#MidWeekPOV – Gratitude – #wwwblogs


In today’s crazy, dangerous world, sometimes it’s hard to remember to be grateful for all we have. I know I’m guilty of being upset about the negative things that show up, uninvited, and forgetful of the good things I have around me every day. Even the roof over my head and food on my table puts me in a better place than the majority of people on this planet, and that’s the unvarnished truth.

Every morning when I get up, I do try to remember to be grateful for all I have–family, friends, remarkably good health for someone my age, and a new path in my life that has brought me so much joy. But some mornings are more difficult than others. Getting out of bed stirs up a few aches and pains, and it’s harder to remember to say thank you. And then, you find something like this.

(Completely unretouched or Photoshopped, I swear!)

If a rainbow on your library floor isn’t a “gentle” reminder to express gratitude, I don’t know what is. So today, I simply want to say thank you to everyone who is dear to me, and that includes all my wonderful online friends!

You guys make Life so much better. And you ROCK, too!


13 thoughts on “#MidWeekPOV – Gratitude – #wwwblogs

    • Good. I’m happy it made you stop and think. Messages arrive in interesting ways, if we just open our hearts to them. I have a row of suncatchers hanging in a high window in my library. Some mornings, there are little oval rainbows dancing all over the floor, walls and ceilings, like a Technicolor disco ball. But this was a large splash of color so vivid, it almost didn’t look real. Just as my camera captured. It was NOT possible to ignore. 😀 And happily, it made me take stock, and feel grateful again.

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  1. Back atcha, Marcia! I’m going through a difficult, heartbreaking time right now with a friend. No matter how sad I am, I make an effort every day to be grateful for the blessings in my life. Rainbows often appear after storms, and we must never forget that. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

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    • I’m sorry to hear that, Linda, and I’m sure it is painful for you. It probably also serves to remind you of those blessings you just mentioned. And you are right about rainbows. They always make me feel happy and hopeful. Thanks for taking the time to comment. Wishing YOU rainbows, as well.


  2. Pingback: #MidWeekPOV – Gratitude – #wwwblogs – cherylanne57

  3. Thanks for sharing the rainbow, Marcia! Let it be a symbol of hope for all of us!
    Sometimes we take so many things for granted, unaware of their importance in our life -health, family, friends, our gift of penning thoughts, etc We should start and end our day with a big THANK YOU!

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    • One of the things I love about my library are the dancing rainbows that greet me most mornings. The sun shines through the high, narrow window and hits every crystal hanging there. For an hour or so, it’s just splendid, and a lovely way to start the day. But that great big one blocked out on the floor was simply amazing. Yeah, that’s a message, all right. And I took note! 🙂

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