A Quick Update on A Few Things

Maks and Potter

I had planned to post this earlier, but ran into so much trouble trying to access this blog, I had to give up. Decided I’d try one more time before calling this day done. I mentioned I hadn’t been feeling well, and that’s true, but it’s not serious, thankfully. Just a bad cold and totally blocked sinuses, which makes sleeping difficult for all of us, but can be really tricky if you use a CPAP machine, asΒ  I do. The good news is, it seems to be easing up, and hopefully tomorrow will bring siginifcant improvement.

The other sad news I have is that our piebald dachshund, Potter, the older of our two ancient dogs, developed congestive heart failure last week and we had to say goodbye to him Monday morning. It was a pretty sad day around here, with his “brother”hunting for him everywhere, and me already feeling ill. Got even gloomier yesterday, as it rained all day long, too. But we are adjusting.

We adopted a 10-month-old Potter from an abusive situation more than 14 years ago, so it is very disconcerting not to have him here. I’m sure many (if not most) of you have been through similar things and know how sad it is when it comes time to say goodbye. He was good dog, though it was more than a year before he’d let Mark touch him. (Men were the enemy for a long time.) He grew into a sweet, friendly boy, and he will be sorely missed, for sure.

Tomorrow, I will try to post a sample of #ShareAReviewDay, one of the features I’m bringing back, so that new folks will see what they need to do if they’d like to take part. Will explain in much more detail then. (Assuming WordPress lets me post! ) πŸ˜€ And that’s all for now, but stay tuned! Tomorrow will be a better day!

56 thoughts on “A Quick Update on A Few Things

  1. So sorry to hear of your loss, it’s so hard to lose a beloved furbaby. I’ve had a few rescues myself, and it’s heartbreaking when their time comes to cross the Rainbow Bridge. I also lost one of my horses, and led the other one to him after he’d passed away and it seemed to help her to accept his loss for she never called for him although I know she misses him. I hope your other little dog will also accept the loss of his friend and you’ll be able to comfort each other. xx

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks so much, D. L.! I feel a little better than yesterday, so I have high hopes for tomorrow. And I’ll be able to talk about how funny Potter was without crying one of these days. (Just not THIS day.) πŸ˜‰

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  2. Thanks so much, Hywela! It has been a very different house the last couple of days, and poor little Maks has been hunting for Potter. When I call him to the kitchen to eat, he stops and goes back to see where Potter is, for instance. And when we go out, he looks for him in all of Potter’s favorite places. Maks became Potter’s shadow at the age of 10 weeks, and has never known life without him nearby. He’s better today, but it will be a while before he cheers back up, especially at his age. (He’s 12.) But sad as it is to say goodbye, our animals are lights in our lives, and while we don’t plan to get another dog after Maks goes off to find Potter, we will have cats as long as we can care for them. Thanks for stopping by and offering a kind word. πŸ™‚ ❀

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    • Thank you so much, D. Yep, it hurts, but the grief is easing enough to remember the good times, instead of the sad one. And I’m feeling somewhat improved today, so I’m ready to toss this “bug” out the door. πŸ™‚ ❀


    • Thanks, Robbie. I’m on the mend now. The cold is easing up a bit, Maks is acting more normal now, and while it still feels strange without Potter here, I’m dealing better, too. I’ve loved and lost a lot of animals over the years, so I know it will get better. πŸ™‚ ❀


  3. Oh, Marcia… my heart’s bleeding for you… I lost my girls last year (they were 17) and it still hurts every single day. Hug your other little man to bits and take comfort in knowing that Potter probably had the best lif he could since you took him in, and now he waits for his brother beyond rainbow bridge. ❀️

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    • Thanks, Jessica. It’s a slow process, but I know it will get easier. And Maks is getting spoiled beyond belief! He’s lonely, but he was already perking up a bit by last night. We’re on the mend! And I’m sorry to hear about your loss, as well. Still, we take them in knowing in the normal course of events, we’ll have to say goodbye to them one day. They are worth it! πŸ™‚ ❀

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  4. So sorry for your loss, Marcia, and hope you feel better soon. Colds and CPAPS are no fun. Also hope you don’t suffer any more blog woes. Hugs ❀

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    • Thanks for all of the above, Harmony! You hit the nail on the head with colds/CPAPs, but I’ll get past this. I do feel better today, so that’s a good sign. And I’m having to sign in via clicking on the WordPress icon before I can answer any comments. But the good news is, it keeps me signed in until I close the page. Then I have to start over. I don’t know what the deal is, but at least I’ve found a work-around. So far. πŸ™‚ ❀

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  5. Sorry for your loss. Things seem to pile up sometimes when we least need them. Potter looks like a lovely companion, and I’m sure he was happy to have shared such a long life with you all. I hope you all feel better soon. β™₯

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    • Thanks, Olga. And yes, they did sort of pile up, which made each of them harder to deal with than might have been the case singly. But I’ve had a lot of colds and gone through a lot of losses over my 75 years, and I’ve learned that “this, too, shall pass.”

