#TenThingsYouMayNotKnow – About #TeriPolen

Today,  one of my favorite bloggers and writers is our special guest, and I know you’ll all make her feel at home here on The Write Stuff. (I will, too, in spite of the #1 item on her list! 😋) So please join me in saying welcome to Teri Polen! Teri, the floor is yours!


Ten Things You May Not Know About Me
by Teri Polen

Thanks so much for hosting me on Ten Things, Marcia! 

  1. I hate snakes (I know Marcia has a different opinion, but I still consider her a friend). I’ll take rats, mice, spiders, insects, etc. any day and have been known to usher some of them out of the house/garage. When my sister and I were children and playing with our dog, we hid from him in a tall lilac bush.  I glanced down and saw the glistening of snakeskin in the sun, shoved her to the side, and took off.  I did a similar thing to a friend when we had the crazy idea to build a tree house.  It’s every man for himself if you’re with me and a snake shows up.  I will not rescue you.
  2. My earliest memory is being in a walker as a baby and getting stuck underneath a television. It was the kind with long legs (from the 60s), and I somehow managed to wedge myself underneath it and couldn’t move my head.  My parents confirmed the story, but swore I was too young to remember that experience until I described it in detail.  To this day I’m claustrophobic. 
  3. I’ve bungee jumped (it was awesome), ziplined (my activity choice for Mother’s Day a few years ago), and tried to scuba dive, but the aforementioned claustrophobia nixed that plan. Skydiving is on the bucket list.
  4. You don’t want to vacation with us. Hubby and I took a cruise that was extended by a few days when Hurricane Andrew hit in the early 90s.  The ship sat off the coast of Cuba to wait it out.  We’ve spent a week in Hawaii when temps never rose above 50 degrees.  Same during a SC beach vacation in the middle of June.  We had a lovely time in Napa one year and thought the curse was over – then had an emergency plane landing during our trip home when the landing gear sensor malfunctioned.  There was no guarantee it would descend.  Seeing a line of firetrucks and ambulances lined up along the runway when you land is pretty unnerving.
  5. Several years ago (when video stores were still a thing) I accurately predicted the winners in every major Oscar category and won a free year of movie rentals. Sadly, I’ve played the lottery and bet on horses and failed epically.
  6. I’ve been to more KISS concerts than I can remember and saw Gene Simmons at a record store a few hours before a concert.
  7. I played flute and piccolo for high school marching band. These days I’m not a half bad drummer at the easy/medium level on Rock Band.
  8. I was questioned by the FBI during college. Something about the boyfriend of one of my roommates, the disappearance of some guy, and an abandoned car at the Pittsburgh airport.  To this day, I still don’t know the whole story.
  9. I’m not a superstitious person. After learning black cats are the last to be adopted at shelters, I’ve always chosen them, and they’re the most loving and appreciative furry friends.  My youngest son was a planned C-section, and I was allowed to select the date.  He was born on Friday the 13th  and is quite proud of it.
  10. Friends who have known me for years are shocked when they learn I was a cheerleader and majorette in school. I’m not a perky type of person.  Snarky is a more apt description.


If a megalomaniac threatened your family, would you give up your freedom for them? Would you give up your soul?

Asher Solomon is faced with that choice. And makes the ultimate sacrifice.

Exactly as Director Silas Reeves expected him to.

Unable to live as the Colony’s premier assassin, Ash retreats to a corner of his mind, ceding control of his body to the alter-ego he was engineered to be—Subject A36. As he’s unleashed to battle the Insurgents, the only family he ever knew, the tide of war shifts in Silas’s favor.

Combined with his expansion into new territories, the director is poised to take over the world.

But the Insurgents don’t give up easily. Not on their cause, and not on their people. With the help of a few double agents deep in the Colony, they stand a fighting chance at ending Silas’s reign.

In order to shut down the program, they face almost insurmountable odds. And their most dangerous foe—their former champion turned killing machine, A36.

