20 Questions with Marcia Meara

I had a chance to do a fun interview with Don Massenzio today. Hope you guys will check it out, and then share with the Immediate World! Thanks!

Author Don Massenzio

626smallsToday’s installment of 20 Questions features fellow Floridian and author, Marcia Meara. Marcia fulfilled her lifelong dream to be an author and sat down to tell us about her work, her inspiration and a bit about herself.

Please enjoy this edition of 20 Questions.

Q1) When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? 

When I was five years old, filling yellow legal tablets with penciled poems about cowboys and horses and cats. I was going to live on the beach in a house full of cats, and write best-selling books. In fact, I went all the way to my senior year in high school, sure that was how my life would go, but my parents thought writing was impractical, and insisted I get a business diploma and a “real” job. Back in those dark ages, most of us did what our parents told us to do, and…

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19 thoughts on “20 Questions with Marcia Meara

  1. You do crack me up Marcia. That interview was like reading an email from you, like sitting down for a heart to heart, and laughing at your witty comments. I’m with you on A,B,C – not liking the marketing, lol. You’re a delight to read, and I’m 2 books away from reading Wake Robin! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • You are always so encouraging, Deb! Nothing like a pat on the back to get my day off to a good (though late!) start. Thanks so much. Yeah, I’ve GOT to quit complaining about marketing and DO it!! Will post if I actually get it working for me, or have any new, brilliant ideas. So far, meeting people face to face seems to be my forte. But while t hat builds a lovely local readership, it will never sell as many books as amazon. Must. Do. Better!

      Can’t wait for you to read WRR. Just be kind. 🙂 It was my very first book, and I’m sure there are plenty of places where my rookieness (rookieship?) showed. 😀 Hopefully, the story’s enough fun to carry you past those. I do think I’m improving with each book, which is my goal. (Thankfully, I’m a fast learner. There’s that “don’t have decades” thing to cope with, after all! :D)

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      • First of all, how could I be anything else but kind? I’ve seen and read the reviews already. Don’t you think we all feel the same way about our first books? I know I do. Sometimes when I pick up one of my books to refer to something in that book, I get anxiety thinking I’m going to find something I won’t like, lol. I’m sure if we all had the TIME to rewrite and republish some of our books again we would. Maybe one day.
        I read two articles today in the Indie daily news (something I do first thing every morning with coffee to keep abreast) resonated with me so much that I’ve clipped those articles and will be reposting them soon with my added two cents. They really struck home with me about how us indies spend our time marketing and the value. In summation, it all boiled down to, just plain writing, and making real and valuable connections with people, who in the end when they like us, will become our most valuable word of mouth. That’s what it’s all about.
        Keep cranking them out Marsh. Every dog shall have their day, lol. xo 🙂

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        • I think I’ll just not touch the “every dog” line. 😀 Ahem. Onward.

          I actually don’t feel bad about my first book at all, though I know if I were writing it today, it would be tighter. But, I’m not ever going to rewrite it, because that would be going backward, and I’m focused on going forward. I’m just going to keep trying to write BETTER each time. 🙂 And when I’ve finished my last book, I’ll be able to see how far I’ve come. Hopefully, there will be a lot of growth there.

          You know, I’m a HUGE Jim Butcher/Dresden Files fan, and have been since the very first book. But when I re-read that book recently, I was struck by the difference in Butcher’s writing over the years. Each book has gotten better in every way. More polished, while still being edgy and fun. Every character has grown (except those who didn’t survive, of course) and the newer books are just so much stronger overall. But I can’t imagine him going back and changing anything in the first one. It was good. It’s just that the more recent ones are WAY beyond that. They are EXCELLENT, and if he doesn’t hurry up with the next one, I’m going to be forced to start writing Fan Fiction to satisfy my craving for Dresden snarkiness. (Okay, that’s total baloney. I wouldn’t do that, even if I were capable of thinking like Harry Dresden.)

          But my point is, even if I had the time, I wouldn’t rewrite WRR. I’d start the NEXT book in the series, and try to make it the best one yet. 🙂

          As for just plain writing and making real connections, I think that’s very good advice. If you get enough good books out there, you can parlay that into a decent income. At least, that’s MY plan. 😀 I’ll be looking forward to your reposts and comments. 😀

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    • I haven’t yet, Don, but I’m willin’! 🙂 This past year was absolutely crazy, between my writing and local guest appearances at various venues around central Florida. I only have the energy to do two to three of these a month, and my calendar was full. But I’ve only got three things booked, so far, for this fall. Might be slowing up a bit, but who knows? When is the Indie Bookfest, and do you simply apply for this one, or do you have to be invited? (And even if I don’t “do” it, I’d probably like to stop by, just to make some new friends (like you.)

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        • Thanks so much for the info, Don. I would definitely like to go if I can. I’m presenting a Self-Publishing for Beginners Workshop on 10/8, but maybe I can get over there on the 9th. It would be great to take a looking around, meet some new folks, and get all the info about the next one. AND. There will be BOOKS!! Woohoo. Because my TBR pile is nearly GONE, you know. (Oh, HAHAHAHA. Sometimes I crack myself up!)

          If I make it there, I will be sure to find you and say hi!

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