Alert the Media!

Fair Warning: I have returned from my very first blogging break, and am rarin’ to go, as we say down here. I was busy every minute of the three weeks I was away, though didn’t get nearly as much writing done as I’d hoped. I think I’ll be factoring in the occasional week off from the blog now and then, if just for the purpose of finishing my WIP.

I did get a lot done around the house and garden, all of which were long overdue things that I’m delighted to cross off the To Do List. It’s nice to finally be planting some new things out back, instead of digging up, and cutting down, and hauling off stuff that was killed during the hurricane. (Yeah, I know that was a couple of years ago, but we are MUCH slower these days, it seems.)

I will be gradually returning to normal around here with all my old standby features, and perhaps some new ones. And with that in mind, I’m offering guests a chance to share something a bit different here on The Write Stuff. Even if you aren’t promoting a new release or promotion, you can still visit the blog now and then to introduce yourself to new readers. How?  Like this: 

10 Things You May Not Know About Me

  1. I’m pretty tall. Almost 5’11” in my younger days, and still about 5’10”.
  2. I’m a Florida native. (There’s me and some guy up in the Panhandle, I’ve been told, though that could be just a rumor.)
  3. I have a decided Southern drawl. (See #2.)
  4. My favorite movie in all the world is The Wizard of Oz.
  5. My favorite book of all time is Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca.
  6. I’m an ardent gardener and birder, and I love learning Latin names.
  7. Crossword Puzzles are one of my favorite pastimes, and I can work most Jumbles in less than two minutes, usually getting the answer before I unscramble any of the words.
  8. My middle name is Christine.
  9. I was a painter long before I decided to write.
  10. I have canoed hundreds of miles (literally!) on Florida rivers, and hiked nearly as many miles through our wild areas.

SEE? Hiking in Ocala National Forest.
(And yes. That’s me, a mere FORTY years ago!)

Now, wouldn’t you enjoy sharing a bit about yourself, maybe even an old picture or two, as a different type of guest post? If so, let me know, and I’ll get you set up. (We’ll still be doing the more traditional #GuestDayTuesday posts, too, of course.) Hope this sounds like fun to some of you. 

And with that, I’ll let you get back to what you were doing before I so rudely popped up to interrupt you. And oh, yeah … it’s good to be back! 😀

86 thoughts on “Alert the Media!

  1. Great to have you back!! What a great picture. This looks like fun. I would love to answer your random questions and share a blast-from-the-past picture. I found one just the other day I’ve been dying to share.

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    • In this one, my thoughts are to let the guest pick the 10 things they want to share, Darlene, and I’d love to have you participate! 🙂 Thanks for the compliment on the picture. It was one of my first hikes with Mark, who loved hiking and camping as much as I did. 😀

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  2. Welcome back, Marcia:) I love your ten facts, we have the love of The Wizard of Oz in common! Great picture, I never could carry those packs…lol

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    • Ah! A fellow WoZ fan! I never, ever get tired of it, and to this day, I tear up when I hear Judy Garland singing Over the Rainbow.

      Mark used to load my backpack up so heavy I could barely move, then take off down the trail ahead of me. I always figured one day, I’d topple over backwards, and lay there kicking my legs in the air like an upturned turtle, while he disappeared into the wilderness. 😯 😀

      Glad you enjoyed the Ten Facts. Now be thinking of some for YOUR guest post. 😀

      Liked by 2 people

    • Just put together your list of facts and all the things I need for a general guest post, and send them to me. Instructions for that last bit are in the header at the top of this page, under General Rules & Various Feature Instructions. My email is there, too, so if you have any questions, just email me first. Glad you think it sounds like fun. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

    • Interest is a matter of individual taste. If it’s things you suspect folks don’t know about you, I’ll bet many of your readers will be interested in them. Hope you’ll give it a shot! 😀 And I agree, I think it’s going to be fun. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Jeanne, for the welcome and the nice compliment. Start making a list, and you might be surprised at how many things you can come up with. There’s no expiration date, so just add to it when you think of something. I’ll be ready when you are! 😀

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  3. I loved your ten interesting facts. DH and I watch the Wizard of Oz every year around Thanksgiving. It never gets old. I’m not nearly as outdoorsy as you are, but did some minor (VERY minor) hiking in my younger days. I love that photo. It might have been 40 years ago, but I so see YOU with your wonderful smile. I’ll have to see if I can come up with 10 facts (I have 12 I keep on my website as part of my bio. I’ll have to think of some new ones).