Pre-order  The Insurgent HERE

Teri Polen reads and watches horror, sci-fi, and fantasy.  The Walking Dead, Harry Potter, and anything Marvel-related are likely to cause fangirl delirium.  She lives in Bowling Green, KY with her husband, sons, and black cat.  Her first novel, Sarah, was a horror finalist in the 2017 Next Generation Indie Book Awards.  Subject A36 was voted one of the 50 Best Indie Books of 2020 at ReadFree.ly.  Visit her online at www.teripolen.com

You can reach Teri on Social Media HERE:

Author Page:  https://www.amazon.com/Teri-Polen/e/B01MYOUA6V
Website:  https://teripolen.com/
Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/TeriPolenAuthor/
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/TPolen6
Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/16114393.Teri_Polen
Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/tpolen6/




107 thoughts on “#TenThingsYouMayNotKnow – About #TeriPolen

  1. Some pretty adventurous activities there Teri. When you go skydiving, we will want GoPro footage!

    It’s funny how we change over the years.
    I was a gymnast in school and people are openly shocked when they try to picture 17 stone me doing that kind of stuff. I can still do most of it… I’m just not as graceful as I once was.

    And I’ve always had black cats for as long as I can remember. We had 3 growing up. I was the only one who could tell the difference.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I love that you can still do your gymnastics, RG. I used be wild about dancing, but these days, it’s not a pretty sight. (And I’d probably pass out from the exertion, too.) Good for you! Yay on the black cats, too. (Of course, I’ve never … in all my 78 years … lived in a single house that didn’t have cats, and I pretty much love them all.)

      So glad you enjoyed Teri’s Ten Things list, and thank you for taking the time to comment. I’m sorry I was late finding the “waiting for approval” message, but you are now good to go on this blog any time you like. I’m sure Teri will enjoy your comments too! Have a great day! 😀 (BTW, I love your gorgeous Dalmatian, too! 😊)

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Marcia. Thank you for your reply and approval.
        Dancing keeps us young at heart.
        It’s a great article. It’s nice to know we are all slightly mad.

        That’s my spotty friend named Stripes.
        He’s a handful but

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        • Oh, I love naming a Dal Stripes! That would make me smile every time I looked at him. They are such loving dogs. My daughter had one, and while they were never meant to be apartment dogs, she had him a long time, and he was adorably goofy. When he wasn’t eating her shoes, that is. 😄

          Nice to meet you, and hope to see you around! 😀


    • I’ll absolutely provide footage when it happens, RG! That’s awesome you can still do most of the gymnastics. I could do a couple things, but backbends are absolutely out, lol – as is the gracefulness. Sounds like you were destined to have black cats. Aren’t they just the best?

      Liked by 2 people

      • I’ve done a few jumps in my time. I always say, it’s the 2nd jump that frightens people more… because you know what you’re in for haha.

        Unfortunately, my wife is allergic to cats. Eye-watering, wheezing, sniffing kind of allergic. Probably why my mother has so many.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Well, that was a ton of fun. Teri, I learned so much about you from this post. I definitely don’t think I’d want to vacay with you and your hubs (sorry). YIKES! You’ve really had some experiences.
    I’m with Marcia on the snakes (they don’t bother me), but most insects freak me out. I’ve been known to scream if something nasty lands on me.
    Love black cats, which you know. Raven sends a paw-bump to Bond! 🙂

    Thanks for sharing, Marcia. I really enjoyed this.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Yep – most folks avoid traveling with us, and for good reason, Mae, lol. We’re thinking we might be responsible for Covid. After talking about it for years, we were about to book a trip to Italy – and then the pandemic happened. Bond sends a paw-bump back to Raven!

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    • Really glad you enjoyed Teri’s list, Mae, but then, I knew you would. And I’m glad you understand the truth about snakes vs spiders! (Years ago I told a date that anything with eight hairy legs was too awful to think about, and he wanted to know if that ruled out group sex! Hahahahahahahaha.)

      As for black cats, Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden is a lovely black tuxedo cat, and over the years, I’ve had several other black cats, too. So I’m with you and Teri on that one all the way. (Of course, over the years, we’ve also had yellow tabbies, a calico or two, tortoiseshells, a long-haired gray and white polydactyl, and so many more. Cats rule.)

