#GuestDayTuesday – Featuring #JohnW.Howell and #TheLastDrive

Hooray! It’s #GuestDayTuesday once again, and I’m pleased to say our first guest of 2023 is John W. Howell, a good friend of writers everywhere. I know you’ll make John welcome, as he shares his latest book with us today. Take it away, John!

I am so pleased to be with you today, Marcia Thank you for helping spread the word about The Last Drive. You have had such challenges this year with COVID, and Hurricanes I am grateful that you are able to host me as part of the tour. You know Lucifer has been giving the protagonists a rough time with the idea of breaking their spirit. I don’t want to draw a connection to Lucifer in your case but am so happy that none of your challenges has kept you from continuing your normal productive writer’s life. It is good to have you back and I’m pleased to be the first guest of 2023.

The Last Drive Blurb

In the sequel to Eternal Road – The final stop, Sam and James are reunited to look for two souls, Ryan and Eddie. Ryan was killed in Afghanistan, trying to avoid a schoolyard with his crippled plane. Eddie Rickenbacker, Ryan’s hero, is to guide Ryan to his Eternal Home, and now both are missing.

The higher-ups believe that there has been some interference in Ryan and Eddie’s journey by Lucifer, so Sam and James have the task of finding Ryan and Eddie to get them back on the road despite the evil interference. Unfortunately, the machinations designed to prevent Ryan and Eddy from completing their journey take the pair to horrifying testing grounds. The places visited represent the best work of the Devil. They are the trenches of World War I in France, gladiators at the Roman Coliseum, the sinking Titanic in 1912, Hiroshima 45 minutes before the bomb, and the Auschwitz concentration camp in 1943.

This book is for you if you like plenty of action, strong characters, time travel, and a touch of spiritual and historical fiction. So, join Sam and James as they try to find the missing souls while staying one step ahead of the Prince of Darkness, who is determined to destroy all that is good.


 The Oldsmobile shakes and lifts into the water. The sensation of movement returns, and Sam reaches over to touch James’s hand. The familiar settling feeling of the Olds tells them they’ve reached their destination. James says, “Looks like we’re here.”

“I don’t recognize this place.”

James shakes his head. “Yeah, it’s sure not my Eternal Home.”

“I wonder where we are? Wait a minute. Look over there.”

James shields his eyes. “Where?”

Sam points. “Look past that line of trees. I see a lot of dust rising.”

James follows where Sam points. “You’re right. What’s going on?”

“We’d better get out of the car and find out where we are. I have a feeling that bastard has sent us on a learning mission.”

James’s eyebrows rise. “Learning mission?”

Sam nods. “Yeah. You know when he doesn’t get his way, he tends to make our situation a living nightmare.”

“I like how you put that. I would say an Eternal Nightmare.”

James opens the door, steps out of the Oldsmobile, and shields his eyes with his hand.

Sam comes around to his side. “What do you think it is?”

“If I were a betting man, I would say those are troops on horseback.”

“You don’t suppose that creep sent us to a different time?”

“Ding, ding, ding. The young lady wins again.”

Sam gives James a punch to the arm. “Very funny. This worries me.”

James stares and frowns. “A line of Union cavalry just came from those woods.”

Sam stands on her tip-toes. “How can you tell?”

“Look at the uniforms and the guidon. It’s the thirty-four-star swallowtail flag used during the battle of Gettysburg.”

“You think we’re at Gettysburg?”

James nods. “I would bet on it.”

Sam moves closer and takes his arm. “There were over ninety-thousand Union and seventy-thousand Confederate troops at that battle. Where’re the rest?”

“These guys may be the first arrivals. Maybe we should go talk to them.”

“We’re still in World-War-One uniforms. How do you think those guys will take to that?”

“Maybe we take off the coats, and we’ll look like regular folks.”

“Like Confederate folks, you mean?”

“I guess we’ll have to take the chance. I’ll wave. Perhaps they’ll send somebody.”

Sam lets go of James’s arm. “Or shoot us.”

“Yeah, that too. Let’s get away from the Olds. Look for a landmark so we can remember where it is.”

Sam points. “Got it. See that large oak tree on the hill?”

James nods. “Yeah, I see it. That’s our landmark. I’m going to wave now.”

The Last Drive is available in paper and Kindle editions on Amazon. Here are the universal links. The Kindle edition is on sale for 99¢ through mid-February.

Kindle  https://mybook.to/FYmkKr
Paper https://mybook.to/BCsWV

Author John W. Howell

John is an award-winning author who after an extensive business career began writing full time in 2012. His specialty is thriller fiction novels, but John also writes poetry and short stories. He has written Six other books that are on Amazon in paperback and Kindle editions.

John lives in Lakeway, Texas with his wife and their spoiled rescue pets.

You can reach John on Social Media here:

Blog Fiction Favorites – http://johnwhowell.com/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/john.howell.98229241
Twitter – https://www.twitter.com/HowellWave
Amazon Author’s pagehttps://www.amazon.com/author/johnwhowell
BookBub – https://www.bookbub.com/profile/john-w-howell

Eternal Road Buy links

Kindle Universal link  mybook.to/EternalRoad
Paper universal link mybook.to/Eternalroadpaper




91 thoughts on “#GuestDayTuesday – Featuring #JohnW.Howell and #TheLastDrive

  1. Pingback: The Last Drive Tour with Marcia Meara | Fiction Favorites

    • I’m sure looking forward to reading it, Darlene. Sad to say, my reading time has once again been swallowed up by Life, BUT I’m working on a schedule that will allow me to get back to it VERY soon, and John’s book is right at the top of my list!

      Thanks so much for dropping by today and lending your support to one of the nicest of our fellow writers! It’s a treat to have him visiting this morning! 😀

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Great Guest Day start to the year, Marcia! I have Eternal Road safe in my Kindle and this extract tells me it needs to move nearer the light. Many thanks. ♥♥

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’m right there with you, Trish, and can’t wait for life to give me a few DRHs soon! (Designated Reading Hours!) We are so behind on so much right now, my only reading time has been when I drag myself off to bed. The trouble with that is, I conk out WAY too soon, and even though the Kindle clunking down on my head awakens me, it’s not long before I’m down for the count. *sigh* BUT, we are slowly regaining some control around here, and things WILL change!

      Thanks so much for stopping by today! 😀

      Liked by 2 people

  3. It’s great to see John here, Marcia. And his introduction made me giggle. I’m glad you’re energy is returning and delighted that Lucifer is staying far away. John is super creative and this is a great read. Thanks to you both for another fun stop on the tour. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Another wonderful tour stop, John! Identifying a landmark so they could return to the Olds was super important. Loved this excerpt! Thank you, Marcia, for featuring John here today. And, John, best wishes for continued success!! Love the story!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Pingback: Thursday – A Little Personal – Lucy and Twiggy are Back Where They Belong | Fiction Favorites

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