#HealthUpdate – #VeryGoodNews!


I’m pretty sure you guys must be tired of hearing about poor, pitiful me, stuck at home while dealing with this or that health issue. (I know *I* am!!) Well, guess what? Today, I have good news. The BEST, actually, considering some of the things I was coping with, or had been warned were on the horizon.  Therefore, without further ado, let me bring you up to date.

Some of you might know we had a change in insurance a couple of years ago that meant I could no longer see the wonderful dentist I’d been seeing for about 20 years. Before I could find another dentist that would take my new insurance, the pandemic hit, I had COVID twice, and in general, wasn’t doing my best. After three years stuck at home, I managed to get a couple of broken teeth, and realized I had to have help. I found a new dentist very near to our house, and he proceeded to install a crown over the first tooth that was bothering me. Only problem was, he installed it incorrectly, and it immediately got infected. He basically pitched a fit and said “Go find an endodontist,” and walked out of the room. 

Suffice it to say, I struggled to find another dentist, during which time the infection got worse and worse. It was extremely painful, and didn’t go away, even with four courses of antibiotics, and another dentist taking a look. I finally realized it was worth going back to my original dentist and paying out of my own pocket to get the problem addressed. Guess what? NO MORE PAIN. From June 1, through all of July & August, and into mid-September, I struggled with this excruciatingly painful mess, but thankfully, the infection has finally been defeated, and I have a wonderful dentist in charge again.  I’m so happy, I can’t being to tell you, and I am considering the lack of pain a miracle of the highest level!


In addition to trying to get the dental issue under control, I had to find all new doctors to replace all of my old (and greatly respected) ones. So far, this has been a much more successful endeavor than trying to find another dentist. I think I’ve struck gold with each new doctor, in particular, my new cardiologist. From the moment he introduced himself, I was impressed, and felt he was going to work out fine. He had received all my records ahead of my visit, including imaging forwarded to him (supposedly) from my last cardio doctor’s exam. It showed significant thickening of the heart walls and he diagnosed it as Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (or HCM). He ordered two new medications and asked me to curtail many of my favorite activities until he could get new imaging done for a better look. 

Long story short, they were finally able to do the new imaging last week, and the doctor went over it with me yesterday. He was dumbfounded that the new imaging looked nothing like what he had been sent. (He doesn’t believe the image that had been forwarded to him was of my heart at all!)

He said there is only the slightest thickening of my heart walls, and everything else is clear, and looked good. He’s not worried about HCM at all, and has taken me off of “house arrest” completely. In fact, he wants me to get out for daily walks, fifteen minutes of which should be fast enough to elevate my heart rate a bit, and build some strength. 


I’m apparently in darn good shape for someone who will turn 80 in a few months. Combine that with the fact that I’m no longer dealing with extreme pain, and I’m a very happy camper, here! I’m feeling energized, too, though I probably should get back into the swing of things one step at a time. I’m feeling so upbeat right now that I’m even planning to see if I can make some progress on my half-finished Riverbend tale that I shelved a few months ago. 

In other words, Miracles Really Do Happen, and I have just experienced another one!

Last but Definitely Not Least:
Here’s to Good Health and Many Miracles
for each of you, my friends! 


77 thoughts on “#HealthUpdate – #VeryGoodNews!

    • Thank you so much, Nancy! I’m so happy, I can hardly believe it. We are heading to the mall shortly so I can get my walking done in air conditioned comfort. And Mark can finish his, too, so he won’t have to go back out into the heat later today. It’s going to work out well, and I’m feeling very, very grateful today! 😊❤️😊

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  1. That’s terrific news, Marcia. The prequel sounds truly horrific and it’s staggering that the wrong image might have been sent. You must be delighted – I know I am on your behalf! The wheel of fortune is hopefully turning in your direction now! ❤ ❤ ❤

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    • Thanks so much, Trish. I’m beyond joyful that things are looking up. I did NOT want to spend the last years of my life as an invalid, and that’s what it had started to feel like. No way to know what tomorrow will bring, but for now, I feel like a new person! And thanks for your constant support and encouragement, too. It’s friends like you who have helped keep me sane during this ordeal. Yep, it’s another miracle, for sure!