    And WELCOME BACK!!! Yes, you were missed!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Awwww, thanks for all of that, Mae! So nice!! And I’m sure you can think of some new things for this list. They can be funny, off the wall, or scary experiences, or whatever. Just things that most folks probably don’t know, and that might surprise or interest them. I can’t wait to see what you come up with, and as I just told Jeanne, there’s no expiration date on this offer, so take all the time you need. Looking forward to having you take part.

      And thanks for missing me. I missed you guys, too! It really felt weird not being on here most of the day. But it was good for me, and I’m going to take off a week here or there in the future, too, as needed for my WIP or the like. Good to be back, though! 🙂 ❤

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  4. Great to have you back. That’s a wonderful picture of you and I can see the current you in it but I can also see Erin, too! I’ll give this a shot once I can think of ten things! 😀

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    • They don’t have to be monumental things, really. Lots of folks probably don’t even know your real first name. 😀 (Except when I blab it about.) 😀 Many may not know where you live, and it’s such an interesting place. Just start writing down some things, and you can pick and choose later, when you’ve got enough on the list. 😀 See? Easy!!

      And thanks for the comment on the picture. I was in my element, and it was one of the first camping adventures Mark and I went on. Might have only been our second or third date. I think we both wanted to prove our woods-worthiness to the other. 😀 (It was something that was important to each of us.) 🙂

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    • Thanks, Robbie. You can find my email in my About section above and in the section called “General Blog Rules … etc” Look forward to hearing from you. 🙂


    • Thanks, Bette! Glad you enjoyed the post, and I hope you’ll be thinking of some good things most folks don’t know about you. I’d be glad to have your as a guest! 🙂


    • Nope. Never spent any time at any university at all, and I honestly have no idea where the t-shirt came from, now that you mention it. 😀 Good guess, though. 😀


    • Thanks, Debby, and glad you like the photo. I was totally happy, hiking along Juniper Springs Run with a guy who enjoyed the outdoors as much as I did. Life was GOOD!! 😀

      And get busy, girl. Can’t wait to see your list! 😀

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  5. Welcome back, Marcia! I learned a few things about you today. I like the ten facts idea. I have “thirteen random things” about me on my website. (I chose thirteen because I’m not superstitious.) I’ll bet I can think of another ten random things.

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  6. I loved your post – 10 things about you – what fun!

    You are gorgeous now so of course you were a hottie back then, too. Lol

    That picture is wonderful –

    Yes, I’d love to be your guest and answer your question and put an old photo or two with it.

    Any time. Lynda

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, Lynda. Just get your list together, and your usual cover/author jpgs, Buy Links, etc, to be added beneath your post, and send them on. I’ll start scheduling these as I receive them. 😀 Thanks for wanting to take part!


  7. Breaks are a necessity with blogging. I’m planning one soon as we’re heading to a family reunion in Minnesota next weekend. By the way, Wake-Robin Ridge Book 1 worked its way up to the top of my Kindle. I’m about halfway done and enjoying it terrifically.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow, always fun to find out someone is enjoying WRR, my very first book. I threw everything in the world in there, thinking it was a “once and done” thing, and never dreaming I’d write more and more. It was fun to write and I’m super glad you’re enjoying it. Thanks for letting me know, and I do hope you’ll be starting a list of ten things people may not know about YOU. 😀 You’re invited, too! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      • PS, if you’re enjoying Book 1, I can’t wait to see what you might think of Rabbit when he comes along in Book 2. He seems to be everyone’s favorite, and he’s been a treat to write! (He lives in my head now, dictates his adventures to me, and reminds me you’re never too small to stand up for what’s right.) 😀

