#NotesFromTheRiver – Another LBJ

This week’s #NotesFromTheRiver focuses on another LBJ you might find at your backyard feeder, and will surely see if you are exploring any local fresh or saltwater marshlands. A shorter post than usual, as I’m getting ready for company next week, but I hope you still enjoy checking  it out.

#NotesFromTheRiver – Another LBJ

11 thoughts on “#NotesFromTheRiver – Another LBJ

  1. Some great photos, Marcia. I spent a couple of hours watching our ospreys. The male came back last Friday and has been busy adding to the nest and the female arrived today. She’d hardly time to take her coat off when he jumped on her! No time for sky dancing or any courtship rituals – straight down to business. Then he went off and brought her a stick. I suspect she’d have preferred a fish.
    I hit send on Secret Dumfries today so I’m feeling demob happy. I need to clean the house this weekend as it has been neglected. Should have started this afternoon but watching ospreys is much more fun.
    Enjoy your time with your grandson.

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    • Mary! So good to have you back, and congratulations on hitting that SEND button!! You must feel wonderful! I think a little celebration of osprey-watching was in order, especially this time of year when “love is in the air.” My husband brings me odd gifts, too. So far, he hasn’t thought of a stick, but he might. You never know with him. 😀 Welcome back to the world of social media. We’ll catch up soon! ❤

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  2. What brilliant photos, and so astounding the genders look so utterly different! I’m used to blackbirds in the UK – male is black, female brown. End of. No bright colours, not lovely speckled stripes – your birds are so much more colourful.
    Thanks for sharing yet more of your wonderful wildlife, I really am itching to come see it for myself.
    Have a great week with your grandson – guess there will also be a bit of a lag after he goes home while you recover 😉

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    • A bit of a lag? I suspect I’ll be doing a faceplant in the driveway as he disappears from view. 😀 (His mom is coming to take him home Friday). But we’re having fun, thanks.

      I’m so glad you enjoy the posts. We do have some pretty spectacular birds in the country, and especially in Florida, where we have some overlap with tropical species. Red-winged blackbirds are widespread, though, except in the very westernmost states where they are largely replaced by tri-colored blackbirds, which are very similar. I do hope you get to visit one day and see some of these critters for yourself. I think you’d have a grand time. And when I finally get to Scotland, I’ll enjoy the wildlife there, and I won’t be gaping at men in kilts all the time. No, honest! I swear. (Okay, I’m totally making that up, but what can you expect? I’m a writer. I make things up for a living! Truthfully, I will absolutely gape at men in kilts, every time. But I’ll try to enjoy the wildlife as well.) 😀 ❤

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