      I’m feeling better today, for sure, and slowly things will get back to normal. πŸ™‚ ❀


    • Thanks so much, Mary. Yes, losing a beloved pet leaves a big gap in the household, for sure, but it will get better over time. I am gradually feeling better from my cold, too. Still not at 100%, and will probably take it easy for a couple more days, but definitely improving! And it’s expected to be in the 80’s here today (you’d love it!), so the sunshine does make things brighter, even if I’m planning to stay in the air conditioned house. (Probably from now until about November!) However, the gloom and gray and wet have disappeared, and even from inside, it makes things seem less heavy. πŸ™‚ ❀

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        • I agree about grief. We have five other pet graves in our backyard, besides Potter’s new one. *sigh*

          I’d certainly love those temps for sleeping, though I don’t mind it a bit warmer in the day time, say 60s, perhaps. Still, I’d rather be too cool than too hot, anyday. πŸ˜€ ❀

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    • Thanks, Darlene! No, it isn’t easy to say goodbye. They add so much joy to our lives and it’s impossible not to grieve when they are gone. Hug your Dot as often as you can, and may that continue for many years yet! πŸ™‚ ❀

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  6. Sorry for your loss. We had a Australian shepherd/Collie mix that lived to be 18. She grew up with my oldest daughter as they were the same age. She passed away right after my daughter graduated from high school. It’s almost like she waited to make sure she made it through.

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    • Aw, that’s such a great story, Don, and how lovely that she was with you (and your daughter) for so long! One of our cats lived to 16, and it was very, very odd after he left. I kept “seeing” him out of the corner of my eye.

      For sure our lives would be poorer, less fun, and less filled with love if we didn’t make room for animals in our homes and our hearts!

      Thanks for your kind words, Don, and for sharing your lovely story, too. πŸ™‚ ❀

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  7. I am so, so sorry for your loss, Marcia. Pets are family. I know Potter has left paw prints on your heart. You gave him a wonderful home that he would not have had otherwise. You’ll have to give Maks extra hugs. I’m hoping you feel better, too. Sending you healing wishes and hugs!!

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  8. Thanks, Mae! And you are right on every count! Maks is getting more pats and hugs and baby talks than he could have ever imagined coming his way. πŸ™‚ And thanks for the well wishes. I’m improving every day! πŸ™‚ ❀


  9. So sorry to hear Marcia.. they take a chunk of our hearts with them and they certainly leave something behind.. I am sure Sam is haunting us…every time our sit on our old sofa he is in my mind.. What a wonderful second chance Potter had for fourteen years. with you and also his brother… hope you feel better tomorrow..hugs β™₯

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s something most of us will go through at some point (or many points) in our lives, for sure. If you’ve experienced it yourself, you know just how difficult those first few days can be. I wanted to drape the whole house in black crepe. *sigh* It IS getting better, as we all get used to the “new normal” around here, but the SINGLE dog dish in the kitchen makes me tear up every time. Early days, yet. πŸ™‚

      Thanks for your understanding, Kass! I appreciate your taking the time to comment. πŸ™‚ ❀


  10. Oh Marsh. I’m so sorry for your loss. I don’t have pets but my sister has always had 2 dogs through the years,, with several tearful goodbyes along the way where the other one left behind goes into somewhat of a depression. Then she adopts a second dog and within a week the old doggie is happy with their new friend. ❀

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    • If I were younger, I’d consider that, but we made up our minds a couple of years ago that these two would be our last dogs. We’ve always been cat people, and though we loved all three dachshunds we’ve had over time, neither of us is up for the work of housebreaking a new puppy. Plus, we have four cats and the dogs were harder and more expensive to care for than all four cats together. They weren’t good travelers, either, and we had to board them everytime we went somewhere. (Last visit to my daughter cost us over $700 in boarding fees.) All of those factors helped us decide to stick to cats for now. They are much easier to care for in the long run.

      I’ve always said living with dogs is like raising children. Living with cats is like having roommates. And our cats are always super affectionate, so we still get that cuddly love that’s so nice.

      Having said ALL of that, I’m still missing Potter a great deal. I think Maks is coming around, but I have my moments. Every time I walk into the kitchen and see only one dog bowl on the floor, it hits me again.
      😦 Thanks for your kind words. πŸ™‚ ❀

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      • I get you Marsh. I have a few friends approaching senior years who’ve lost a dog and say the same thing. Traveling becomes an issue with dogs with either boarding or being put in little cages to go on a plane. We change as we age I guess. But glad to hear you have many furry friends. πŸ™‚ ❀


        • Yep, we have Harry & Murphy (named for characters in the Dresden Files) and Kell and Rhy (named for brothers in A Darker Shade of Magic.) And soon, we will be taking care of my daughter’s cats, Maui and Kava. Named for Maui. And kava. πŸ˜€ They needed to board them for TWO MONTHS while they relocate to Denver, and I volunteered to take them here, instead, because I can’t imagine how awful it would be for a cat to be in a cage for two months! So, at that point, we’ll have SIX cats here, along with little Maks, who will still assume he’s in charge of the house. Dachshunds are like that. πŸ˜€

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