#HurricaneIan – #LatestUpdate

Ian is slamming the holy heck out of southwest Florida, and things are looking grim. Over 1.1 million without power (with more coming), and terrible storm surges. It’s very sad!

For us, a bit of good news. I mistakenly posted the maps for the Tropical Storm winds percentages earlier, instead of the  ones for hurricane force winds. Now that I’ve taken a look at the correct map, I see that our odds for the hurricane winds are lower, plus, the storm will likely decrease as it moves north. So we might be dealing with tropical storm winds here in Seminole County. That’s still a miserable mess with plenty of opportunities for damage, but much less dangerous than a Category 4 hurricane, which is what Ian is right now as it pounds Naples, Cape Coral, and the nearby islands. (We are sitting on the cusp between brown and orange so 60% chance of hurricane strength winds, instead of 90%.)

Again, the worst things about this storm are 1) the astonishing size (it covers the entire width of the Florida peninsula), 2)the flood surges it’s causing along the coastline, and 3) the fact that it is moving so slowly. (That gives it longer to slam the heck out of every mile it covers.

It has rained all day today with some heavier gusts of wind in the last hour or so, and only time will tell what’s ahead. But I’m feeling better that the correct map says we are not as likely to get the full hurricane up here as I’d originally thought. Maybe I’ll get some sleep tonight, after all! 

9 thoughts on “#HurricaneIan – #LatestUpdate

  1. Thank you for your continued first person updates and great safety tips. Your accounts reveal the extreme anxiety severe storms can cause and give more reasons why it’s such a tragedy. I pray for the weather-weary Floridians who are gritting their teeth through it all.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Holy crap Marsh. Hoping you’re okay. Update us when you can. Just saw the map of the storm on TV. Pummeled the west coast and now circling the Atlantic around northern Florida. Stay safe! ❤


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