#AlertTheMedia – #TakingABreak

Hi, Everyone!

Recently, I’ve been advised that I’m supposed to take some breaks now and then, even from things I enjoy, like my blog. This is something I’ve never been good about doing, but it seems I need to pace myself better, if I don’t want to fall face down on the keyboard one day, unable to do another thing. Since the person who advised me on this has a medical degree and I don’t, I suspect I should listen to him. 

With that in mind, I’m going to step back from the computer for a few days, assuming I can stand the shock of doing so. I WILL be back though, I promise. (Probably just in time for next week’s ThorsDaySmile post, as I don’t think I can manage longer than that without going berserk.)

Hopefully, I’ll actually get out of the house once or twice and maybe even have some fun tales or photos to share when I return. We’ll see. In the meantime, DO behave yourselves and maybe even head out to have some fun here and there, too. They say it’s good for us! 

See you in a week. (IF I can stand it that long!)

20 thoughts on “#AlertTheMedia – #TakingABreak

  1. I’ve not been able to do anything over the Easter break and have told myself not to fret about missing posts and do what I can with my time. Your nice doctor has given you advice re priorities and I’m delighted that you’re listening to him. Here’s to a pleasant and healing break. I’ll miss you – but I’m glad you’re being sensible and, like the others, I’ll be here on your return. ❤ ❤ ❤

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