#ThankYou and a Quick Health #Update

Just wanted to thank everyone who commented on Dennis’s wonderful butterfly post yesterday. So glad you enjoyed it, and I’m sorry I was unable to respond to comments. I’ve run into complications from my last dental procedure and have had to start a course of antibiotics, along with some pretty potent pain medication. I may be a bit scarce for a few more days, but hopefully, I’ll be back to my regular routines soon.

If all goes well, Dennis and I will continue with our #WildlifeWednesday series as time permits, too. Between us, we have lots of goodies we we want to tell you about, and we’re both looking forward to doing so. In fact, I have a post coming up on July 12 that I hope you’ll enjoy, featuring one of my favorite wading birds. Looking forward to sharing it with you. 

In the meantime, don’t worry if I’m pretty quiet for another week or two. I’ll be back before you know it!

See you soon!

20 thoughts on “#ThankYou and a Quick Health #Update

  1. Truly sorry, Marcia, about this latest setback. I hope the antibiotics don’t leave feeling too “bleh” and that your dental problem is sorted quickly. Keep taking the pain medication as advised and get some sleep when you can. Looking forward to your return. ❤ ❤ ❤

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