#HarryDresden is On the Job!

Just thought I needed something a bit more “protective” in my life right now, so I’ve assigned Harry Dresden and his brother, Thomas,Β to stand guard. If he so much as sees a whisper of storm winds kicking up outside, there will be fire and fury and other wizardly doings to keep us all safe! That’s my story, an’ I’m stickin’ to it!

Forzare! Harry’s on the job!

13 thoughts on “#HarryDresden is On the Job!

    • My very favorite urban fantasy series, bar none! NO ONE is like Harry Dresden!! And even though I prefer the cover model, John Paul Pfeiffer, to the many Deviant Art drawings out there, this one is fun. Besides, he looks truly committed to the fight, as he always is! πŸ˜€ But if Jim Butcher doesn’t hurry up and produce the next book in the series, I’m going to be too old to read it! THREE YEARS? What’s up with that? 😯

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    • Nothing better than some long hours fighting the good fight with off-the-charts funny (and very good looking) Harry Dresden. You must find time for him one of these days. You’ll be hooked, though the very first book had room for improvement. Still, I could see the promise, and fifteen books later, he’s only getting better and better. πŸ˜€

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        • Ah, I see. Well then, you know how wonderful he is, and believe me, the later books have gotten fantastic! The last one blew my mind! This is one of those series where a new release will make me stop right in the middle of anything I’m reading (or writing) and read it straight through. And they are LONG now, too. I’m truly getting sad that this one is taking so long. 😦

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            • Your sister has excellent taste! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜‰ As her if she wants to form a committee designated to harass, pester, and browbeat Jim Butcher until he finishes the next book. I mean, three years??? Who gets away with that? Well, besides him, of course. Because I can guarantee you, the minute the book comes out, I WILL be reading. But he supposedly has several more planned before ending the series. If that’s true, I’ll be 125 before I learn how it all turns out!!! 😯

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    • Thomas is immortal, and Harry has wizard strength, to include ferocious fire and powers he hasn’t even discovered yet. The storm doesn’t scare him. And even when it does, he (as he says many times) will cry like a little girl, but he will stand his ground, and in the end, he WILL prevail. I have every confidence that with him on the job, Irma’s ugly siblings will NOT show up in this part of the world again. At least, not until NEXT hurricane season. πŸ˜€

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