A Miracle Named Reya Happened Last Night!

Our beautiful granddaughter arrived last night, just about dinnertime. (I think she planned it that way. Erin said she came into the world hungry!) Both mother and daughter are doing great. I’m almost as besotted by this baby as her 5-year-old brother Kaelen is, and I haven’t even met her yet.

Reya (a shortened version of Mireya, which means Miracle, among other definitions) weighed in at nearly 9 pounds. (Still smaller than her 10-pound-mother was, but don’t tell Erin I mentioned that part.) Her arrival was truly a longed-for miracle! Mark and I will be driving to Charleston soon to meet Reya Love (a family name that seemed perfect for Reya’s middle name) and to spend some time with her big brother, so he knows how important he is, too. I can’t wait!

50 thoughts on “A Miracle Named Reya Happened Last Night!

    • Thanks, Olga! I think she’s going to be a very much adored little girl. Erin sent a video of Kaelen kissing her and telling her how much he loved her. This was when she was only about 2 hours old!! They do things very differently today. My son didn’t get to meet his sister until I brought her home. So nice that families are encouraged to be there now.

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    • Thanks so much, Pam! I’ll be doing a post on the beta blog as soon as I catch my breath. Crazy day, so far! I do think both the baby and the name are beautiful, and so perfect! 😀 ❤


    • Thanks, Mae! She’s so adorably chubby and huggable looking. Can’t wait to meet her! And I love her name, too. I don’t share last names of my kids or grandkids on my social media, but when you hear the whole thing, it’s very nice. And it’s so appropriate for this little one, since she was a long time coming. So miracle of love works for me. 😀 ❤

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    • Thank you, Debby! I’m so excited. Being a granny is the best thing, ever, and now I have THREE wonderful grandkids. My son’s daughter, Tabitha Faye, and my daughter’s son, Kaelen Lake, and now her daughter, Reya Love. Triple blessed!!! 🙂 ❤

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    • Thanks, Tina, and that’s a good question. But I’ve learned from experience that the best part of being Granny and Gramps is that we get all the loving and hugging and games we could ever want, and then we get to turn them back over to their parents and have a nice rest! 😀 😀 😀 I do wish we lived closer, though. A seven-hour drive is hard for me to do alone anymore, so I can’t just pop in any time I like. Mark has to take off work. But hey, it’s better than when they lived in California! 😀

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    • Thanks, Jeanne! It sure expresses that she’s a miracle of love to my daughter & SIL. I’d been expecting something Celtic to go with Kaelen (her big brother), but this is perfect. Still all excited this morning! 😀 ❤

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    • Thanks, Liz. I was just thinking about how the ages line up. When my daughter was born, her grandmother was only 51. That’s 23 years younger than I am. 😯 I hope I’m up to the task of being a good granny!! 😀 ❤


    • Thanks, Kass! I’m one happy Granny, for sure. Gramps and I are both looking forward to meeting her. And I can’t wait for Kaelen’s tales of being a big brother. He already assured his mom he would “teach the baby to talk” on the ride home from the hospital.” Hahahahaha.


  1. Here we call longed-for babes ‘precious’ and your little miracle is exactly that! What a beautiful name. And it’s great that her wee brother is included in the fuss. Enjoy your little miracle and then tell us all about it! x

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    • She is a precious miracle, indeed!! And Kaelen got to meet her within hours of her birth. I have a video of him kissing her cheek and telling her he loves her. It’s so beautiful to see. ❤ I will be bringing pics when I return, for sure. This is such a happy time for us! 🙂


  2. Congratulations, Marcia. We had our first grandchild almost two years ago. My daughter went into false labor during the hurricane, but the baby held out and was born on my birthday. We will be birthday buddies forever.

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    • Awww, that’s so neat, Don! Reya was born on Debby Gies’ birthday, but she’s not getting her! 😀 😀 😀 I was just saying to Liz that when MY daughter was born, my mother was only 51! That’s 23 years younger than I am. I hope my energy holds out! I want to do fun things with my grandkids for a long time yet! 😀

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        • I’m guessing it keeps you young. Or exhausted. Or both. 😀 I started my family late in life, compared to what was typical when I was growing up. I was 27 when I had my first, and ALL of my high school friends already had kids in elementary school. But my kids have outdone me, many times over, and it appears that waiting to start a family is becoming the norm, for many reasons. I think it has advantages and disadvantages, but so does pretty much everything in life.

          I do know that my energy level at mid-70’s is MUCH lower than it was in my mid-50’s, but I still think kids keep you young. If they don’t kill ya. 😀

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          • I can relate. I was 37 when we adopted a three and four year old and we had our first baby when we were in our mid-forties. We wanted to make sure that, after 23 years of marriage we were ready. 🙂 Actually, it was quite unexpected after being told for that long that we would never have children of our own.

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    • Thank you, and belated congratulations to you, as well. I don’t know if my granddaughter will influence my books directly, but she sure influences the mood I’m in, which will no doubt show in my writing, so there’s that! 😀

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