The Hits Just Keep on Comin’!n


October has not been kind to us. Lots and lots of unexpected  and expensive problems, one after the other, but we’re still standin’, and by golly we’ll still be standing when this month disappears into history. That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it!

Yesterday, my computer unexpectedly went to that great Geek Squad in the sky. It is history, now, and only useful as a boat anchor. 😧 I am forced to use my iPhone for everything, which I am not very good at. So I probably will not be initiating much in the way of posts for several days. I will try to keep up with comments, and respond when I can,  but that’s about all.

Doing a full post from my phone stretches my abilities to the max! I may have my new computer by tomorrow night, but I expect it will take me several days to get everything hooked up, programs that are gone restored, and get back to blogging as usual. In the meantime you guys carry-on, have fun, and I’ll keep an eye on you as best I can. Wish me luck.

My biggest concern is that I’m going to lose all of my emails, and therefore all of my contact information both personal and business related. That would be a catastrophe!😩 I haven’t given up hope, yet. Will keep you posted as I can, and I will update you if I have any news

Now don’t talk about me while I’m gone! Or at least say nice things! Remember, I’ll be watching you! 😀❤️




37 thoughts on “The Hits Just Keep on Comin’!n

    • Thanks, Mary! I hope it does too. By the time I finally get it all plugged in and shelves rearranged to accommodate the new things, I’m gonna be praying for an easy set up and quick and easy installations.

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    • Thank you, Mae! Hope so too! But I’m going to lose a lot of programs that I loved, which are no longer available, or won’t be compatible with the new computer. I’ll have to find new stuff, which will take a while. Most importantly, I’ve got to get back to my book. It’s way past due now!

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      • Losing useful programs is indeed a great “tragedy”. I don’t even want to think how tiresome finding new software, compatible and easy to use can get. Sometimes if I hadn’t write them down I don’t remember where I found them all. Best of luck!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Losing my favorite programs is a pain, but even worse is losing all of my email, where I have documented discussions on event requests, and contact information for my local Book clubs, and at least one request for an event next year, which I didn’t write on my calendar yet. 😟 I have learned a valuable lesson, here. Always print out copies of anything critical, and file in a safe place. This includes important email information. Thanks for the sympathy, Carmen. I appreciate it. Hope to be back in full soon! 👍


  1. Oh, goodness! What a harassing problem! There’s always a love-hate relationship between me and my modern devices. Hope that you’ll solve soon the issues. Keep my fingers crossed for you!

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  2. So sorry to hear !! I’m writing this on my iPhone because I’m out of town and it takes me forever. When you get your new computer, isn’t there someplace you can take both computers, and have them salvage what ‘s on the old and transfer it to the new?

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s what they’re working on, Liz. The old computer locked up, and would not let me or anyone else in. They are trying to transfer as much as they can, but they can’t transfer programs of course, and I’m afraid they’re not going to be able to access my email files. So I’m not sure what I’m going to end up with on the new computer, when they’re done. But there’s nothing else I can do about it now, except wait and see. And I totally hate trying to post from my iPhone. If I couldn’t dictate most of it, I wouldn’t be able to do it at all. And yeah, it takes forever! But at least I’m still connected via the phone, even if I can’t do very much. Have a safe trip home! 😀


  3. Hey, so pleased to see you managed to wrangle your iphone into getting a post up!
    So sorry I let you beat me to it – your message arrived just as I was going to bed (time difference and all that), and then we had 13 hours on the road to make the 650 mile drive home, during which time, you beat me to it!
    If you want anything else posted now until you get back up and running, I’m now back in operation…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Absolutely do not apologize, Debby! I’m so grateful that you tried to help when you did arrive home. I fiddled around with my phone all day and finally figured out that I could initiate a post but it’s sure a lot of work. I won’t be doing many of those. I will try to keep up with responses to comments, though. If I can. Thank you again for trying to help !

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  4. Wait. Can you do email on your phone? Don’t you then have access to you contact list? I have no idea about this as I don’t use a cell.
    The best to you. Hopefully, it’ll be a somewhat smooth conversion. XX
    My laptop is still loopy but less so. I thought I had a bug but not in the mood to spend money so am hanging in for as long as I can.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh yes, I have access to the contacts on my phone. But my email contacts on my computer number in the hundreds, and I don’t have room for all of them on my phone. I have learned a lesson, though. In the future, I will be printing out emails that come in with requests for me to attend an event. And then I will store them in a notebook on my shelf, So that I have access to those contacts in the event something like this ever occurs again. (I hope not!) Good luck with yours! It sure is a problem when it all goes haywire.


    • I don’t like it either, Cass! So I know just what you were thinking. When technology works, it is so wonderful! When it doesn’t, it is SO not! 😳 Thanks for wishing me a speedy “recovery”. So far, no news. 😟


  5. So sorry to hear about your troubles, Marcia. They say when it rains, it pours. Hopefully the “pouring” is over. I do hope you won’t loose your contacts though; that would be a bit much. Chin up!

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    • Thanks so much! I have everything backed up on Carbonite but to speed up the process, the geek squad is transferring everything they can retrieve from my hard drive to the new computer. I have my books on the cloud, and backed up on disk, so at least those are safe. But there are a lot of things, especially programs, that I’ll be losing. And many will have to be replaced with newer versions, compatible with windows 10. It’s going to take a long time. But hopefully I can at least get back to my blogs and my writing quickly, then take my time with everything else.

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    • I’ve already dusted off my wrangler’s hat, and I’m ready to fight for what is mine! I will get this thing set up again, and once I do, it is going to be lightning fast compared to my old computer. So there is at least that to look forward to! 😊

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    • Perfect description! I really hate trying to do this from my phone. It’s so teeny tiny, and I can only see part of the blog at once, and I have to dictate my responses to an entity that does not speak Southernese! Apparently my drawl translates single syllable words into three-word phrases, resulting in some very strange verbiage. 😳😀

      Through a glass darkly, all right! Cannot wait to get this all set up again. 🎉


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