New Release: A Desolate Hour by Mae Clair #KensingtonMystery #Mothman #RRBC

The third book in Mae Clair’s Point Pleasant/Mothman Trilogy is out today! Be sure to grab your copy, but start with Book 1, and go along for the whole ride. You’ll be glad you did! And let’s help Mae tell the world this one is out at last! Thanks!

From the Pen of Mae Clair

Iโ€™m celebrating a book birthday today and hope youโ€™ll join me! A Desolate Hour, the final novel in my Point Pleasant series, is finally available for purchase. Iโ€™m wrapping up all the plot threads begun in the first two novels, A Thousand Yesteryears and A Cold Tomorrow. Caden Flynn and all my regular characters are back, along with a few new ones. The Mothman, of course, is front and center.

When I set out to write the Point Pleasant series, I envisioned the mystery relating to the origins of the Mothman spanning all three books. But I also wanted each book to focus on an aspect of Point Pleasant folklore in addition to my favorite cryptid.

In book one, A Thousand Yesteryears, I shared the history of the Silver Bridge tragedy. Book two, A Cold Tomorrow, saw the introduction of UFOs and Men in Black. The finalโ€ฆ

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5 thoughts on “New Release: A Desolate Hour by Mae Clair #KensingtonMystery #Mothman #RRBC

      • Thank you so much. You’re a a sweetheart.

        I took a detour into research reading and then ventured into several non-fiction titles that were screaming at me (the latest being 860 pages in length). I’m 200 pages of shy of finishing that read and then will be back to fiction. And, naturally, the Painter brothers are beckoning ๐Ÿ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

        • “the Painter brothers are beckoning”

          That’s because those Painter brothers need all the help they can get! ๐Ÿ˜ฏ ๐Ÿ˜€

          It’s understandable that other things call you, Mae. I, myself, am buried up to my eyeballs in my stack of fantasy books, having lost all desire to read about the REAL world, lately. And I have so many long books & series lined up, I’m having trouble making much progress. Before I started writing (and had a 5-week battle with that killer H2N1 flu) I used to read from right after supper to 1:00 or 2:00 am, every night. I PLOWED through books like a mad woman. Those days are gone, now. Writing consumes 95% of my day, and that last 5% usually finishes up with an hour of reading in bed. IF I can stay awake that long. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

          I’ll NEVER read all the books in the world like this!!! ๐Ÿ˜€


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