#ThorsdaySmile – #Humor – #AmLaughing

Hurray! It’s ThorsDay, and you know what that means, right? Here come the memes! Hope you find some laughs among them! 

(This would be much funnier to me if it weren’t the absolute truth:)

Started with a spider joke. Figured I should end with one, too.
Sweet Dreams!! 


And that’s it for this #Thorsday!
Some old, some new(ish), but hopefully ALL worth a giggle!

39 thoughts on “#ThorsdaySmile – #Humor – #AmLaughing

  1. Both those spider ones have tapped into my phobia! These are all top of the range funnies – I didn’t spot the assistant branch manager for a while… 🤣

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    • So glad you enjoyed them, Trish, and I had to avert my eyes now and then while adding the spiders. *shiver* Being former dachshund owners and lovers, the branch manager one always makes me laugh. I have to share it again once in a while. Dachshunds have NO IDEA they are small, you know. They’ll take on a rottweiler, if it even looks at them wrong. 😬

      Thanks so much for stopping by to let me know you enjoyed these, Trish! 😊💖

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    • I love the rich woman one, too! And I wondered if anyone else would notice the pie. I have no idea what it means.

      Thanks for stopping by, Priscilla, and I’m glad you found some laughs today! 😀 ❤


    • Me too, Craig. I have to “rerun” them now and then, being an ardent dachshund lover. They are the funniest dogs in the world, and quite possibly the bravest. (Guess they’ve never looked into a mirror!) Glad you enjoyed them, and thanks for stopping by today. 😀

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    • So glad you enjoyed them, Mae, and with four huge cats that shed like mad, I could totally identify with the cat one, too. Around here, cat hair is a fashion accessory! 🙄

      And I’ve actually got the rotary phone one beaten. Not only did we have one (on a PARTY line, no less), but I would have been listening to music on VINYL!! All my old rock and roll records were 45rmp singles, before I’d ever even heard of an 8-track. Now THAT’S old! 😂😂😂

      Thanks for stopping by to let me know you had some laughs to start your day! 😀 ❤

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        • We had 33s and 78s, too, but most of my music was on 45, and my little portable record player had a fatter spindle that fit over the skinny one, just for the 45s.

          My first car didn’t have a radio, so I had a little transistor radio that I hung from the rear view mirror so I could listen to music on the way to the beach. Hadn’t thought about 45s and transistors in a long time! BTW, that black and white tv mentioned? Our first one had a 10″ ROUND screen! It was like looking at programs in a goldfish bowl! Holy Moly that was a LONG time ago!! 😀

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    • They were from an older file, Jeanne, so I’ve run a couple of them before, and of course, others have too. But if it’s really funny, sometimes a repeat isn’t a bad thing. There are bound to be some who haven’t seen them all, and I like taking another look, myself. Glad they still make you laugh, too! Thanks for stopping by to let me know. 😀 ❤

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  2. The first spider joke is ALL ME! Lol! The last one got no laughs from me – I actually cringed. Even a picture of a spider makes me react. Crazy! The husband joke was hilarious. That is going to be one very upset hubby when he gets home. Lol! Thanks for the laughs, Marcia! 🙂

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    • I was gentle on you with the spider memes, Yvette … you should have SEEN some of the MONSTERS in various memes. OMG. I had to avert my eyes, for sure! The husband joke is a real winner, isn’t it? Makes up for the spider torment! 😂

      Thanks for stopping by to let me know you got some laughs! 😀 ❤

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  3. These are hilarious, Marcia. I always look forward to your ThorsdaySmiles. I connected to the spider jokes especially, since I dealt with one last night. Yep, I’m definitely not a fan. Thank you for the morning, laughter. 😂

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    • So glad you enjoyed them, Gwen. Those were the tamest spider memes I could find, and I did think they were funny. True, but funny. 😁

      Glad you got some laughs this morning, and I thank you for stopping by to let me know! Have a great day! 😀 ❤


    • That was a favorite of mine, too, Staci. And the spiders made the cut because we’ve had quite a conversation (after Teri Polen’s 10 Things list) on spiders vs snakes in likability. I HATE spiders, but I thought it would be fun to include those. (And honestly, I was afraid if I put a snake meme up, Teri might have the Big One!) 😂

      Glad you enjoyed most of them, anyway, and thanks for stopping by to let me know! 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    • Happy to have shared them with you, Denise! I’m still chuckling over a couple of them! Thanks so much for stopping by, and here’s to a great Freya’s Day tomorrow! 😀 ❤


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