Battle lines…

Sue Vincent starts the week off with something very amusing, while at the same time, very contemplation-worthy. Click on over to the Daily Echo and read for yourself. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Clever, clever Sue! 🙂

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

File:William Blake 006.jpgImage: William Blake – Hekate and the Moirai

“Defy me?” says Routine. “Try something new?” asks Habit.

“Yep,” cries Rebellion. “Absolutely!” answers Adventure.

Lines are drawn, this could get ugly. Mediocrity and Excitement peek out from their respective corners.  Wont and Want draw weapons….

Fate steps in as referee… demands to see their battle plans…

… and laughs…

“How about this for a suggestion?” says she. “Admit defeat.”

Rebellion and her cohorts cry out in protest determined to break the siege. Routine and his band stiffen belligerently…

“Think about it….” says Fate, a wise and knowing smile upon her face.

“Adventure will never admit defeat, “says Habit. “Rebellion always pushes the bounds…”

“Routine always tries to win,” protests Adventure. “Habit will never surrender quietly.”

“Exactly,” says Fate, looking just a little smug.

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