy for both of you. Mark is taking the lead on this race to full recovery, but I’m confident you’ll be running side by side very soon. Blessings and love, Marcia, I’m off to Amazon! ✨✨✨

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Gwen. He’s doing great, and I think the only reason it’s taking me longer is because I didn’t get the antibody infusion like he did. My symptoms are otherwise just the same as his, only not quite ready to depart. But soon, I hope! 😀

      Hope you will enjoy any of the WRR series you decide to buy, though they are best read in order, for sure. (Better understanding of the relationships.) But I so appreciate your taking a look! 🤗 ❤


    • Well, it’s left my husband, anyway. Me, I’m not over it yet, but holding my own with the “mild flu-like” symptoms. Mark’s were gone in 4 days. Mine have been ongoing for 2 weeks, and I’m told I need to quarantine another two before testing to see if I’m finally negative. I have zero energy, along with the sore throat, etc. But it could be much worse, so I’m just hanging in there and letting it run its course.

      So glad to hear you’re interested in checking the books. Hope you can take advantage of the sale. THANKS so much for stopping by! I’m still not back to regular blogging but will keep you updated on my progress here. And when I’m finally over this, you can bet my other series will be going on sale in celebration, too. 😀


    • Thanks so much, Sue, and yes, he does. Hands down, he’s everyone’s favorite. That line, btw, is from his dying Granny who has the gift of The Sight. She’s just told him he must find his way out of the wilderness alone, and that he must look for this man. While it’s the second book in the series, it’s the one that changed the course of events for everything else to come. 🙂 If you decide to check it out, I will be eager to hear your thoughts. And thank you for the compliment on the Emissary crew. They are pretty special to me, too! But Rabbit Rules. 😀 ❤

      And thanks for the well wishes. No better yet, but no worse, so that’s something, anyway. 😀 I’m still here, at least, and I’m NOT giving up on kicking this! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

    • The celebration is really for Mark. He’s over this. But me, I’m not doing as well. Still having congestion, sore throat, and extreme fatigue. Hopefully another week or so will see it gone, before it turns into what they are calling Long Covid, which can last for weeks. *sigh* Hopefully, I’m not going down that road. But I’ll be quarantining until all symptoms are gone and I can test negative. I just wanted to focus on Mark getting well, and the hope it won’t be much longer before I do, too.

      Still, please do keep singing and dancing for him. And crossing your fingers for me. 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Reblogged this on deborahjay and commented:

    Marcia is holding a sale on all books in her Wake-Robin Ridge series – if you haven’t read them yet (and if not, why not?) grab the chance right now – they are fantastic reading: heart-warming, horrifying, scary (in parts) and set in the most awesome scenery.

    Liked by 1 person

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