#ThorsDaySmile – #AmLaughing – #Humor

“Christmas, Christmas time is near,
Time for toys and time for cheer,
We’ve been good, but we can’t last,
Hurry Christmas, hurry fast!”

Betcha if I asked you to name Thor’s favorite Christmas song, you would never have guessed it had anything to do with Alvin & the Chipmunks, would ya? Welp–you’d have been wrong. It seems Thor finds that song hilarious, and likes to play it over and over on his iPhone. (What? You thought the giant Norse God of Thunder wouldn’t be caught dead with an iPhone? How the heck do you think he keeps up with his social media while on the go?)

Chipmunks and iPhones aside, Thor specifically asked me to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season, so with that in mind, here are a few memes we both hope will make you laugh.

Saved this for last,  just because it’s ADORABLE!

And Blessings of the Season to ALL!

#ThorsDaySmile – #AmLaughing – #Humor

It’s time for #ThorsDaySmile again, folks, and even the God of Thunder, himself, is happy about this one. As you might expect, Thor (being a man of gigantic stature) dearly loves to eat, and that means that Thanksgiving is his favorite holiday of the year. (And believe me, when Thor sits down at your table for Thanksgiving dinner, there are NO leftovers!)  With all of that in mind, I present you with the best Thanksgiving memes I could find. Enjoy!

Happy Thanksgiving to All Who Celebrate It!
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble!

#ThorsDaySmile – #AmLaughing – #Humor

Hi, Everybody! I’m guessing you know that it’s time for another #ThorsDaySmile post, and are probably wondering if Thor is finally coming out of the snit he’s been in lately. I was thinking he had cheered up a bit, but once he told me what he’d really like to see today, I have to admit I’m having second thoughts about that. But whether he’s still being grumpy or is just becoming an ardent reptile fan, here’s what he asked for: Alligators. Lots and lots of alligators!  Oddly enough, there aren’t nearly as many funny pictures of these big lizards as there are of most critters, but I did my best, so here you go: Thor’s Alligators on Parade! Enjoy!

And that’s it for Gators On Parade, folks!
Hope you got a chuckle or two from some of these.

#ThorsDaySmile -#AmLaughing – #Humor

At last, Thor has calmed down a bit, and seems to be more like his old self again. In fact, he specifically said he was missing some canine humor, so just to make him happy, I’m sharing some dog memes today. Hope you find a few to make you smile! 😀

And there you have it, my friends: Dogs on Parade!
Hope some of you got a few chuckles!
(Happy now, Thor?)

#ThorsDaySmile – #AmLaughing – #Humor

Just when I thought I had the God of Thunder all figured out, Thor decided to change the rules. He’s apparently tired of the same old stuff all the time, and asked me to find some written humor for a change. So I did. (Hey, who am I to argue with a giant Norse guard armed with a HUGE hammer?) So, brace yourself for something different, with nary a meme in sight! Enjoy!

A guy tried to sell me a coffin today. I told him that’s the last thing I need.

Whatever you do always give 100%. Unless you are giving blood.

Sign on liquor store: “Home schooling? Get your supplies here.”

Sign at the hospital: “Never do anything you wouldn’t want to explain to the paramedics or the doctors in the emergency room.”

Zoo Rules: Those who throw stones or other objects at the alligators and crocodiles will be asked to retrieve them.

Sign at library: “I before E … Except when your foreign neighbor Keith receives eight sleighs from feisty caffeinated weightlifters. W E I R D.”

My wife told me to stop impersonating a flamingo. I had to put my foot down.

I went to buy some camo pants but couldn’t find any.

When life gives you melons, you might be dyslexic.

I was wondering why the frisbee kept getting bigger and bigger,
but then it hit me.

And there you have it!
Hope you enjoyed a few lines of malarky courtesy of Thor!

#ThorsDaySmile – #AmLaughing – #Humor

Well, last time, Thor was in a catty mood, but today, it seems he’s decided it’s a dog eat dog world out there. Me, I think he’s doggone crazy. But regardless, when someone says “dog” to me, I immediately think “dachshunds,” because … CUTE!!! So, here’s a bit of dachsie humor for you, compliments of the God of Thunder, himself. Enjoy!

Hope these little stubby-legged sausages gave you a smile or two.
(I miss ours more than I can say!)


#ThorsDaySmile – #Humor – #AmLaughing

Don’t know about you guys, but I’ve been trying to regain my health and continue with my weight loss, only a bit more slowly and safely than the last time I focused on it.  This endeavor got me to thinking about gyms and the folks who swear by them.  And that, of course, sent me looking for a few memes on the topic. Thor snorted himself silly over these, so I figured I’d share them with you guys. Hope you get a few silly snorts from them, too!

And there you have a whole bunch of
muscles and sweat to make you laugh!
Hope it worked!