#GrannySays and #CovidUpdate

I’m very happy to let you good folks know that after 4 weeks (ack!) tomorrow, I may be turning a corner. Saturday was a pretty bad day. Symptoms were still qualifying as mild, but they were noticeably worse than they’d been in the preceding weeks. In fact, Mark and I both had clean clothes lying in wait at the foot of the bed in case we had to make a trip to the ER in the middle of the night. (Nothing like being pepared for something to assure that it doesn’t happen, you know.) 😁

Happily, when I woke up Sunday morning, I felt quite a bit better. And Monday, better still. In fact, it was the best day I’d had since this whole thing began last month. For the FIRST time, I made it through the day without multiple naps, too, so even the fatigue issue was improving. Yesterday continued with things still remaining pretty level, and again, no naps necessary! WOOHOO! 🎈✨🎈

I’m not back 100% by any means, but it’s a huge step forward, and I’m looking forward to at least being able to catch up with a few of my favorite blogs. It might be a while longer before I’m able to do all the things I was doing before this wretched virus came along, but I believe someone once said “slow and steady wins the race.” (Thank you, Aesop.) So that’s my plan. Still gonna listen to my body, get plenty of rest, and stay home a bit longer until I’m ready to be tested and cleared for take-off! 😊

Finally, I’d like to thank you all for your support, encouraging emails, and friendship. It has meant the world to me, and I love each and every one of you!Β 

48 thoughts on “#GrannySays and #CovidUpdate

    • Thanks so much, Olga. I’m taking it one baby step at a time, but it sure feels good to finally see some improvement. And thanks for stopping by to offer encouragement, too. I appreciate it! πŸ™‚ ❀

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    • I’m so sorry to hear about your neighbors, Janet. Sending them positive energy and prayers. This virus is just so unpredictable, and truly frightening. You stay well, too! And thanks for stopping by today. πŸ™‚ ❀

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    • Thank you so much, Jeanne. That’s exactly what I’m hoping for. It’s easier to put up with this when you can actually see some improvement. So … I’m busy creating happiness (see above) for myself by paying close attention to any and all improvements. πŸ˜€

      Thanks for stopping by today! πŸ™‚ ❀

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    • Thanks so much, Sharon. Yes it is, and as a 77-year-old diabetic with high blood pressure and a propensity for pneumonia, I found it utterly terrifying. I am absolutely convinced the vaccine saved my life, and probably Mark’s as well, though he’s younger and in better health. I’m one lucky Granny! And busy today creating some happiness for myself! πŸ˜€

      Thanks for stopping by! πŸ™‚ ❀


  1. Sorry that you were feeling so rough on Saturday (but well done with the clean clothes pre-emptive strike!). Delighted to hear that you’re beginning to feel better now AND that you’re not going to rush things. Here’s for continued progress and a speedy recovery. ❀

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    • I knew you’d pick up on that, Trish! πŸ˜‚ It’s been a rule of thumb for me all my life. Always hope for the best, but always, ALWAYS be prepared for the worst. I don’t like being caught off guard. πŸ˜„

      Thanks so much for your kind words, and believe me, I’m not going to rush or push myself too hard. When I feel tried, I’m sitting down. Maybe even before. And I have a timer I’m using, too, so I won’t get so involved I forgot to take regular breaks. Meanwhile, some of the little things I’m doing are simply because they make me HAPPY, and just as “Granny Says,” I intend to create happiness whenever I can! That’s my story, an’ I’m stickin’ to it! 😁

      You’ll be glad to know that I have also stopped worrying about the fact that I’ll never catch up on my blogging stuff. It doesn’t matter. I’ll just go forward anew a little at a time, and will not worry about what I wasn’t able to do while dealing with this. See? I’m really being good!

      Thanks so much for stopping by my friend, and please continue to stay well!! This stuff is NO FUN, as I know you are aware. πŸ€— ❀

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      • I’m sooo happy that you’re being practical and sensible about this setback. I know how long you’ve been blogging for (even before the term came into being) and it must be hard to step back from it for a while, but it’s the right thing to do. Give your body a break and come back full-force when you know you’re ready – not before! ❀ πŸ‡ 🐊 (sending your some grapes and a friendly alligator)

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        • How did you know grapes and an alligator were JUST what I needed?? πŸ˜„ Thanks. And I really am listening to my body, not taking any unnecessary chances. I want to get to the other side of this stuff and able to return to the things I love doing, so I know I need to be careful not to do anything that might set me back. In fact, even though I’m not sleepy, I have done enough little things for now and am heading for the Comfy Chair for some reading. Will check in again later. πŸ€—πŸ’—πŸ€—

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    • I’m told the symptoms of “mild COVID” can last for a very long time, but if they stay where they are now, I’ll be able to wait it out. And I’m still hoping they will continue to lessen every day. Four weeks is long enough, I think. But I’m not going to complain (too much) because I’m still HERE! (And still crazy after all these years!) So I’m focusing on being grateful and creating happiness where possible. It really helps!

