#ThorsDaySmile – The Alpacalypse

Alpacas. Pretty darn cute all by themselves, right?

So sweet!

Or full of silly, pompous dignity.

So why do we insist on messin’ with their heads?

And bodies?

This . . . giggle . . .  is just plain . . . snort . . . cruel.

(Though this guy does have a certain rakish look about him. Or her.)

And these dudes have a new album coming out soon, I’m told.

So I guess I can see the sense in Alpaca Chic.
 Sort of.

But I fear one day, someone with clippers will go too far . . .

. . . and the worm . . . erm . . . alpaca will turn.
 Be afraid. Be very afraid!

22 thoughts on “#ThorsDaySmile – The Alpacalypse

    • They really are funny, sweet (mostly), and cute, aren’t they? I’ve had these pics for a while, and decided they just might make a good ThorsDay smile. Glad it worked for you, Staci! 🙂


    • I like that one, too, waggy. And alpacas are just too cute for their own good. It’s definitely their fault we keep manipulating all that fleecy goodness. 😀


    • Hi, Beth! I know!! Aren’t they just the funniest things? Especially when they shear the body and leave that great, round poof of a head! Ha!! Nice to see you here, btw! 🙂


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