The #MysteryNovember Book Tour Day 22 – Nell Peters @paegon @AccentPress #SundayBlogShare


Day #22 of the #MysteryNovember tour is upon us, and the bus has picked up author Nell Peters. To learn more about Nell and her books, check the link below, and please remember to share. It’s what we do. 😉 Enjoy!

The #MysteryNovember Book Tour Day 22 – Nell Peters @paegon @AccentPress #SundayBlogShare


The #MysteryNovember Book Tour Day 21 Sam Cheever @samcheever


Here comes that #MysteryNovember tour bus, and today it’s stopping to pick up author Sam Cheever. Learn more about Sam and her work at the link below, and please don’t forget the part about sharing everywhere you can. We’ll do the same for you, when it’s y our turn. 🙂 Enjoy!

The #MysteryNovember Book Tour Day 21 Sam Cheever @samcheever


The #MysteryNovember Book Tour Day 20 Geoffrey West @GeoffreyDWest #FREE download


Happy Freya’s Day, Everyone! Today, the #MysteryNovember tour bus stops to pick up Geoffrey D. West. To learn more about Geoffrey and his books, click the link below. And . . . ready for it? . . . please remember to share far and wide, so others can meet writers new to them, as well. Thanks!

The #MysteryNovember Book Tour Day 20 Geoffrey West @GeoffreyDWest #FREE download


The #MysteryNovember Book Tour Day 17 – William Savage @penandpension


A day late, (me, not the bus) but here’s yesterday’s passenger, author William Savage. Learn more about William and his books at the link below, and then share with the world at large. That’s what we do , here–help each other reach new readers. Thanks, and enjoy!

The #MysteryNovember Book Tour Day 17 – William Savage @penandpension


The #MysteryNovember Book Tour Day 16 @MarciaMeara


Today, the #MysteryNovember tour bus swings by Florida to pick up Guess Who? Me! I hope you’ll stop by Rosie’s site to read more about me, and what I write. Plus, I’d really love it if you would ALL share Rosie’s  post (and this one)  far and wide. I’d VERY much appreciate it, as do all the writers who are being featured this month. Thanks so much, and enjoy reading.

The #MysteryNovember Book Tour Day 16 @MarciaMeara


#MysteryNovember Day 3 – Gordon Bickerstaff


All aboard for today’s episode of Rosie Amber’s #MysteryNovember Tour. The featured author is Gorden Bickerstaff, and you can learn more about him, and his books, at the link below. Please remember to share both this post, and the one linked to below, in order to get the word out to as many folks as possible. Thanks! Enjoy!

#MysteryNovember Day 3 with Gordon Bickerstaff



Meet the Author Tour Today!

Can You See Me Now?

Car’s all packed, and I’m ready to go. As soon as my cover designer, Nicki Forde, gets here, we’re off for an afternoon of fun, wildlife observation, and book talk! What could be better? Thank you to everyone who shared my posts about this event. We have a great group signed up, and I can’t wait to meet them all!

Hopefully, I’ll have some good pictures to share when I get back. Have a great Saturn’s Day, you guys. Oh, and if you’re interested, there are still some openings on Tuesday’s tour, 4/28, 1:30pm.  You can book here: St. Johns River Eco Tours.
