#Excerpt week – THE PRINCE’S MAN by Deborah Jay #EpicFantasy #readers #books

rsz_3pm-ebook_flat_2Stepping up to the plate 😀

Thanks Marcia for this great idea – sampling authors we’ve not met before.

So here is a little teaser snippet from THE PRINCE’S MAN, a novel best summed up as ‘James Bond meets Lord of the Rings’.


“Dart, meet Charmer. Charmer, meet Dart.”

            Rustam looked pleadingly at Halnashead. “You’re joking, surely? You must be. She can’t be Dart; she’s—”

            “What?” cut in Lady Risada. “A woman?”

            “No! Well, yes. I suppose so.” Rustam shifted uncomfortably, his mind reeling as it tried to adjust to the concept of a noblewoman as a player. Female servants on occasion, yes. But a lady?

            He glanced aside at the lady in question. She stared coldly back.

            “Please, please!” Halnashead drew their attention. “I want you two to get on with each other. Does it surprise you so much, Rusty?”

            “Rusty?” echoed Lady Risada derisively.

            Taken aback by the lady’s obvious animosity, Rustam considered the prince’s question. “I suppose it shouldn’t. With her court position, the lady has access to all levels of nobility; certainly a great asset to your Highness.”

            “And don’t you forget it, dancer boy,” muttered Risada.

            Halnashead frowned. “Be nice, Risada. Rustam is my most skilled agent.”

            “Most skilled womaniser, you mean!”

More to follow tomorrow…

4 thoughts on “#Excerpt week – THE PRINCE’S MAN by Deborah Jay #EpicFantasy #readers #books

  1. I can tell already that this needs to move up in my TBR pile. Thanks so much for sharing with us Deborah. You’re off to a great start, and I can’t wait to read what’s coming tomorrow. I’ve tweeted & FB’d. I’ll reblog shortly, too.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Wrapping up #EXCERPT WEEK on THE WRITE STUFF #readers #books | deborahjay

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