      Here’s wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead, filled with some miracles of your own!

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    • Thanks, Darlene! I’m already workin’ on it! 😀 We went to the mall to walk in air conditioned comfort, and I got in my fifteen minutes of fast walking the doctor suggested, and then slowed down so I could walk a bit more, too. I’ve walked 2-1/2 miles today, plus gotten 8 hours on my FitBit, too. I’m off to a great start, so “hip & fun” can’t be far behind! 😂😂😂

      Thanks so much for stopping by to offer encouragement, too. I really appreciate it, and here’s to a great weekend ahead for us all! 😀 ❤

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    • Aw, thanks so much, Jackie! I’m so relieved to have the dental pain/infection finally gone, and to have my old dentist back on my team again. And I was thrilled with the news from my cardiologist, for sure. It was WONDERFUL to get out of the house today and do some walking and shopping. I was truly withering away during my extended house arrest. Life is full of promise again! Wheeeee!

      Thanks for stopping by and offering encouragement today, my friend, and here’s to a great weekend ahead! 😀 ❤

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    • Yes! 80 IS the new 50! I think I’ll have a t-shirt made. 😀

      Thanks for the kind words, Jan. I really appreciate your stopping by to cheer me on. Here’s wishing you a wonderful weekend with a few miracles sprinkled in here and there, along the way! 😀 ❤


    • I’m glad the dental issue was finally sorted, but I was truly scared when I went in to see my cardiologist. Imagine my surprise to find out my imaging didn’t look at all like the one he’d been sent ahead of my first visit! I nearly fell off the chair! So, life is looking better every minute, and I’m really happy to be done with “house arrest.”

      Thanks so much for stopping by, Sharon, and here’s to a fabulous weekend ahead! 😀 ❤

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  2. There is nothing worse than toothache. I was really lucky last week when the dentist surgery answered the phone straight away and gave me a cancellation so soon I had to rush out of the house to get the. It was an infection and one week of antibiotics. your on going trouble must have been awful. That was weird about the heart, something dodgy going on there! At our local hospital the is a heart club, you do stuff in the gym under supervision and emergency equipment is on hand!

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    • I agree about the dental pain, Janet. It’s unimaginably horrible, and go go through for over 3 months was a nightmare …. BUT!! It’s over for me now, and sounds like yours is taken care of, too. That’s great!

      And yep. Something bad went wrong with the heart issue. I shudder to imagine what could have happened if he’d given me the wrong meds based on that incorrect image he was sent. Luckily that didn’t happen, and all is well in the end. Plus, I’m free to get out and do things again, so I’m a happy camper, for sure.

      Thanks for stopping by and sharing your experience, too, and here’s to a wonderful weekend ahead! 😀 ❤

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    • Thanks, Olga! I’m so happy to have this stuff behind me, and looking forward to better days ahead, for sure! Heck, I might even be able to write again, with all of this stress removed. I’d sure love that.

      Thanks for stopping by to offer encouragement, and here’s to a wonderful weekend ahead! 😀 ❤


    • HEY, Jackie!!! So nice of you to stop by, and thanks so much for your kind words. Who knows? Now that my dental pain is finally gone, and I’m not on house arrest any longer, I might be able to get back to working on Riverbend Burning again. If so, I hope you’d still like to be one of my readers?

      I’m still thinking about whether I’m going to try to give any more wildlife talks. Cindy would like for me to do so, but I’m pretty sure I don’t want to go back to two a month. Maybe just now and then. Would LOVE to have you visit if we do one, or if we do a tea one day.

      Thanks for stopping by today and offering me love and encouragement. Right back atcha with both of those, my friend! 😀 ❤

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    • I don’t know why I didn’t do it right off the bat. The minute I thought of it, I called for an appointment, and will see them next week. I know they’ll handle everything that needs to be done in the best way possible, and I’d rather pay them out of pocket than deal with any other sub-par dentists. *shudder*

      Thanks for sharing your experience, HHL, and here’s to a great weekend ahead! 😀 ❤

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    • Aw, thanks so much, Sally! I’m so happy to be done with these issues, I can’t even tell you. Life is gonna be fun again. (Or at least not miserable!!) It already started today, as I got in all the walking my doctor wanted me to start doing again. Yay!

