#ShareAReviewDay – Vampyrie by Tina Frisco

This morning, I’d like to welcome Tina Frisco, who is sharing a review of her book, Vampyrie. I hope you enjoy checking out the review, and sharing on social media. Thanks so much!

on January 14, 2018

I never participated in the vampire reading craze that took over the fantasy genre after the successes of the famous books, “Twilight” or “Interview with the Vampire.” There was always too much blood and lust for my taste. Now upon deeper reflection, I may have missed out on some fascinating stories.

I also never considered the intriguing literary possibilities behind the disease of vampirism. Yet, that is exactly what attracted me to Tina Frisco’s hit novel, Vampyrie.

The protagonist, Phoebe Angelina Delaney is portrayed as a strong compassionate woman with a reputation for facing peril head-on. She is a fierce defender of her friends and loved ones. I immediately connected with Phoebe’s character and loved that she was written like a real person, filled with flaws and fears just like the rest of us.

Why did Phoebe’s father keep their family history a secret? Why did her mother disappear when Phoebe was a child? The story unravels, bit by bit, guiding the reader along on Phoebe’s journey where she must confront the secrets of her past and come to grips with the reality of her true identity. It’s not easy to face the real world when it turns upside down, but Phoebe shows us what’s she made of.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the character, W’Hyani, from one of the author’s prior novels, “Plateau, Beyond the Trees,” play an important role in this novel. The tie-in of characters was a brilliant addition by the author. What W’Hyani brings to this novel is the same thing she brought to the first novel – a sense of hope for the future of humanity; even though the characters find themselves embroiled in the midst of a war that must be won.

“Vampyrie” stands out from other supernatural tales because the vampire theory we have all come to expect has been rewritten with a twist where medical science skillfully revises the history of vampirism. This hypothesis holds a credibility that lends a sense of realism to the story I didn’t expect. It was a great divergence that kept me totally engaged in the mystery.

Yes, there was blood, and fangs, and some gore; but it wouldn’t be a vampire novel without those elements. I can only say I found myself pleasantly surprised when I discovered the fundamental theme of the book bestowed a philosophical message of growth, strength, and change.

If you think you know vampire novels, think again. “Vampyrie” rewrites the stereotypes and character archetypes you’ve come to expect into something fresh and new. I bet even the vampires approve!


What if vampires were not the undead, but rather the dying? What if there were two factions among vampires: the sustained and the unsustainable? And what if those factions were at war with one another over the life of a young woman who promised them a future? Vampyrie brings the myth of the vampire into the realm of possibility.

Phoebe Angelina Delaney is a reluctant genius and compassionate hothead. She finds herself in a pitch-dark underground and doesn’t remember how she got there. Did she drink too much alcohol and wander off in a stupor, or was she kidnapped by a malicious element determined to make her life a living hell?

Sir Michael Alan David is a vampire – an enigma, charismatic and mysterious, who weaves in and out of Phoebe’s life. Does he intend to use his title as a ruse to draw her closer to an unearthly fate, or is he a cloak-and-dagger knight in shining armor?

Too many secrets have been kept for too long. Phoebe must unravel the mystery in order to survive. Two major characters from the author’s first novel, Plateau, join forces with Phoebe to battle the demons in Vampyrie.

Author Tina Frisco

Tina Frisco is an author, singer-songwriter, RN, activist, and student of shamanism. Born in the U.S., she has lived most of her adult life in sunny California. She began writing as soon as she was introduced to a pencil, and has enjoyed performing her music publicly in many different venues. Her publishing history includes book reviews; essays; articles in the field of medicine; short stories; inspirational articles; her children’s book, GABBY AND THE QUADS; and her two novels, PLATEAU and VAMPYRIE. She enjoys writing, reading, music, dancing, arts and crafts, exploring nature, and frequently getting lost in working crossword puzzles.

