#AlertTheMediaAgain! – #I’m BAA-ACK! – #ThorsDaySmile – #Humor

Yep! I’m back! Well, sort of. I may not be here every single day, but I’m sure you’ll be seeing as much of me as you can probably stand in any one week. I will try to get back on track with some fun posts, and I’m hereby putting out a call for guest posters, especially for #GuestDayTuesday. If any of you have news you’d like to share, or a book you’d like to promote, or something else writing/publishing related, email me, and we’ll set something up for you, even if a Tuesday won’t work.)

And since today is ThorsDay, I figure I owe you at least one or two smiles, as is my habit at this point in the week, so here goes:

And That’s It for Today, Folks!
Have a GREAT One!





Alert the Media!

Fair Warning: I have returned from my very first blogging break, and am rarin’ to go, as we say down here. I was busy every minute of the three weeks I was away, though didn’t get nearly as much writing done as I’d hoped. I think I’ll be factoring in the occasional week off from the blog now and then, if just for the purpose of finishing my WIP.

I did get a lot done around the house and garden, all of which were long overdue things that I’m delighted to cross off the To Do List. It’s nice to finally be planting some new things out back, instead of digging up, and cutting down, and hauling off stuff that was killed during the hurricane. (Yeah, I know that was a couple of years ago, but we are MUCH slower these days, it seems.)

I will be gradually returning to normal around here with all my old standby features, and perhaps some new ones. And with that in mind, I’m offering guests a chance to share something a bit different here on The Write Stuff. Even if you aren’t promoting a new release or promotion, you can still visit the blog now and then to introduce yourself to new readers. How?  Like this: 

10 Things You May Not Know About Me

  1. I’m pretty tall. Almost 5’11” in my younger days, and still about 5’10”.
  2. I’m a Florida native. (There’s me and some guy up in the Panhandle, I’ve been told, though that could be just a rumor.)
  3. I have a decided Southern drawl. (See #2.)
  4. My favorite movie in all the world is The Wizard of Oz.
  5. My favorite book of all time is Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca.
  6. I’m an ardent gardener and birder, and I love learning Latin names.
  7. Crossword Puzzles are one of my favorite pastimes, and I can work most Jumbles in less than two minutes, usually getting the answer before I unscramble any of the words.
  8. My middle name is Christine.
  9. I was a painter long before I decided to write.
  10. I have canoed hundreds of miles (literally!) on Florida rivers, and hiked nearly as many miles through our wild areas.

SEE? Hiking in Ocala National Forest.
(And yes. That’s me, a mere FORTY years ago!)

Now, wouldn’t you enjoy sharing a bit about yourself, maybe even an old picture or two, as a different type of guest post? If so, let me know, and I’ll get you set up. (We’ll still be doing the more traditional #GuestDayTuesday posts, too, of course.) Hope this sounds like fun to some of you. 

And with that, I’ll let you get back to what you were doing before I so rudely popped up to interrupt you. And oh, yeah … it’s good to be back! 😀