36 thoughts on “#GrannySays – #Humor – #Inspiration – #Wisdom

    • I’ve been known to do some really dumb things, Bill, but I figure most of us probably have that problem now and then, too. 😀

      Thanks for stopping by and taking a moment to say hello! 😀


    • You’re welcome, Vera. Granny figured most of us could identify with this one, and couldn’t resist passing it on. 😁

      Thanks for stopping by today and taking time to say hello. 😊

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    • You are exactly right, Yvette! Trying to point the finger of blame at everyone else in sight doesn’t work in the long run. Might as well face facts right from the start, eh?

      Thanks so much for stopping by today and taking a moment to say hello! Always good to see you! 😀 ❤

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    • Even so, it’s probably better to accept the blame right from the start than to keep pointing fingers at others, right?

      Thanks for stopping by today, Denise. Hope your day is going just the way you want! 😀 ❤


    • Very true, and time is too precious to waste playing those games, tempting though it might be now and then.

      Thanks so much for stopping by today, Nancy. Always nice to see you, and here’s to a great weekend ahead! 😀 ❤

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    • Granny’s a pretty smart ol’ gal, Trish … even if she has to steal her “wisdom” from the likes of Theodore Roosevelt. 😁Glad you enjoyed this one, and hope you have a great weekend ahead! 😀 ❤

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    • I usually find them, and I always add the name of the originator IF I can find it. This one was by Theodore Roosevelt, believe it or not, and boy did Teddy hit it on the nose! Glad you enjoyed it, and thanks so much for stopping by and taking a moment to let me know. Have a great rest of the weekend! 😀 ❤

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        • There is NO “before it gets hot” going on in Florida now. It’s hot 24 hours a day. You get Hot, then Hotter, then Unbearably Hot, then Hell Has Boiled Over. And the peak temps are just now arriving, and will last through August, for sure. Possibly well into September.

          If you haven’t guessed, I HATE the heat! Give me cold weather any day. I mean, I can put on extra clothes to get warm, but you can only get SO naked, and if that doesn’t cool you off, you’re outta luck.

          Having said all of that, I don’t begrudge you a cooler climate. (Much.) 😂😂😂

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            • It really is awful right now. We are still reclaiming our garden from Hurricane Irma’s devastation, and I’ve been trying to do a small 15/20 minute job outside each day, first thing in the morning, but it’s time to stop even that much until cooler weather sets in. Inside projects only now, until things cool off.

              And yep. Places are kinda like people, in that none of them are perfect. You just have to take the bad with the good, sometimes. There are things I love about Florida, for sure, especially our rivers and wildlife, but the hot weather is NOT one of them.

              On the other hand, winters are great! Perfect weather. Roses in bloom, gardens look beautiful, temps are wonderfully cool, but not generally cold. Yep, Florida winters are the best, and I’m sure looking forward to those beautiful days ahead.

              Enjoy your newly stained deck!! 😀 ❤

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    • Glad you enjoyed Granny’s post, Annie. She shows up around here every other Friday, and often has some interesting things to comment on. Thanks for dropping by today, and hope you’ll stop back by now and then. 😀

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