#ThatDarkestPlace Teaser & Catching Up

That Darkest Place: Riverbend Book 3
Coming January, 2017

Hurricane Matthew clean-up goes on. Mark has taken Monday & Tuesday off to finish up, and I’m digging out from under a ton of emails, and playing catch up on my blogs. Bear with me, if you would. Hopefully, life will be approaching normal very soon.

In the meantime, I’m also trying to write a book! Made this meme a little bit ago, to let folks know it’s coming, even though slightly later than originally scheduled. Would love to have you share, if you have time. Thanks so much!

And a double thank you for being so patient while I’ve been gone. I have one more Excerpt to get out today, and I can put #ExcerptWeek away until next time. So stay tuned, as I get things settled again. THANKS!


Digging Out From Under

Or I Should Be By Thursday, Anyway!

Making slow progress here, but slow progress is better than NO progress, right? I mean, there are tales of tortoises winning races with the slow and steady approach, after all. 😉

Just wanted to let you know that I will be gradually working my way back to my blogs, posting whatever I can squeeze in between the raking and cleaning, etc. And for those of you who were put on hold, #ExcerptWeek will resume on Thursday, giving the last of you exposure right through the weekend. So stay tuned for that.

Going to post a #MondayMeme shortly, just to make me feel like I’ve done at least a small post today,  and then it’s back to work for  me.  Will TRY to post my Tuesday Review on Bookin’ It, tomorrow, too, but no promises.

Have a great, HURRICANE-FREE day today, folks! (I’m enjoying an occasional check with the National Huricane Center, just to watch Matthew die a slow, lingering death. Sorry, Matt . . . you won’t be missed!)

As you were, folks! 🙂


Update on Hurricane Matthew and Us


We’ve worked like crazy, all day long, trying to corral all the garden tools, patio chairs, and terra cotta pots (a/k/a lethal flying missiles) all over the garden, and filling our large containers with drinking water, in case we lose water service, putting fresh batteries in flashlights,lamp oil in oil lamps, and otherwise, getting ready to hunker down and ride out the storm. All day  long, the updates have looked increasingly worse for our area, which has been under a “voluntary evacuation” order. And all day long, I’ve been wondering why the heck we didn’t volunteer.

But, tada! The latest update looks much better for us, so this is the one I’m going with. No matter if it changes later, or not. I like this one best, so I’m sticking with it. We are now showing up in the wind and rain zone, but no longer in the White Cone of Misery. Sadly, the folks along the coast are still in the Red Line of Death and Destruction, but hopefully, they have all left the area, as they were told to do, and will be safe.

You can see that Erin’s home is smack in the middle of that same Red Line of Death and  Destruction. Erin, however, is waaaaay over there to the west, in the panhandle, enjoying the Sunny Beach of Fun and Frolic. Smart, smart Erin. 🙂

I continue to hope Matthew will lurch drunkenly out to sea, as so many do, and Florida’s east coast will be spared. And it would be nice if no trees fall on me and mine during the night, though I suppose it’s too much to ask that we don’t lose power. *sigh* Oh, well. I’ll take what I can get, and be happy to get this storm behind us.

With any luck at all, I’ll be back to check on you in the morning. Wish us well!


It Never Rains But It Pours . . .


. . . and  pours. And pours. We are about to get slammed by Hurricane Matthew, it appears. If the city of Daytona takes a direct hit, as predicted, we are well within the Zone of hurricane force winds and rain. (We are less than 20 miles from there.) Mark is securing the buildings downtown, and we will be battening the hatches here. No mandatory evacuation for us at this point, since we are inland, but we will be getting a ton of rain and wind, most likely. And we are almost certain to lose power. Thank goodness for camping gear and a gas-powered generator. It will let us run the refrigerator and the emergency window a/c in our bedroom.

I will try to get some more excerpts up today, but I have to shop for a few storm supplies, gas up the car, and reschedule the workshop I was going to do on Saturday, first. The venue will likely be closed for storm clean-up.

SO, if I disappear for a couple of days, you’ll know why. And I STILL promise to get all your excerpts up as quickly as I can when I return. They WILL be shared here as soon as Real Life gives me a bit of breathing room.

In the meantime, wish us luck. And my daughter, Erin, too. She is in a mandatory evacuation zone in Charleston, South Carolina, and they are on their way out of town.

Matthew is a very bad boy.