      Thanks so much for stopping by with your words of encouragement, and here’s to a wonderful weekend ahead! 😀 ❤

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    • Thank you so much, Jeanne! I left the doctor’s office practically dancing on air. I will definitely ease back into the physical stuff. He suggested I walk 15 minutes every day at a pace that would speed up my heart rate a bit. I did so today, but had to slow down about halfway through, since I don’t think he wanted me to be gasping for breath. 😉I did continue to walk another 15 or 20 minutes, but at a far more relaxed rate of speed. Tomorrow, I’m aiming to hit the faster pace for the whole fifteen minutes, but I’ll play it by ear until I get back into it all again.

      I can even do some gardening now, but I promised him I’d “pace myself,” and stop OFTEN for breaks and hydration. It’s still VERY hot down here, so I have to be careful.

      Haven’t totally decided on the talks, but if I do start giving them again, it won’t be twice a month at two different venues. While I want to rejoin the world of the living, I do NOT want to overdo and end up stuck at home again. Plus, I’d really like to do a bit more writing before I “retire.” 😀

      Thanks so much for stopping by with your kind words and encouragement, and here’s to a wonderful weekend ahead. (Maybe even some miracles for ALL of us!) 🤗❤️🤗

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    • Thanks so much, Liesbet! This summer wasn’t much fun, I confess, BUT … I made it through and things are looking up, now. I now have confidence that any remaining issues will be dealt with properly, and I’ll continue to feel better and better.

      Thanks for stopping by and taking a moment to say hello, and here’s to a wonderful weekend, filled with miracles galore! 😀 ❤

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    • Aw, thanks for such a nice compliment, Pete. I can’t believe what a difference a day made in my world, and I’m definitely feeling like things are falling into place just as they should. It’s great to be able to get OUT of the house once again, too. Yep. Life still surprises me with miracles of all kinds.

      Thanks so much for stopping by and taking a moment to congratulate me on my improved health, too. I really appreciate it, and hope you have a super weekend ahead!
      😀 ❤


    • Exactly so, Debra! Sometimes we don’t realize how much we have until we lose it. I’m very, very grateful that this particular ordeal is over now, and I’m looking forward to being part of the world again. (No more “house arrest!”)

      Thanks for stopping by this morning and taking the time to wish me well. I very much appreciate it, and hope you are in for a great weekend! 😀 ❤

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  3. You must be ecstatic to hear this awesome news. Pain is a crusher of hopes and dreams and can so debilitating mentally and physically. I’m glad you got it all sorted out!

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    • Between the three months of constant severe pain and the heart worries, I really was debilitated, Wendy. But now that the pain is gone, and my cardiologist has seen very detailed imaging that we know is actually of MY heart, and not something sent to him in error … well, Life sure looks and feels a lot better! “Ecstatic” is about right. 😀

      Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and well wishes. I appreciate it greatly, and hope your weekend is off to a fabulous start! 😀 ❤


    • Thank you so much, Craig, and I agree! It’s amazing how quickly one’s spirit can rebound when something like this happens. I got in a great walk yesterday, and am feeling more and more like my old self with every hour that passes.

      Thanks for stopping by this morning, and here’s to a super weekend ahead! 😀 ❤

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    • Thank you so much, Jill! I’m so excited to have been given a new lease on life, more or less, and I’m really looking forward to being able to take some long walks along my favorite nature trails again. (When it finally decides to cool down, that is.) Fall is my favorite time of the year, and I’ve just been given permission to enjoy it to the fullest, so woohoo!

      Thanks for stopping by today, and I hope you have a marvelous weekend! 😀 ❤


    • Thanks so much, Denise. I’m so happy to find out I don’t really have a heart problem, other than the fact that my heart will soon be 80 years old. I’m delighted to no longer be on “house arrest,” and looking forward to getting back into doing the things I love.

