Author Inspiration and This Week’s Writing Links

Weekly Round-up Posts are a great way to catch up when life has kept you super busy with things other than visiting your favorite blogs. Staci Troilo’s is excellent this week. Check it out for some great links to posts you may have missed. (Great as always, Staci!) And as always, pass it along if you can! Thanks!

Staci Troilo

Ciao,amici! Hope you’re all doing well. It was another busy week for me, and it doesn’t look like my obligations will be changing anytime soon, so rather than boring you with the same lament every Friday, I’m going to move on to what is relevant.

We celebrated Martin Luther King, Jr. this Monday. Man, wouldn’t it be nice if we kept his quest for peace in mind all the time? I thought I’d choose one of his quotes in his honor this week. One, I think, that applies to anyone as well as to our writing lives.

Faith is taking the first step
even when you don’t see the whole staircase.

Wise words.

I’m not sure if you’re just starting out on your writing journey or if you, like me, have been at it for a while. Wherever you are, beginning each new story can be daunting. It’s exciting, but…

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21 thoughts on “Author Inspiration and This Week’s Writing Links

  1. These ARE great ways to keep readers up to date and still stay connected to the blogosphere. I may have to borrow the idea from Staci.
    Marcia, I’m in love with the image in your blog header. Is it from one of your books? It’s so moody and atmospheric.

    Liked by 2 people

    • These days, I rely on bloggers like Staci and Sally Cronin who do weekly recaps to help me keep up with what’s going on. Such a great idea!

      Oh, I WISH that were from one of my books. It’s from one of Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files covers (my favorite all time urban fantasy series) and the art is by Chris McGrath, who’s a pure genius cover artist! The model is a favorite of mine, too, and in fact, he was my inspiration for MacKenzie Cole in my Wake-Robin Ridge series. Every one of these covers is wonderful! In fact, pretty much all of Chris McGrath’s work is wonderful. I ordered a signed & numbered print of my favorite Dresden Files cover for my library wall, and it makes me very happy to have it waiting for me every day. 😀 Glad you like this one.

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        • Jim Butcher has written 15 Dresden Files books, beginning with Storm Front in 2000. The last one published was Skin Game in 2014, and there are those of us who are about to rise up in arms against him, because there are supposed to be at least 3 more books before the series ends, and Skin Game left us desperate for the rest of the story. Somewhere, the graphic novels and the RPG that were born from the series seem to have intererrupted the progression of novels. I’m considering a face to face confrontation with him, myself, since a long-awaited development in the plot reared its head in Skin Game, but needs to be resolved. Grrrrrrr.

          The first book showed promise, though his writing skills got better and better with each one. As did the characters, with Harry becoming snarkier and braver and more fun to hang out with. I highly recommend the books if you like urban fantasies with wizards, talking skulls, and plenty of the usual paranormal suspects. 🙂 Butcher’s work and characters have appeared in a lot of urban fantasy anthologies, too, and the short stories are almost as much fun as the novels. I’ll do a post on the series one of these days, and share some of Chris McGrath’s cover art. In the meantime, you can visit McGrath here: He’s done the covers of several of my favorite series, but he’s so prolific, there’s much more to be seen and enjoyed and wondered about on his site.

          Liked by 2 people

    • It’s my pleasure, Staci. I really look forward to your weekly updates, and save every one to go through as time allows. They do NOT go to waste around here, believe me! 🙂 So, thank YOU! 😀 ❤

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