      Thanks so much for stopping by and taking time to let us know you enjoyed the post, Mae. Have a great day! 😀 ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I can see why she’s one of your faves, Marcia! This list is fantastic! I have no issues with snakes, but don’t let a spider anywhere near me. Lol! I read a book about a woman who could remember memories from inside the womb (true story). It was fascinating. So, I believe you when you say you remember such a traumatic experience as a baby. I’m sorry it’s keeping you from scuba diving because the experience is breath-taking. I,too, want to sky dive one day; I’m just waiting for my son to be independent. Can’t risk becoming an ink blot until then. 😉 I loved getting to know you, Terri! (Oh, and your book sounds interesting! I’m going to look at the first one in the series now.) 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    • I’d love to scuba dive, but I’ve settled for snorkeling, Yvette, and I’m okay with that. How fascinating to remember something from the womb! I guess it would be warm, dark, and floaty? Hope you get a chance to skydive. When we lived in SC, I called the local place a few times, but no one ever answered the phone, but I’m not giving up. Thanks for dropping by and checking out my Colony series!

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    • I’m with you, Yvette, (as you probably know) on the snakes vs spider things, but there’s not enough money in the world to get me to sky-dive. And scuba diving or snorkeling’s not on my To Do list, either. I don’t like heights OR swimming with things that are bigger than I am and have sharp, pointy teeth. (I want my canoe between me and big things that bite at all times!) 😂

      So glad you enjoyed Teri’s list, Yvette, and thanks so much for taking the time to let us know. 😀 ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Ten great bits of information from Teri. The holiday curse is impressive and I’m with Mae, Yvette and Marcia on the snakes vs spiders front! To be questioned by the FBI sounds exciting and would make a great start to a novel… Many thanks for this series, Marcia – I’m loving it! 😀 ❤

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    • When a neighbor told me she saw a snake go from her yard to mine, I texted my hubby and told him we had to move, Alex, lol. We didn’t, but I stayed out of the yard for quite a while. You’re right about that FBI experience being a great start – it just might show up in a future book!

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    • I knew you’d love Teri’s post, Trish! (And I’m glad you understand that things with NO legs are good, and things with EIGHT hairy ones, not so much so. 😂) I loved the mystery about the FBI visit, too, and I think you’re right that it could be a prologue to a great suspense story!

      So glad you are enjoying the TenThings series, and I can’t wait to have YOU join us. In the meantime, thanks so much for stopping by today for Teri’s list and taking a moment to say hello! 😊💖

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Loved getting to know more about you. I love black cats as well. (Have a solid black cat and a Tuxedo cat.) And I’m not superstitious at all!

    We differ in that I’ll take a snake over a spider. (There is not enough room in my house for even the tiniest of those creepy things.)

    I’ll pass on taking a vacation with you! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Love seeing pics of your cats on Instagram, Joan – black cats and tuxedos are the absolute best furry friends. I’m amazed at how many people are okay with snakes, but hate spiders. Funny how something with no legs freaks me out, but a creature with eight isn’t a bother, lol.

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    • Okay, so that’s four on Team Snake, and … TERI on Team Spider … 😂😂😂 I love it! 😁 But how nice that we all agree that black cats are just fine! One of our current four is a handsome tuxedo cat named Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. He’s the sweetest boy. (11 years old)

      Thanks for stopping by this morning, Joan, and taking a few minutes to say hello. (And weigh in on Team Snake! 😉) Have a great day! 😀 ❤

      Liked by 2 people

        • I remember that, and I’m glad you survived. Something like 93% of all snake bites occur when people are trying to catch them … or kill them. Thankfully, the handle on your hoe must have been long enough to keep you back from its considerable strike zone. 😊 Usually, the better option is to back away slowly so the snake will leave. But you got rid of the snake and lived to tell the tale, so it’s all good. 😊

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  6. Lovely to learn more about Teri, and—no—I definitely won’t ever get on a train, plane, boat, bungee cord, etc., with her or her hubby!! 🤪

    I detest spiders in every iteration. Lizards I can cope with. I’m not sure about snakes. I can watch them on TV or through glass but would never want to hold one.

