Bonus Friday: Author Update

Check out the latest releases and WIPS from the gang at Story Empire. Something for everyone in this collection! 🙂 Best wishes to each of them as their projects move forward!

Story Empire

Happy Friday, SEers! This month is one of the few this year that has five Fridays rather than four. It doesn’t happen often enough for us to have a “themed” post scheduled, so we decided these special Fridays will become group posts.

This particular fifth Friday we thought we’d catch you up on what we currently have going on in our writing lives.

In first-name alphabetical order:


The Enhanced LeagueOddly enough, I have something going on right now. I’m holding free days for my book, The Enhanced League. This is a collection of short stories and micro-fiction, that carries an overarching story. It’s set in a professional baseball league where performance enhancing drugs are not only allowed, but encouraged. You can pick up your free copy here.

The Hat is still doing well, but sales have slowed. If a paranormal superhero kind of The Hatstory, filled with tons of snarky banter…

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