Thank You!

Thank you so much for the wonderful and generous response you gave when I asked for help with my Emissary 2 cover reveal. I am overwhelmed that so many of you stepped up to volunteer to host a reveal post on your blogs! What a lovely group of friends and fellow writers we have here.

Because so many responded to my call, I have almost more posts lined up than I can handle, so no need for any more volunteers  at present. But please know that your generosity has touched my heart, and I consider myself unbelievably lucky to be part of our fabulous online writing and blogging community!

12 thoughts on “Thank You!

  1. Yay! I am thrilled to help out, Marcia. You are so generous with your support on The Write Stuff, and I positively ADORED The Emissary 1, I’m delighted to be able to splash 2 on my blog. Can’t wait for this release and wishing you all the best!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aw, that’s so nice, Mae! Thanks! And I’m really pleased that you enjoyed TE1 so much. I hope TE2 will work for you, as well. I think writing the middle book of a trilogy is tricky, but I hope it will turn out to be entertaining in its own right, and not just a bridge between 1 and 2. I’ll be eager to see what you think!
      🙂 ❤


    • So glad to hear that. I’m keeping the covers very similar, with different backgrounds, because they are actually 3 parts of 1 story, and I love this new one. 🙂 Hope you’ll enjoy it when you read it. 😀 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

        • Thanks, Sarah. I do like it to be fairly obvious that the books in a series belong together. Wake-Robin Ridge books all have the wake-robin flower on the cover, the same color scheme, and the same fonts and layout. There’s a bit more variety in the Riverbend series, as they are each focused on different characters, but the layout, fonts, and general mood are closely related, I think. The Emissary books are even more so, since they will only be available in print under one cover, as Parts 1, 2, and 3. It made sense to me to make it clear that the big, red semi was a major component of each novella, and to carry that throughout.

          I know how much I like that as a reader of any series, so I’m really pleased it works for you with mine, as well. Thanks for letting me know. 🙂 ❤


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