The #MysteryNovember Book Tour Day 22 – Nell Peters @paegon @AccentPress #SundayBlogShare


Day #22 of the #MysteryNovember tour is upon us, and the bus has picked up author Nell Peters. To learn more about Nell and her books, check the link below, and please remember to share. It’s what we do. 😉 Enjoy!

The #MysteryNovember Book Tour Day 22 – Nell Peters @paegon @AccentPress #SundayBlogShare


3 thoughts on “The #MysteryNovember Book Tour Day 22 – Nell Peters @paegon @AccentPress #SundayBlogShare

    • I refuse to upgrade until I have no choice. I don’t trust new systems, much. Sorry yours is frustrating you, Deb, but thanks for sharing, anyway. 🙂 (We are in the middle of taking down our Christmas boxes today. I have 3 days to do my house, then Mark does the outside lights on the Friday after Thanksgiving, then I’m going to be gone to Charleston next week to visit my daughter & family. So, I needed to get a headstart, since I decorate every room. (I have over 300 Santas. Can we say Obsessive Christmas Disorder, Boys & Girls?) 😀 Talk to you soon!


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