      Thanks for stopping by today, and hope you have a wonderful weekend! 😀 ❤

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    • Aw, thanks so much for the kind words, Dennis! I’m not sure I fit that description very well, but hey, if I’ve got you fooled, who am I to argue? 😀 And thank you so much for being happy on my behalf. I’m still trying to wrap my head around my good news.

      Thanks so much for stopping by to say hello, and here’s wishing you a great rest of the weekend! 😀 ❤


  4. Woo-hoo! I am SO HAPPY for you, my friend! That’s super awesome about the dentist, but the cardio news is in a class all by itself. I do believe in miracles and answered prayers. You have a new lease on life, and I feel your enthusiasm. Sending you big hugs and plenty of well wishes! 🤗 💕 ❤️

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    • Thank you, Mae! I’m feeling pretty awesome about the whole thing right now. Lack of pain has me almost giddy with happiness, but you’re right. The cardio news IS in a separate class. I”m with you about miracles and answered prayers, too, and feel truly blessed to have received a new lease on life. Thanks for the hugs and well wishes, and for stopping by to say hello. I appreciate it hugely! 🤗❤️🤗❤️🤗

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    • Thanks so much, Joan. I agree that miracles do happen, and it sure feels like TWO have happened for me in the last few days. I’m so happy with the news, and I really appreciate your stopping by to offer your kind words.

      Hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend, my friend, and have a great week coming up ahead of you! 🤗❤️🤗❤️🤗

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    • Thanks so much, Sue. I agree! I feel like a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders, and I can get on with life again. Sans PAIN!! (Or at least no more than the usual minor aches and pains.) I’m still amazed over the heart issue. What a relief!

      Thanks so much for stopping by today and offering your kind words. I really appreciate it, and hope you have a wonderful week ahead! 😀 ❤

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  5. Just thrilled to read your good news Marcia!
    I know our health care systems are different, but I know all about self-funding, and I’m so glad it’s an option, even if it’s annoying (not to mention expensive) that it should be necessary. Glad you decided to take that route.
    And I know quite a bit about the cock-ups made by admin systems, pretty dammed worrying! So glad it worked in your favour, although as you said earlier, pretty worrying that someone might have gotten your scans instead of the ones they needed for their doctor to diagnose them correctly.
    Anyway, so happy for you – now you can crack on with life!

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    • Thanks so much, Debby! Self-funding is going to be necessary for the dental care because not very many dentists accept my particular insurance. All my other doctors do, but dental care is very pricey, which can be problematic. BUT, at least I can now go back to the great dentist I had for more than 20 years, and for that I’m grateful.

      This is honestly the first time I’ve ever had any kind of mix-up with my medical records, and I sure hope it’s the last. (Both for myself and the other party.) I’m feeling pretty optimistic about my care right now, though. I believe we have it all sorted, finally.

      Yep! I’m gonna “crack on” with life, thanks! Just you watch and see! 😂 ❤

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  6. Oh my gosh, Marcia. The doctor wasn’t even sure they were your images! That’s horrible, but the outcome is awesome. And great news that your teeth are all happy and pain free too. All wonderful news. So glad that you can get out again. Cheers!


    • He seems to think the image he received before my first visit with him must have been of someone else’s heart, as Cardiomyopathy doesn’t get better. You just have to find ways to keep it from getting worse. The new, extremely detailed imaging shows only the slightest of thickening, which is not at all like the first one. So something was definitely wrong somewhere. All I know is that my heart is much healthier than we had thought, and things are definitely looking up in that regard. So now, I’m much healthier and pain-free, too! What could be better, short of knocking off ten or twenty years from my age? 😂

      Thanks for your kind words, and here’s a secret–shhhhh, now: I have started re-reading my first chapters of Riverbend Burning, and am really getting back into the story again. Once I’ve gone through all fifteen that I wrote a year ago, I definitely plan to start on Chapter 16! We’ll see how it goes.

      Cheers back atcha! 🤗❤️🤗

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    • I was very excited to share the news, Valerie, and I’m glad you enjoyed the positivity of it all, and the news of the miracle that I feel has happened. (Miracles are GOOD, huh? 😀 )

      Thanks for stopping by and taking a moment to say hello. Hope you have a great rest of the week! 😀 ❤


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