Building a Local Readership – #PublicSpeaking #Marketing

Today, it’s my turn to share a post on Story Empire, and I’m talking about Building a Local Readership. This is one of my very favorite things I’ve had happen since I started writing. I hope you’ll come by and check out the post, then pass it along to others, so you can ALL try some of these opportunities to introduce yourself and your books in your own communities. Thanks so much! 🙂 ❤

Story Empire

Book Signing Party, Enterprise Museum, January 25, 2020

Hi, Everyone! Marcia here again. Hope this finds each of you safe, healthy, and happy for this first week in August.

Today, I want to chat a bit about my favorite way to get your books in front of more readers, always a thorny problem for most of us. If there is one universal truth writers share, especially self-published writers, it would probably be this: WE HATE MARKETING!


For most of us, marketing is far harder than writing our stories, is nowhere near as much fun, and usually involves a ton of work we don’t enjoy doing. But let’s face it, folks –it’s a necessary evil.

If people don’t know about our books, they can’t find our books. And if they can’t find our books, they can’t buy our books.

It’s as simple as that.

What follows is a…

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