    Wonderful ten things, Teri and Marcia. Thanks for sharing … I, er, needed the laughs! 💕🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Claustrophobic and loves ziplines? Oh yeah, Teri’s gonna have a blast when she gets to go skydiving. How interesting about her baby memory! I guess it was so odd and emotional that it stuck in her developing brain. Fabulous 10 Things!

    Liked by 4 people

    • The openness of ziplines and skydiving works for me. The thought of being in a position where I can’t move my body is the worst. Just thinking about being pinned under something steals my breath, Priscilla. All because of that stupid TV and my curiosity, lol.

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    • I hope she does get a chance and that she enjoys it. Ziplining, skydiving, rock climbing, etc, are not for me, but I know many folks truly love it, and I’m sure Teri would. She’s pretty adventuresome, huh? And yes to the amazing baby memory thing! I can remember something that happened at age 3, but that’s the earliest memory I have, I think.

      Thanks so much for stopping by, Priscilla, and taking a few minutes to say hello. Glad you enjoyed Teri’s TenThings list! Have a great day! 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Nice to meet you, Teri! Yeah, I think I might avoid going on vacation with you 😁 I have a friend who is on friendly terms with some of the members of KISS and even got to take his young daughter backstage to meet them after a concert for her birthday a couple of years ago. Needless to say, she was thrilled. And I’m glad you are a black cat lover. I’m not that superstitious either and was proud to have been owned by a black cat. I’ve even told people that if I was superstitious I wouldn’t have Shadow.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I would have been thrilled to meet the members of KISS – how awesome for your friend’s daughter! Paul Stanley was at our local library several years ago after releasing his book. I’d hoped to meet him, but my signing line number was in the 300s and he was spending quite a bit of time with each person – a wonderful thing, but I wouldn’t have gotten out of there for hours. I settled on taking a pic of him from a distance. Shadow was the name of one of my cats, and he was certainly a special one. Thanks for dropping by Marcia’s today!

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    • The not vacationing with Teri thing sounds like a good idea, Jeanne. Unless you really like it when things don’t go according to plan and bad stuff happens. Urk! And yay for another black cat lover! Of course, we have more than just black ones around here, but those tuxedo cats are especially charming.

      Glad you enjoyed Teri’s Ten Things list, my friend, and thanks so much for stopping by to let us know! 😀 ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  9. Nice to learn more about Teri. I, too, love black cats. Had several when I was growing up, and when I started volunteering for a rescue group, I was shocked to learn they’re the last to be adopted.
    Bungee jumping and sky diving are not on my bucket list. I would like to zipline, though.

    Liked by 3 people

    • It broke my heart when I learned about the adoption rate for black cats, Sharon, and I’ve encouraged several friends to give them a chance. One of my black cats even gave me the idea for my first book, Sarah! Hope you get a chance to try ziplining. When a local place ten minutes from my house opened one, it seemed like fate. It just reopened after Covid and I’m ready to go again!


    • Looks like black cats are winners today, all around! And I agree with you about bungee jumping and sky diving, but I’d also include ziplining. I’m not up for ANY of those. I would gladly take you canoeing on a Florida river with alligators basking along the shores, though. 😁

      Thanks for stopping by today, Sharon, and I’m glad you enjoyed Teri’s Ten Things list! 😀 ❤

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  10. Reblogged this on Books and Such and commented:
    I’m a guest over at Marcia Meara’s blog today for Ten Things You May Not Know About Me where I talk about snakes, KISS, vacations, etc. Hope you can drop by! While you’re visiting make sure to check out Marcia’s books. I highly recommend her Wake Robin Ridge series. Her character, Rabbit, has stolen quite a few hearts!

    Liked by 2 people

    • It’s wonderful having you here today, Teri. I overslept a wee bit and am off to a late start here, but your List has generated a lot of chatting, as I knew it would. I love that! And thanks for sharing the post over on Books and Such. Hope lots of your followers stop by to see what you have to say. And finally, thank you so much for your kind words about WRR and Rabbit. He’s near and dear to my heart, and I’m so glad you love him too!

