
Just a quick note to say thanks to this week’s guests, Jackie Lambert and Kassandra Lamb. I’m sorry I was unable to respond to all the lovely comments, but we have been busy every day cleaning up debris from Hurricane Ian. It’s been a long, hard week, but we’ve made substantial progress, and really appreciate your understanding and support. I’m hoping I’ll have more time to be here next week, even though I have no more guests scheduled through year’s end. But I do still have a few little surprises tucked in here and there through Christmas, along with my regular #GrannySays and #ThorsDaySmile posts.Ā 

I’m hoping by slowing down a bit over the next couple of months I can finally kick Long COVID and return to both blogging and writing at my usual pace. We’ll see how that goes. Meanwhile, I’m so grateful for each and every one of you who has sent me well wishes, and who’ve been so wonderful about commenting on our guest posts. You guys ROCK!!!

While I’m away, I’ve scheduled a few of my most beloved poems from days gone by here and there, and hope you’ll enjoy reading (or re-reading) some of them. Also, I have a couple of new series in mind for 2023, and of course I’ll be putting out a call for guests posts come January. In the meantime, I’m always available via email if you have questions of any kind!


12 thoughts on “#ThankYou!

    • Thank you so much, Harmony! Me, too, as I’ve really missed being as active as I normally like to be. Plus, I’d kinda like to finish my two WIPS one of these days, too! We’ll see how that goes. I won’t be completely absent, but definitely will be spending more time writing than blogging for the remainder of the year. (At least that’s the plan.) Hope you are doing well, and that you have a great weekend! šŸ¤—šŸ’–šŸ¤—

      Liked by 2 people

  1. I know you can’t settle to anything until the house and garden are safe and sorted but do stop when tired. Long Covid is no joke. It also makes sense to give your system time and space to heal properly so that you can get back to the things that you love – especially the writing. As someone recently famous said “Let it go!” and allow yourself time to just ‘be’ before you get back on the treadmill. ā¤ ā¤ ā¤

    Liked by 2 people

    • Good advice, Trish! And that’s my goal for the rest of the year. Also, Mark is doing the bulk of the clean up work. I can only stay outside in our heat 15 minutes or so at a go, even when I’m feeling well. So I break my tasks into small bites, and then come inside and do things that aren’t as physical. I still get a lot done, but it’s spread out over the whole day that way.

      What I miss most is not having enough time to check out all my favorite blogs, but I still try to “Like” and share when I have a few minutes here or there. Still, all things considered, we’ve been lucky and I’m doing okay with taking it one day at a time. And I definitely won’t disappear off the face of the earth while I’m on my “Officially Sanctioned Slow Down.” šŸ˜

      Thanks for stopping by this morning, and for your steadfast friendship! (One of the HUGE blessings of technology!) Have a great weekend! šŸ¤—šŸ’–šŸ¤—

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much, Sally. Believe it or not, I AM pacing myself. I guess I’m just used to doing so many things at once than even when I cut back, there’s still a lot going on. But by next week, I’ll pretty much be caught up on blogging and have the few posts I want to share for the rest of the year already scheduled, so I wont have to do much with that, and can hopefully do a bit of writing. OR just relax. Whichever works better on any given day.

      Hope all is well with you, my friend? And thanks for stopping by! šŸ˜€ ā¤

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, Traci! The worst of the clean up is done, though Mark does have to get up on the roof today and blow off the last of the debris. And our pond needs to be cleaned out, too. But we’ve made good progress on that.

      Long Covid is still being a pain (literally) as episodes come and go, but I still think they’re getting farther apart. (I really should track them on the calendar so I can better discuss my progress with my doctor, but I think I’m afraid to find out for sure if it’s really improving.)

      Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a great weekend!
      šŸ˜€ ā¤


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