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  8. It’s wonderful to see you back, Marcia! I love your personal post and all the incredible things you mentioned about yourself. You are amazing and so inspiring! 💗

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    • Awww, that’s so nice of you to say, Gwen. Thank you! And I do hope when you are settled and have time, you’ll be sending me a list of 10 Things, yourself. Would love to feature you one day. 😀 Thanks for stopping by this morning. 🙂 ❤


  9. Welcome back, Marcia! Wow, you ARE tall. Who knew? I’m on the low end of the spectrum at 5′ 1-1/2″ (yes, I always include the half-inch). In the ’80s I could tease the hair up to 5′ 3″ on a good night. LOL

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    • Hahahaha. Love the teased hair thing! 😀 Yep, I’m tall and I actually like it, though until I got to high school, I was always the tallest kid in the classroom. THEN, finally, the boys caught up! 😀

      Thanks for the welcome back. It’s good to be catching up with friends again. Now, when may I expect to get a list of 10 Things from YOU?? 😀 I KNOW you can think of some good stuff that we’ll all enjoy learning. (I’ll even give you a pass if you want to include that YOU are petite, unlike some we know. 😀 😀 😀 )

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  10. It’s great to have you back, Marcia. Sometimes we just need to step back and take a break! I love the 10 facts about you. A wonderful post and I look forward to many guest posts in the future!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, Jan. I’m happy to be back, but have made up my mind that a few shorter breaks here and there are in my future. Glad you enjoyed the post, and looking forward to YOU thinking of 10 things, too, when you have time. 😀


    • See… you think you know someone, and then she turns out to be a GIANT!! 😀 Everyone in my family (on both sides) is tall. My son is close to 6’3″ and my daughter is as tall as I am. My mother was 5’8″, which was very tall for her generation. Even my grandmother was 5’5″, which is her day was extremely tall. 😀 No real way for me to be anything else, and honestly, I’m glad. After all, I can reach the groceries on the very top shelves! 😀

      And yay for your grandmother! Long may she enjoy life!

      Christine was the name of my mother’s sister, and she, in turn, named her first daughter after my mother. They were pretty close.

      Now be thinking of 10 things your readers and friends wouldn’t know about YOU. 😀


  11. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blogger Daily – Thursday 3rd June 2021 – #MemorialDay John Howell, #Guest of The Story Reading Ape, #Promotion with Marcia Meara | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

    • Thanks, Sharon, and glad to meet another Wozzie Fan! 😀 (And du Maurier, too, of course!) You’re more than welcome to participate. Just send me your list of 10 things, and the “authorly” stuff mentioned in the section of the header above: General Blog Rules and Various Feature Instructions. I’m already getting folks scheduled, and will be glad to set you up. 🙂

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  12. Welcome back Marsh! Love this new series. Fabulous pic! I would be happy to hop on next month when my life settles down a bit as I’m barely blogging while getting ready to move. ❤

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  13. Yes, very great to have you back, Marcia! I hope you had a nice break, and as a Florida native you are for sure a great friend of all the alligators, too. 😉 Thank you for the useful information, and have a wonderful Friday! Michael xx

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    • Thanks, Michael. I am, indeed, a friend of alligators–as long as I’m IN my canoe, and THEY are in the water. 🙂 (You may have seen me say this before, but I have a very strict rule about swimming: I do NOT swim in any body of water that isn’t enclosed in turquoise concrete! 😀 And after all these years, I still have all my limbs safely attached! 😀

      Hope you have a great Friday, too! 😊

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        • A bigger boat would be helpful, but I did see one years ago nearly as long as my canoe (16 feet)! I decided to cut my canoe trip short that day, just in case he got hungry. 😯

          Generally, though, if people haven’t been foolish enough to FEED them, they are afraid of us, and mostly swim away fast. Still. I do not swim in our lakes and rivers, thank you very much. Nope. No point in asking for trouble. (PS, I don’t swim in the ocean, either. I meant it about the turquoise concrete rule. Seen too many things over my long life to ever do that.)