      Thanks so much for stopping by today, Jan, and for all your kind words and well wishes. They are greatly appreciated! 😊 πŸ€—


    • Thanks so much, Sue, and I’m workin’ on it! Still feeling much better today, and haven’t been forced to take a nap, so that’s all good! And I agree on this all going away. I fear we will not see that happen too soon, but it doesn’t hurt to keep thinking positively and hoping it will. Thanks for stopping by! πŸ™‚ ❀

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    • Thanks, Bette! The last three days now have been SO much easier, and I’m truly hoping they’ll continue improving in the days ahead. And thanks for stopping by! VERY much appreciated! πŸ™‚ ❀

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  2. Wonderful, wonderful news!! ✨✨✨ I’m elated on your behalf, Marcia. You may not be quite ready for a Happy Dance, but I’m doing one for both of us. 😊

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    • Aw, thanks so much, Gwen. I’m not quite able to do a dance yet, but I’ll be HAPPY and GRATEFUL to accept yours! I’m feeling luckier by the day now, and truly hope the worse is over. And thank you so much for all your prayers and well wishes, my friend. They’ve meant the world to me! πŸ€— ❀


  3. Wow, what a topsy-turvy roller coaster you’ve been dealing with! I’m so glad it’s looking like the worst is now behind you. Like you said…slow and steady.
    Sending you plenty of healing thoughts and hugs ❀

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    • AW, thanks so much my Penderpal! While it’s been turvy longer than it’s been topsy, I still think I may have rounded the corner here, and things will continue to improve, even if more slowly than I’d like. As long as it’s heading in the right direction, I won’t complain. (Too much. πŸ˜‰ ) After all, I’ve got things to do, books to write, and a Pendergast tale to read! I can’t be sleeping all day any more! πŸ˜‚

      And thank you for all the kind words, encouragement and support! I can’t wait to compare notes with you on Bloodless! Sooooooon!!!! πŸ€— ❀

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  4. Stealing your Thank You logo. I neeeeddd it!
    I am glad you’re showing some improvement. The 21st of August marked one month for my entry into the hospital with c diff, staying 6 days where they found a blood clot in my right lung (My doctor and I had decided it was seasonal allergies, once covid was ruled out and we decided I’d wait until my October check in to see a pulmonologist.). It was a God thing that we found the clot, and I returned home on the 26th of July, to wait for the results of a needle biopsy of my lung (they also found a “nodule”). Last week the results came back “inconclusive” and I have a PET scan tomorrow afternoon Aug., 26th, to see what in the heck is going on in my body. Pray for me, please, and I will make a pact to pay for your complete and speedy recovery.
    Have a good weekend coming up, dear.

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    • Sorry I’m late responding, Rae! (I had to take a few breaks). I’m extra sorry that you have health issue to concern you right now. Yes, I will send prayers your way, and lots of healing energy and positive thoughts, too. Please keep us in the loop when you feel up to it, as we will be thinking about you. And thanks for the prayers for me. I’m hoping I’m over the worst of this now, but it’s a tricky virus, for sure. So let’s BOTH get better and past these obstacles. We have lots better things to do than deal with ill health. Big Hugs to You! ❀ ❀ ❀

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    • Ha. I’m still doing a wee bit better today, though I definitely can’t cram as much into 24 hours as I used to. Hopefully, I’ve truly turned this corner and things will soon be closer to normal again. Thanks so much for stopping by! πŸ™‚ ❀


    • Thanks, Joan! I’m very slowly getting a tiny bit better each day, and it has lifted my spirits considerably. Still not ready for prime time yet, but closer each day. Thanks so much for stopping by, and I hope to be back to my regular blog visits soon! πŸ™‚ ❀

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    • Thanks, Vali. I’m very heartened by my slow but seemingly steady progress over the last few days. Can’t wait to get back to my normal routines! Thanks for stopping by! πŸ™‚ ❀


    • Thanks so much, Staci. I’ll take ’em! πŸ™‚ Steady, maybe not so much, but SLOW, I’ve mastered! I think I’ve probably made it an art form! 😁 Feeling pretty stable this morning again, so that’s five days of gradual progress. I’m really starting to believe I’ve turned the corner, finally … after four weeks of this stuff. Urk. Thanks for stopping by! πŸ™‚ ❀

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    • As I mentioned to Staci, you can’t really count on me for steady yet, but I’ve made an art form out of slow, that’s for sure. πŸ˜‚ Thanks so much for your well wishes, Craig, and for taking the time to stop by today. I’m looking forward to getting back to regularly visiting blogs SOON! 😊 ❀

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    • Pretty sure I’d be six feet under, if I’d not been smart enough to get the vaccine as soon as it was available for us. Mark would probably have survived, but I’m in a much higher risk group than he, and I’m SO happy we were able to get those shots.

      Thanks for your kind comments and encouragement, Debby, and for stopping by today. Still have some symptoms going on, but definitely better than I was, so hopefully this will go away completely one of these days. In the meantime, I’m still here (almost six feet ABOVE πŸ˜‚) able to do a few more things each day. πŸ€— ❀


    • Thanks, Sue. I’ve just had to cancel both of my September wildlife talks, but even though I’m improving, I knew I did not have the energy to handle one of my presentations yet, whether I’m still contagious or not. And honestly, as sad as I am to have to miss another month, I feel much relieved. I can continue to focus on rest and recuperation, and be set to go for the ones scheduled in October. I WILL beat this, even if takes another few weeks. And thanks so much for stopping by and offering encouragement. It’s such a help and very appreciated. πŸ€— ❀

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  5. I’ve been in a cave finishing my WIP and missed this update. Thrilled to hear you’re feeling better and have turned the curve. It’s a slow process, I know. Just make sure to take care of yourself, Marcia.

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    • Was feeling a definite improvement for five days or so, then had a couple of not-so-good days. Hoping THIS week will see more improvement, but it’s all a matter of baby steps, for sure. Still, as long as I’m moving the right direction, I’ll continue to be grateful, slow progress or not. 😊 ❀

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