Good Reads! #BookReviews

I’m the curator of the blog for my indie press and we periodically do a book review post. This time I got a plug in for Marcia’s delightful Wake Robin-Ridge series.


What We’ve Been Reading Lately

by Kassandra Lamb (on behalf of the whole misterio gang)

Time for another round of book reviews from some of our misterio press authors. Most writers don’t get to read nearly as much as they’d like to, because so much time is taken up with their writing. So when we discover a really good book, it’s an extra special treat!

book coverKirsten Weiss ~ The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith (aka JK Rowling)

Supermodel Lulu Landry takes a swan dive off her balcony. Is it suicide or murder? Down-on-his-luck PI Cormoran Strike has been hired to find out.

The Cuckoo’s Calling, this first-in-the-series mystery novel by Robert Galbraith, aka JK Rowlings, is one of the best mysteries I’ve read in a long while.

Read more…  (including my review of Marcia’s books)

6 thoughts on “Good Reads! #BookReviews

    • Thanks, Mary! I’ve been so lucky with all the great reviews I’ve gotten. It makes me very happy to think there are some people out there enjoying my stories. 😀 So nice of you to have left me one, too! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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