#TenThingsYouMayNotKnow – About Sharon Marchisello

Happy Wodin’s Day, folks! It’s time again for another Ten Things post, and I know you’ll enjoy today’s guest, Sharon Marchisello. Please help me welcome Sharon to her first visit on The Write Stuff.  Sharon, it’s your turn now: take it away!

Ten Things You May Not Know About Me
by Sharon Marchisello

  1. I was born a Yankee, but I grew up in Texas–and no one ever let me forget that I was a Yankee!
  2. When I was a little girl, I dreamed of becoming the first woman president. I’m not into politics, but I’ve been president of my Toastmasters club and my Sisters in Crime chapter.
  3. I earned my Master Gardener certification in Fayette County, Georgia, but please don’t look at my yard as an example of my work.
  4. Thanks to a Rotary scholarship, I lived and studied in Tours, France, for a year when I was in my twenties. I keep in touch with many friends I made over there and still speak passable French.
  5. Despite a fear of public speaking, I earned my Distinguished Toastmaster award from Toastmasters International. (I’m still not crazy about public speaking, but I can do it.)
  6. I love animals. If I’m honest, I probably like them better than most people.
  7. I love to travel. My husband and I have taken over 60 cruises and visited over 100 countries. Can’t wait for this pandemic to be over so I can visit more places on my bucket list.
  8. Although I love to read, I’m very slow. I learned to read aloud, and I still stumble over words I can’t pronounce. But reading slowly helps me be a good editor/proofreader.
  9. Even before I could put pencil to paper, I told stories. I wrote my first novel when I was still in high school. It wasn’t very good.
  10. Math was my least favorite subject in school, but I enjoy playing the stock market, belonged to an investment club for five years, and I manage all our household finances.


Author Sharon Marchisello

Sharon Marchisello is the author of two mysteries published by Sunbury Press. Going Home (2014) was inspired by her mother’s battle with Alzheimer’s disease. Secrets of the Galapagos (2019) deals with mayhem on a Galapagos cruise.

Besides novels, Sharon has written short stories, travel articles, corporate training manuals, screenplays, and book reviews. Her blog, Countdown to Financial Fitness, and nonfiction book, Live Well, Grow Wealth, deal with personal finance. She earned a Masters in Professional Writing from the University of Southern California and is an active member of Sisters in Crime.

Sharon grew up in Tyler, Texas, and earned her Bachelor of Arts from the University of Houston in French and English. Retired from a 27-year career with Delta Air Lines, she now lives in Peachtree City, Georgia, and does volunteer work for the Fayette Humane Society.

Buy Sharon’s Books HERE










Buy Links:

Find Sharon on Social Media HERE:
Website: sharonmarchisello.com
http://sharonmarchisello.blogspot.com/  (Personal Finance blog, Countdown to Financial Fitness)

Contact Info:


Email: smarchisello@hotmail.com



68 thoughts on “#TenThingsYouMayNotKnow – About Sharon Marchisello

  1. I love animals too 🙂 I have a house full. I’m impressed you’ve done 60 cruises. We did our first one a couple of years ago, it was impressive. Great list, and good to get to know you better here, Sharon 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    • I actually had a taste for travel long before I spent a year in France. I did my first tour of Europe at age 16, with a high school group, and my family took a lot of road trips around the United States and into Mexico. I had an uncle who traveled for a living and he used to send me postcards from all over the world. I think that was how I got my first taste for travel.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Great school trip! Also good your parents showed you your own country as well. I have been collecting picture post cards since I was eight so I would have loved an uncle like that. My older son was posted to the USA for three years so his children have seen a good few special places in the USA and Canada where their aunt is posted!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, Sharon—60 cruises and 100 countries?!?! You are indeed well-traveled!
    Like you, I LOVE animals, and I also am not fond of speaking in public but can do when I have to. I probably should look into Toastmasters!

    Liked by 2 people

    • It was my pleasure to have you here today, Sharon, and I agree with everyone else: your list is fascinating! I’m with you 100% on animals, both domestic, and wildlife. (I give wildlife talks at 2 local venues every month here, and truly love sharing what I’ve learned about Florida’s critters). And nothing horrifies me more than reading about deliberate cruelty to animals. Your travels have been amazing, too!
      Thanks so much for being our guest today! 😊

      PS, I may need to respond to these comments a bit later. I need to rest a bit now, but I’ll be back!)

      Liked by 1 person

  3. What a wonderful lifeline. Thank you, Sharon! A great pleasure to get you know better, now. I have to admit, that I had to google “Yankee”, I was familiar with the term itself, but only from childhood “playing cowboys”. Lol Then came school, and even the English language was a thing of the past. Best wishes, Michael

    Liked by 2 people

  4. It’s lovely to learn more about Sharon, Thank you, Marcia. I can’t imagine 60 cruises and 100 countries. WOW! Having lived in Japan for five years, I know how precious it is to learn about other cultures. Wonderful post! 💗

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Nice to learn more about you, Sharon. I also love animals, but think most people do. I have to make a public presentation tomorrow. I do well at them, but have to accept the introvert’s need to recharge after draining my batteries.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I loved learning more about Sharon. I chuckled out loud when I read her statement about liking animals more than people. That’s totally understandable! Thank you for sharing her today, Marcia, and congrats to Sharon!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I’m a little late, but I enjoyed learning about Sharon. I also love to travel. I actually was great at math in school (and still am), but I ended up becoming an intensive reading teacher. LOL! Going Home sounds great! I’ve added it to my TBR list. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blogger Daily – Wednesday 25th August 2021- #Interview Marcia Meara and Sharon Marchisello, #Heartbreak Donna Parker, #Funnies The Story Reading Ape.. | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

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