#BadMoonRising The Tower in the Mist by Deby Fredericks #darkfantasy #thriller

Deby Fredericks is Teri Polen’s guest today on Bad Moon Rising. Hope you’ll take a few minutes to check out her interview and her books. And please remember to pass the post along on your favorite social media sites so others can enjoy this one, too. Thanks, and thanks as always to Teri for opening her blog to so many interesting writers this month! 🙂

Books and Such

Happy Saturday! Hope you’re having a relaxing weekend. Grab a cup of coffee if that’s your beverage of choice (it’s a stiff cup of hot chocolate for me), sit back and enjoy the interview with today’s author. She’s a repeat visitor to Bad Moon Rising and may surprise you with her answer to the movie that kept her up at night. Welcome Deby Fredericks!

Has a movie or book scared you so much that you couldn‛t sleep? Which one?

The Chuck Norris movie, Silent Rage. A mentally unstable man is experimented on and effectively can‛t be killed, but he‛s an insane killer now. Good job, mad scientist! That one kept me up at night.

If you were in a horror movie, would you rather have a loaded gun or a car that wouldn‛t break down?

My priority would be to get out of that whole situation, so I‛d take…

View original post 359 more words

2 thoughts on “#BadMoonRising The Tower in the Mist by Deby Fredericks #darkfantasy #thriller

  1. Thanks for sharing that, Alden. It sounds like it might be something I’d enjoy, as well. Been reading a lot of fantasy lately. And thanks for stopping by to let us know, too. 🙂


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