      Now I’m off to fix a cup of Earl Grey and settle down to enjoy all the comments. Thanks so much for taking part in the Ten Things list series! My black racers and garter snakes are thrilled to know you’re in the house! 😂😂😂

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        • I enjoyed the heck outta that Earl Grey. Twice! 😄 And I do believe this is my favorite series I’ve ever run. I’m not planning to retire it any time soon. So much we can share with each other, and so many fun things to chat about! It’s all a treat! 😀 ❤


  11. What a great Ten Things! Teri’s adventurous spirit shines through beautifully. I share her dislike for snakes. There were plenty of them growing up in the CA desert, and none I could call a friend. 😊

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    • Finally someone is on my side about snakes! They’re just unnatural (says the person who loves reading about anything paranormal and supernatural, lol). If I’d grown up in the CA desert, I’d never have gone outside, Gwen.

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    • Awww, I’m sorry you don’t like snakes, Gwen. They are always welcome in my garden as they eat things that carry diseases (they don’t), and I find them graceful and beautiful. My most popular wildlife talk is one I cleverly entitled For Goodness Snakes! and I do it every year at each venue. But, at least now Teri has some anti-snake company today. 😉 I was beginning to think she was the only one. 😄

      So glad you enjoyed Teri’s list, though, and thanks so much for taking the time to let us know! Have a great day, my friend! 😀 ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  12. Wonderful to learn more about Teri. My family has some similar situations but none of them relate directly to me. They used to call my father “Hurricane” Al for his fishing trips. My brother and I went to a Kiss concert, while my mother took two little nieces to see New Kids. It was mom who got to ride the elevator with Gene Simmons, and they had a funny misunderstanding about the concert.

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  13. A fabulous post. Loved learning more about Teri and am not surprised she enjoys extreme sports. I have also had black cats and loved them to bits. We always kept them inside on Halloween. My son was a huge KISS fan and one Halloween he and 3 friends went as the band. I made the costumes and did the makeup. So much fun. Lucky you to have seen them perform, Teri.

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    • So glad you enjoyed Teri’s post, Darlene! And yay for being another black cat lover, too. Wow to making those costumes for your son and friends! That’s majorly cool!

      Thanks for stopping by today and letting us know you enjoyed Teri’s Ten Things list, plus sharing with us, too! Have a great day! 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    • Our cats have never been outdoor cats, but I wouldn’t even allow either of them on the screened porch on Halloween, Darlene. Call me overprotective, but there are some crazy folks out there. I love that your son and friends dressed up as KISS! My oldest did on his own one year, and I had a fantastic time doing his makeup.

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      • I’m with you, Teri. My cats have never been outdoor cats, not even years and years (decades) ago. I read not too long ago that the average life expectancy of an outdoor cat was 2 years, and if I’d ever doubted whether keeping them inside was the right way to go, I sure stopped then. Now, we live on a kind of busy corner, and I’d have cardiac arrest if one of my babies got loose. 😲


  14. It was great to learn more about Teri. I’m okay with snakes. The mammoth water bugs, roaches, palmetto bugs…whatever you want to call them that appear out of no where at the day job are what freak me out. Ugh! They are so gross. I can definitely picture you as a cheerleader, Teri! Thanks for sharing, Marcia!

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    • I can’t believe there are so many pro-snake people out there, Jan, lol. If hubby or I saw one, we’d be knocking each other out of the way to get away from it. I have no idea why, but insects have never bothered me. When I was younger I even caught caterpillars and tried to keep them as pets. They escaped, of course.

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    • I come from a very small town (only 72 in our graduating class), and there weren’t many things for girls to be involved in (not even clubs), so I participated in what was offered. Now? I can’t imagine how I did it, lol.

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      • Wow. I thought I lived in a small town. (Well, I do.) But our school district was huge. Graduating classes were around 400 back then.

        My kids had around 100 in their graduating classes. But now you’re talking rural areas across a big spread. They didn’t have the same number of activities I had to choose from, but they had a decent amount. More than you, it sounds like.

        I can still see you as a cheerleader. It’s the smile. You have a very warm smile.