Buy Vampyrie  HERE

Reach Tina on Social Media here:

Website/Blog ~ https://tinafrisco.com
Amazon ~ https://amzn.to/2JDwjAK
Twitter ~ http://bit.ly/2qtizQB
Facebook ~ http://bit.ly/2bMVUpI
Goodreads ~ http://bit.ly/2qtsuoX
LinkedIn ~ http://bit.ly/2EGIEAK
Google+ ~ http://bit.ly/1Fc1Uzn



75 thoughts on “#ShareAReviewDay – Vampyrie by Tina Frisco

  1. Thanks so much for sharing this great review with us today, Tina. It’s lovely to have you here, and I know folks will enjoy reading about your unusual and entertaining approach to the legend of the vampire. I’m looking forward to reading this one, myself, when time allows. Hope your review gets lots and lots of attention, and folks share it far and wide. Thanks again for joining us!! 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for hosting me, Marcia! It’s so generous of you to give fellow authors a platform on which to promote our work. I appreciate your kind words of support, and, most of all, I appreciate you, my friend ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      • Having you be among the very first writers sharing reviews here is my great pleasure, Tina! And don’t worry. I’ll be tossing in some of MY reviews now and then, too, and hoping you guys will return the favor by sharing them as well. 😀

        And thanks for saying such sweet things about me. (I’m saving them to show my husband later! 😉 ) I just love all the friendships that have come about because of our wonderful online community of writers. Now that’s a truly wonderful thing, isn’t it?! 😀 😀 😀

        Liked by 1 person

    • And back atcha, Teagan! So glad you enjoyed seeing Tina’s review here today. I’m loving having these guests on Tuesdays, and Tina was a real treat. Having been fascinated with vampires since I read Bram Stoker’s Dracula more than 60 years ago, I find new takes on the legend impossible to resist, with or without sparkles. 😀 Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment! 🙂 ❤

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  2. Pingback: Reblog: #ShareAReviewDay – Vampyrie by Tina Frisco | The Write Stuff | TINA FRISCO

  3. What a great review. Colleen has a way of capturing the essence of a book, identifying the themes, and making them personal. I read Plateau and love the presence of soul in Tina’s writing. Interesting to see the character appear in this novel that sounds quite different and intriguing. Congrats to Tina, and thanks for sharing, Marcia. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Marcia, it’s great to see this wonderful review of Tina’s book featured here! It reaches into the depths of Vampyrie and I am now intrigued as Colleen writes: ‘I found myself pleasantly surprised when I discovered the fundamental theme of the book bestowed a philosophical message of growth, strength, and change.’ Praise indeed and a fantastic merging of genres and ideas!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks, Annika. It was my great pleasure to have Tina as a #ShareAReviewDay guest. I’ve already downloaded her book, and really look forward to having time to read it before I’m too old to remember what words are. 😯 😀 (That’s sort of how I feel about writing my own books. Tick-tock, tick-tock. Must get the stories told.)

      I enjoyed Colleen’s review, as well, and hope to keep this feature going for some time, yet. Please stop by often to see what’s new, and thanks for taking the time to comment today! 😀

      Liked by 2 people

        • I think I’m okay with the ticking reminder, because I see too many people around who act like they’ve been signed for a permanent run and have unlimited days & years ahead of them. They don’t seem to realize that time is flying by and their choices are dwindling. Tempus fugit! I say wake up every day thinking, “I’m still here, yay! I have ANOTER CHANCE TO DO IT ALL BETTER!” And then get up and do so. Make better use of every minute, with every person you care about. And get busy doing the things you’ve always wanted to do. Then one day you can smile, knowing you lived your life to the fullest and did as many wonderful and interesting things as you could possibly cram into it.

          Whew. Done now. But that’s my story, an’ I’m stickin’ to it!!! 😀 😀 😀

          Liked by 1 person

          • I agree…get busy living or get busy dying! I’m still throwing the clock in the abyss. The only thing the tick-tock does for me is cause anxiety. I’m opting for heightened awareness with serenity 🙂 ❤️

            Liked by 1 person

            • I’m not gonna say I approach much of anything from a position of serenity, but I do approach it with lots of enthusiasm and a whole bunch of laughter. So, we are different in how we walk the path, but I suspect we are heading in the same direction. And we’ll keep each other company here and there along the journey. 😀 ❤ ❤ ❤

              Liked by 1 person

              • I think we’re much the same in how we walk the path, Marcia. Serenity merely replaces anxiety, and it coexists quite well with enthusiasm and laughter. In fact, I’ve been called to task often throughout life for being too eager and laughing too much. Some people just don’t get the cosmic joke of life. But you do, and it’s one of the things I most appreciate about you ❤️

                Liked by 1 person

                • That’s very nice of you to say, Tina. Yes, I get–or I’m at least AWARE of–the big Cosmic Joke. I can’t say I always understand it, but I know it’s there, for sure. Be seein’ ya on that path! 😀 ❤

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