I’m Back!

Reya at Two Weeks
(The Cutest Little Peanut In The World!)

Hi, Everyone! Just wanted to touch base and let you know we got home last night, exhausted, but really happy about our newest family member. It was great to meet Reya and to spend time with her big brother, Kaelen. And any time I can visit with my daughter and her hubby is time well spent. We had loads of fun, though it might take me a few days to get things caught up around here. I haven’t even finished unpacking, yet! 😯

Hope everything is going well for you guys. Missed you while I was away, but I stuck to my guns about staying offline for the week. Mostly. πŸ˜‰

One of the great pleasures of the trip was watching Kaelen andΒ Mark together. That boy really loves doing things with his Gramps. This time around, he spent lots of time trying to learn how to play Solitaire. He really, really wanted to master it, and hung on Mark’s every word.

(Listening Intently to the Rules)

Looking forward to getting back into the swing of things again. As much fun as traveling is, it’s always great to get back home. Have a happy Sun’s Day tomorrow, everyone!


53 thoughts on “I’m Back!

    • Thanks on their behalf, Mary! I have to say, I think they’re special, but then, I’m their Granny, so what can you expect? πŸ˜€ We had a wonderful time, but I’m happy to be getting back into things around here, as well. I’ll soon be up to speed, even though I had to do a mass deletion of emails. There was no way I could have ever gotten through them all. 😦 Other than that, I’m looking forward to a productive week. πŸ˜€ Nice to see you here, too! πŸ™‚ ❀

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    • Thanks, Kass! It’s good to be home, even though I already miss my daughter and her gorgeous family. The baby really IS sweet and cute and cuddly, and Kaelen is a super-smart little boy who loves learning new things. He’s especially fond of wildlife and nature (YES!!! A kid after my own heart!) and lest you think he and Gramps only do sitting around type stuff, let me assure you, they also enjoy more physical endeavors. They took two-mile hikes together every day we were there, Kaelen filling up his back pack with beef jerky and trail food, in case they got hungry. Plus, they play Bonkinzee Nogginzee, a game Kaelen learned from Gramps, which is basically a huge, loud pillow fight. πŸ˜€

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    • Thanks, Pam! So good to hear from you!! I miss you on the beta blog! 😦 But I know it isn’t always easy for you to post. Still, you comments mean a lot to me, so I’m hoping you’ll be able to do so again before long. The kids were wonderful, as always, and we had a great time, but I’m happy to be home, and ready to get back to The Emissary 2. πŸ˜€ ❀ Hope to see you there!


    • Aww, what a sweet thing to say, Norah! They are very precious to us, for sure! As is my son’s 13-year old daughter, but she’s going through that stage where spending a summer week at Granny’s isn’t as exciting as hanging out with her friends. She loves seeing us, don’t get me wrong, but a WHOLE WEEK? With grandparents? Not so much right now. She’ll come full circle in another couple of years, I suspect. I know I did. πŸ˜€ In the meantime, we have LITTLE ones who still think Granny & Gramps are the most fun to be had in the world. Almost. πŸ˜€ ❀

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  1. Nice to have you back and nicer to know you had a great time. I’ve never been a grandmother but no, I don’t think it’s just a grandma thing. Both your grandchildren are beautiful. Have a great Sunday!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Aw, thanks, Olga! I’m glad you enjoyed seeing the pics. And yep, we had a great time, and miss them already! (Even the two BIG ones! πŸ˜€ ) I’m hoping to get a bit of writing done today, if possible. For me to go a whole week without working on a book feels very weird! πŸ˜‰ Hope you enjoy your day, as well. ❀


  2. awww seems like you had such a beautiful week. Your little peanut is just too cute so is Mark and Kaelen. Thanks your post somehow gave peace to my irritated soul. Have a beautiful weekend and week ahead. πŸ™‚ Keep smiling.

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    • Thanks so much, Hemangini. We did have a beautiful week, indeed, just hanging out with family, and playing with our grandkids. I’m sorry your soul has been irritated, but happy to know my post helped! Thanks for the wishes for a beautiful weekend and week, and I send you the same. πŸ™‚ ❀

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    • Hi, Callum! Lovely to see you here today, and thanks for the welcome back. It IS good to be home again, though I’m having GWS already. (*Grandkid Withdrawal Symptoms*) Hope you are having a great weekend! πŸ™‚ ❀

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  3. Welcome back. Grandkids are the best. My wife and I get to watch ours for 3-4 days per week. We’re headed to Italy for 10 days and we will miss her terribly. She seems to grow a bit and learn new things every week. It’s been fun enjoying it as a grandparent without the responsibilities of being a parent. As you return, I’m heading out for our trip, but will try to look in on the blogging community occasionally.

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  4. Welcome back! Reya is beautiful and the photo of Kaelen and Mark is heartwarming, It’s clear you had a wonderful time. There is nothing better than precious moments with family So glad you had that time together.

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    • Thanks so much, Mae! I love the pic of Mark & Kaelen. I have an entire series of those, but this one, where he’s leaning in extra close to see what Mark’s explaining is my favorite. Precious moments, indeed! Such a nice visit! But I’m glad to be home, and ready to get back to work again. You know. Making things up. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

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  5. Oh she is adorable!! How sweet. It must have been wonderful to visit with family. Grandchildren are precious – enjoy them while they are young. They grow up so fast and then don’t need you as much any more. Sigh. Blessings & hugs & love xx

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    • Thank y0u, Janice. My daughter’s kids have a few more years of thinking Granny & Gramps hung the moon, but my son’s daughter is 13 now, and while she’s always excited and happy to see us, when it comes to spending a summer vacation week at our house, she’d rather hang with friends. Good thing I know that’s normal. It’ll swing back somewhat in a few years, but those years when they are small are pure gold.:) ❀

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    • THank you so much, Staci! So sweet of you to wish them joy and blessings. From your lips to God’s ears, as they say. πŸ™‚ ❀ And thanks for the welcome back. I'm missing my kidlets, but happy to be home again, too. πŸ˜€

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  6. Just started a prune of my in-box and have cut back to the important stuff.
    Welcome Back! Can’t imagine what YOUR backlog must have been like…
    The pic of Reya melts the heart and raises one of those goofy smiles. She’s beautiful (and not in a WInston Churchill way) and the way she’s still curled up like that is cuteness itself.

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    • Thanks, Trish! I know what you mean. It’s that little peanut shape of her, curled up against her mommy that I love so much! While we were there, we went from her sleeping all the time to her waking up more and more, and finally being able to follow lights and colors, as she tried to figure out what was going on around here. Such an amazing thing to watch. And Kaelen is so good with her. I told him about A Boy Named Rabbit who thinks being a big brother is just about the most important job in the world, and I think he already feels that way, too. Miss them! But so glad to be home, also, and yes, the backed up emails alone were simply overwhelming. I had to mass delete SO many, and I absolutely hate doing that. I’ll never know what fun or interesting things I missed out on. 😦

      The good news is, I’m nearing the halfway point in my draft of The Emissary 2, so I’m excited about that. Traveling with Jake and Dodger while waiting for those unexpected visits from Azrael is about the most fun I’ve ever had writing a book. And Dodger has presented them with a whole new set of problems, this time. 😯 In fact, I better get back to it, before things get out of hand! πŸ˜‰ Thanks for stopping by this morning! πŸ™‚ ❀


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