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    • My pleasure to have Teri here today, Staci. Sorry I’m late replying. Spectrum went down for over two hours and I’m still digging myself out from under all the email that showed up during that time. Doh! But I’m really glad you enjoyed Teri’s post, and thanks so much for stopping by to let us know. 😀 ❤

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    • Great point on the FBI thing, Janet! I’d have been arrested on the spot just because of that guilty look. (It used to get me in trouble as a kid for things my brother had actually done. He could pull off the “not me” expression much better than I could!)

      Thanks for stopping by and taking a moment to comment on Teri’s fabulous post. So glad you enjoyed it. 😀 ❤

      Liked by 2 people

    • Strangely enough having the FBI visit didn’t have much of an effect on me at the time, Janet. Now I look back and wonder what the heck was going on with my roommate’s boyfriend. He was always a secretive person. My first wasn’t a planned C-section, but turned into one. When my doc asked if I wanted to plan the second, I jumped at the chance!

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  15. What a great list, Teri 🙂 I want to sky dive too. I still have ziplining on my list but passed last time with the lengthy walk and a touchy back. I’d loved to suba dive but so far have only snorkled 🙂 Snakes don’t bother me unless they are rattle snakes and I hear that rattle. I have no desire to have one as a per though. Amazing you can remember so far back and know where your claustrophobia came from. I love black cats too and have two of them. They have very unique personalities 🙂 Wow, that is some bad (or maybe good since you survived?) on vacations! We avoided the hurricane on Kauai because I got sick and canceled.
    Thanks for sharing this, Marcia!

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    • Maybe we can skydive together, Denise! With a touchy back, I don’t blame you for skipping ziplining. Backs can be tricky and problems may last a lifetime. Gwen seems to be my only ally here when it comes to snakes. I just don’t get it, lol. And black cats are the absolute best! You’re certainly right about their personalities. I’ve known lots of cats, but never any quite like my black ones. I just booked a beach vacation a couple weeks ago for August, so if you hear of any hurricanes on the east coast that month, you’ll know where to find me.

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      • Don’t worry, Teri … I can fix you up good as new. Just stare into my snake’s eyes … keeeeep staring … that’s it. Now. Don’t you feel all warm and happy inside, and ready to love this harmless little garter snake????


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    • So glad you enjoyed Teri’s post, Denise. I knew you would! It’s a goodie, for sure. And don’t worry. I don’t keep snakes as pets, though I’d love to have one. But mostly, they don’t make Snake Chow and you need to feel them live prey. (At least that was the way of it back when I last checked.) Now, I might love snakes, but no way could I drop a live mousie in the cage and watch it sit there shaking all over while the snake decided if it was hungry or not. Pretty soon, I’d snatch it out of there, and then I’d have a tank full of rescue mice, along with some really hungry little snakes. 😯 Nope. That wouldn’t work. But when I was a docent at our local zoo, my job was to carry a snake (usually a ball python) draped over my shoulders and walk through the zoo, letting people pet it and answering questions. I loved that job!

      Thanks so much for stopping by today! I’m so happy you had fun reading Teri’s list! 😀 ❤


  16. Fun learning more about you, Teri! Love our kitties to pieces… One Black, one Maine Coon. They’re the Cat’s mee-owws and then some. Also, snakes are a bit NO-NO for me. I scream and the cats come to chase them away. Happy adventuring, my friend!

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  17. An interesting top ten list, Teri. You are brave to consider skydiving. I’ll take a snake any day over jumping out of an airplane. I had to laugh out loud at your vacation curses. 🙂 It’s great to learn more about you. Thank you, Marcia, for sharing these!

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    • Thanks, Jan! A snake on the plane sure would make me jump faster, lol. We’ve definitely had our share of vacation disasters. I also remember a flight we were nearly bumped from because someone in California cancelled our reservation – and we don’t even know anyone from that state. Thanks for visiting!

