Wednesday Weirdness: The Ghosts of Time, Part 1

A must-read post over at Mae Clair’s blog today! Time, clocks, mysterious happenings, and possible ghosts all wrapped up in one great post. Check it and and pass it along, if you can, thanks! And thanks, Mae, for giving me a shiver or too and some great ideas for writing about “timely” events! 🙂 Super post!

From the Pen of Mae Clair

pathway between large, gnarled trees with words "on the path of Wednesday Weirdness" superimposed over image

We’ve often heard the expression “time stopped.” But can it really? As much as I love time travel speculating about traversing centuries, time flows in a single direction–forward. Despite cold facts and scientific data, generations of writers, philosophers, artists and musicians remain bewitched by the abstract elements of time.

Spiraling image of a clock face with big bold numbers reducing in sizeConsider me one. In the past, I’ve done several blog posts about what I call “betwixt moments,” but I’ve never shared where my fascination with time originated. I can easily trace it back to my father who had a passion for antiques, especially old clocks. I grew up in a house filled with them. I have memories of a large white captain’s clock, several squat mantle clocks, and a pointed steeple clock that would have been at home in a Sherlock Holmes novel. But the star of my dad’s collection was a grandfather’s clock he found at a garage sale. Built…

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