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          • Great decision! Here with swimming in lakes you only can meet carps. Lol Honestly, this is a little bit too dirty for me. I would prefer the ocean, but in the warm water there are all these carnivorous things too. With 16 feet i think the canoe is just as big as a younger alligator. Please stay save, Marcia! Enjoy a beautiful weekend! Michael

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            • Thanks, Michael. Actually, these days, it’s rare to see an alligator that has managed to survive long enough to attain 10-12 feet. Those are our monsters-sized ones now, compared to 100 years ago when 18-20 feet specimens weren’t rare. Now crocodiles are very different. Much bigger, and quite a different critter. Thankfully, we don’t have them in central Florida as a rule.

              But I’m with you. I prefer to observe them all, ocean dwellers included, from a canoe or boat. I have no desire to swim amidst them ever. And don’t!! 😀

              You have a great weekend, too, Michael. 🙂


                • Nothing to do with climate change. Gators had been hunted to dangerously low population numbers, both for their hides and for their meat. (It’s tough and tastes very fishy. Ugh.) But once they received federal protection, their numbers climbed once more. However, habitat loss and development has taken a huge toll, and hunting is allowed again. The bigger the gator, the greater the chances a hunter will bag a record specimen. But at least they aren’t endangered these days. I see them all the time, in just about any body of water in our state, from lakes and rivers to retention ponds and drainage ditches. Just none in that 18 to 20 foot range.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • OMG! Always this people thinking the genes are forcing to hunt animals. ;-( I hope every tenth was a good snack for an alligator. 😉 Sometimes i will visit Florida too. Even the relatives had used FL for vacation from MN are all had passed away. Have a beautiful weekend! Michael

                  Liked by 1 person

  14. I had to scroll and scroll and scroll to get down here to leave a comment. Seeeee, I told you everyone would be happy that you took a break as well as happy about your return. You modeled how important it is to honor other parts of your lives, which encourages others to do the same. I hope you do take occasional weeks off, Marcia. I recommend one week per quarter at least! And I’m so glad you feel refreshed. Thanks for sharing some fun facts about you! Enjoy the glow! 😀 )

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for your kind words, Diana. I appreciate them greatly, and I AM glad I took the time off. I will do better about that in the future, for sure.

      NOW … when may I hope to see YOUR list of Ten Things, so I can share it here and promote you and your books at the same time? I’ve already got folks responding with some great stuff, and I’d love to include you in the weeks ahead, too. 🙂

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      • Is July or later okay for posting? I’m taking a break (yup) to spend some time with the hubby on “projects.” Terrible timing with my new release coming out, but such is life. I’ll send you something and if the timing works.., I’d love to get a spot on your blog! Hugs, my friend.

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        • You are ALWAYS a welcome guest on my blog, Diana, and if this series goes on as long as I suspect it might, you can take part when it fits in with your schedule. I’m setting up posts in the order I receive them, and will put yours next in line WHENEVER you send it. That goes for #GuestDayTuesdays, too, which are more directly focused on a specific book release, promo, or recent review. (That kind of stuff). This one will focus on your list, and will have your overall author info at the bottom, as an added bonus. So (as someone said to me not long ago) take all the time you need. I’ll be here when you get back–if the bridge don’t go, an’ the creek don’t rise. 😀

          Looking forward to having you visit us then! 😀

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    • Thanks so much, Sarah! I think this should be a fun series, and I’m getting a very good response so far. Already booked into September, with more on the way.

      Glad you enjoyed my list, too. It was fun coming up with things. And oh to have the energy and stamina I had in that picture, back when I was approaching 40. We would hike MILES into the wilderness to camp, and it was so much fun!! We eventually segued into using a pop-up camper in wooded campgrounds, and hiking out of those. And finally, we segued into merely hiking out into the backyard to sit under the gazebo. Ha. A big change, but at least it was spread out over many years. I’ll never forget out hiking days, believe me. *happy sigh*

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