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    • You and me, both … TEN snakes, at once, over jumping out of a plane that isn’t going down in flames or something. And you’re welcome, Jan. It was a pleasure to have Teri here on TWS! Thanks for stopping by! 😀 ❤

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  18. Fun series, Marcia. I don’t know Teri, but I immediately felt a kinship with her feelings about snakes. They are the only living thing that gives me the creeps. Once when I was baling hay, I had the ultimate nightmare. I lifted a bale, and a snake that had got trapped was dangling in my face. Talk about the ultimate freakout moment.

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    • Sorry you were scared, Pete, but I’d wager the snake was even MORE so. They do not like people and truly just want to get away as fast as they can. Poor guy. Um … okay, poor you, too, for being so frightened. 😀

      You may want to skip vacationing in Florida. We have 35 species of snakes in central Florida alone, and in my talk (“For Goodness Snakes!”) I give four EASY-PEASY tips to immediately recognize the only four of the 35 that are harmful to humans. That way, when you spot one of the other 31 species, even if you don’t like them, at least you don’t have to worry that your life is in danger. 😂

      Glad you enjoyed Teri’s post, though! ❤


  19. Teri,
    I enjoyed reading your 10 items. Although I’m not terrified of snakes, I prefer not to be around them. You’re braver than me when it comes to bungee jumping although I find zip-lining exhilarating. Yikes, I’d say your vacation karma needs some work. I chuckled with your lack of superstition, yet choosing Friday the 13th for your son’s birth. I was born on the 13th, a Wednesday, and I’ve always considered it good luck. Like you, I was a cheerleader, but more so because athletic opportunities were so limited for females back in the day. Any way, it was fun to read your list. Wishing you all the best with your writing endeavors, Suzanne

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    • So glad you enjoyed reading Teri’s Ten Things list, Suzy! I thought it was a really good one, in spite of that ONE TEENSY-TINY LITTLE character flaw she has regarding snakes. 😂 I forgive her because otherwise, she’s a great friend and supporter of other writers and bloggers. Plus she does this Halloween thing every October that’s super fun (Bad Moon Rising), so I’ll just close my eyes when she’s bad-mouthing one of my favorite animals on the planet. *snort!!* 😂😂😂

      Thanks so much for stopping by and taking a moment to comment, too! 😀 ❤


  20. Great list, Teri! (Hi!) You know I’m going to have to comment on the spider/snake thing – snakes have no legs! They can’t run after you! (lol) You’re more adventurous than me as far as skydiving/bungee jumping goes. Anyway, I really enjoyed learning more. Thanks to Teri AND Marcia!

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  21. HI Marcia, what a great post and such fun to learn these interesting things about Teri. Traumatic events can be remembered by toddlers. I was chatting to Greg one day and his operations as a toddler came up. I was horrified at the details he remembered even the smell of the anesthetic gas – strawberries. I have never discussed those operations with him before as they are very traumatic memories for me too so I know he isn’t remembering things I’ve told him.

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    • Glad you enjoyed Teri’s post, Robbie! And I have some very clear memories of a few things that happened when I was very young, too. (Of course, these days I can’t remember what I had for dinner the night before, so it all balances out, I guess. 😁) The mind is such an interesting place, isn’t it?

      Thanks for stopping by to let us know you enjoyed Teri’s Ten Things list! 😀 ❤

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      • Hi Marcia, as you mentioned above, your long term memory improves as you get older and your short term memory declines. I’ve noticed it with my mom too. It is great for writing books about her childhood but not so exciting when she doesn’t remember the instructions I give her for something important. Have a wonderful weekend.

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        • I’m still able to do the things I need to do, but short term memory for names is a mess. I have to walk away and think about it, and come back to tell Mark the name of the person he asked me about. Doh. And when I walk into the next room to tell him something I wanted him to know, it’s gone by the time I get there. So I return to where I was, and then I remember. I think both of those things are probably common as we age, but I used to be a champ at remembering people’s names, and it disappoints me that I can no longer count on being able to do so.

          Oh, well. I’m still here, and I still know what words are (though numbers fled my brain after my concussion), so I shouldn’t complain. I’m very lucky compared to many folks around the world, and being a bit forgetful is a small price to pay for that.

          I’m off to do a wildlife presentation tomorrow and really looking forward to that! See? LUCKY!!!

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