#ThorsDaySmile – #AmLaughing – #Humor

Yesterday, Thor informed me that autumn is his very favorite time of the year, and he was expecting to see some good memes today. Since it’s my favorite time of the  year, too,  I thought I’d indulge him. (Well, that, and the fact that nobody argues with a man garbed in a metal suit and carrying a honkin’ big hammer!)  So, with that in mind, here are some autumn memes for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy! 😀

And last …

Autumn is My Favorite Time of Year!
Enjoy this most beautiful of seasons

49 thoughts on “#ThorsDaySmile – #AmLaughing – #Humor

    • Thanks, Darlene! Yesterday, it did look like fall was on the way, but today started out hot, and now we are under severe wind and tornado alerts. Sigh. Crossing my fingers the weatherman lied (again.) 😁

      Happy Autumn right back atcha, Darlene, and thanks for stopping by. 😀 ❤

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        • Alas, I think you’re right, Darlene. No rolling in heaps of orange & red leaves for us! 😁And thanks for wishing the storm away from us. We’ve had enough storm damage in the last few years to last a good long time, if you ask me. (Especially the tree falling on our house to the tune of $85,000 worth of damage and necessitating a new roof. 😮 I think that should be sufficient, doggone it!)

          Regardless of the weather, hope you have a great (and safe!) day, my friend! 😀 ❤

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    • Hope you are enjoying some lovely autumn weather, Cathy. Ours hasn’t arrived yet, but we do have the fun and excitement of a severe winds and tornado alert to start the day off nicely. (Doh!!!)

      I do think our fall will be arriving before too much longer. Maybe just in time for Christmas!

      Have a great autumn day! 😀 ❤

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      • Autumn hasn’t arrived properly yet, it was very warm at the weekend, now we have continuous rain 😦 but I’m hopeful as cooler temps are forecast. Hope the tornado is a false alarm…it must be hard living with the threat all the time. Have a lovely day 💕💕

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        • I’m a Florida native, born and bred, so you’d think I’d be used to the heat, and the tornados, and the hurricanes … but I hate all of the aforementioned. And if my husband (who’s NOT from all of this) hadn’t objected strenuously, I’d probably have moved somewhere much farther north by now. Oh, well. Not going to do that at this late date, so I just deal with it, and remind myself that when blizzards have frozen cities across the northern states, we’ll be having the most beautiful weather of the year. Florida winters are lovely!! 😊😊😊

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    • I just wish it would GET here, Jeanne! It was 81 when I got up at 7:30, and the predicted high for the day is 86, even with a severe winds/tornado alert. Sheesh!

      Glad you enjoyed today’s selection, and I hope you have a great autumn day! 😀 ❤

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    • I can identify, Vera. It’s going to be in the high 80s here, probably, though with the current forecast warnings of severe winds and tornados, it might not quite make it. I do like to think that we are out of the 90s for the year, but around here, you never know. I’d love a REAL autumn day!

      Glad you enjoyed the post, and I agree about the little guy on the pumpkin. Too adorable not to include! Have a great day (in the a/c)! 😀 ❤

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  1. We’ve had frost on rooftops already here in Ontario, Canada. Today looks like a beauty though. Maybe I will get me a pumpkin spiced latte! I can relate to the girl drinking pumpkin something. I love it!

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    • Wow. I can’t remember the last time we had frost on the rooftops in Florida, Wendy. Possibly the year my son was born. He’s 52 now! 😂 Enjoy your beautiful autumn day, and drink a spiced pumpkin latte for me. Sounds yummy!

      Thanks for stopping by and I’m glad you got a smile or two from Thor’s Fall memes. 😀 ❤


    • Glad you enjoyed them, Gwen, and yep, I’m a believer that one can never have too much of “pumpkin-flavored everything!” Hope you are having some nice fall-ish weather by now, even though we aren’t. Our “highs” are getting lower, though, slowly, slowly, slowly. It might even FEEL like fall by Thanksgiving, if we’re lucky. 😀

      Hope you are having a great day, Gwen, and thanks for stopping by! 😀 ❤


    • I agree, Kymber, even if autumn in Florida often waits till pretty close to Christmas before arriving. Still, I do love those cooler days and the splashes of color everywhere. Maybe not quite as vivid as the splashes farther north, but still pretty, even so.

      Thanks to Thor for suggestion today’s theme, and to you for stopping by to check it out! 😀 ❤


    • Ha! I thought that one was hilarious, too, Debby. Glad you got some laughs, and are getting in the autumn mood. I’m working on it, even with today’s uptick in the temperature. It’s been in the 60s several mornings this week, but today it was already 81 at 7:30am. Urk. STILL … no 90s in sight. (For now.)

      Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a great day! 😀 ❤

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    • I don’t know how anyone can resist it, Denise. Not too hot, not too cold, filled with blazing color and harvest treats. What’s not to like, right? Glad you got some smiles from these, and hope your autumn is filled with magical days! 😀 ❤

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    • Pumpkins started showing up in stores (alongside Halloween costumes, and dried leaves in arrangements) a month ago, despite 93/95 degree temps. I was happy to see them, though it still doesn’t feel very “fallish.” That WILL come, though, and the good part is it will stay mostly that way through the rest of the year and heading into spring. Winters are pretty mild down here, and it’s been a couple of years since our last view of ice in our birdbaths.

      No matter how it works out, there’s always something to enjoy, right? We’ve been having a marsh rabbit show up in our backyard the last week or so, and it is the cutest thing, ever. I’ll have to share a picture one day. And the birdfeeder is having more and more migrating birds showing up as they come down here to avoid the cold. They aren’t very colorful this time of year, but when they head back north in the spring, they are stunning. Especially the goldfinches! So … you look for the beauty in what’s there and revel in it! 😀 ❤

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      • There is a store in our area that immediately starts putting out autumn decorations after July 4th. I always cringe!

        I would love to see a pic of that cute bunny. You’re going to have to try to snap a photo for your blog. And I’m going to miss all the birds in our area when they head toward yours. We have flocks of little birds that hang out in our neighbors hedges. They haven’t left yet, but I imagine it will be soon.

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        • I agree, Mae. July is way too early. Actually, so is August. I’m just so tired of summer by then, the fall things give me hope that change is coming.

          I will share some pics of marsh rabbits one day, compared to cottontails. The only ones I’ve been able to take of ours were through the back porch screen, and aren’t very good. But they are SOOOO cute! And I’ll welcome your “hedge birds” when they arrive down here for the winter. I love watching the migrants come down and then head home again in the spring. 😀 ❤

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    • So glad you enjoyed them, Rae, and I really appreciate your taking a moment to let me know. Hope you are having (or will have, if your weather hasn’t started changing yet) a wonderful fall! Here’s to yellow, orange, and red leaves everywhere you look and lots of pumpkin pie and/or spiced latte! And some nice, cool autumn weather! Yeah, that’s the ticket!

      Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day! 😀 ❤

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    • Glad you enjoyed them, John, and I thought of you when I posted the Texas one. I suspect you folks have a fall that is similar to ours here in Florida, except possibly with lower humidity. I can’t wait for it to REALLY cool off! I’m trying not to complain, though, since this is the first year in quite a few that we never hit triple digits over the summer. That’s major!

      Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a great rest of the week, too! 😀 ❤

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    • Thanks, HHL. Glad you enjoyed the post, and Thor did look a bit less grumpy than usual. I’m counting that as a win! 😂 Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a super rest of the week! 😀 ❤

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