Check Out This Blog Interview With Me–Elizabeth Vollstadt

With all the concern about “Matthew,” I almost forgot to post this:

An interview with me about my writing and my books posted yesterday at  When you get to the site, click on Interview and there I am!  Don Massenzio is an author who blogs for and about about Indie authors, those who publish outside traditional publishers.  He give tips on writing, marketing, and publishing.  My thanks to Don for this interview!

In addition to my answering his “Twenty Questions,” the posting includes an excerpt from my middle grade novel Pairs on Ice.  I also have a chance to mention that the sequel to that novel, Pairs at Nationals, will be out in December.   I hope to publish an excerpt when the date gets closer.

Here’s my answer to two of his questions:

Q13) How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

I’ve written six.  My favorite is my last book, Pairs on Ice.  I love my characters, the ice skating setting, and the storylines. Jamie, Matt, Cam, Linda––they’ve become my friends.   Although . . .  I can say the same for my stories in Young Patriots, too. I still love Hannah in “Just Like a Minuteman,” William in “William’s War,” and Nathaniel in “New Day in Savannah.”  I like to think about what happens to them next.

Q14) Do you have any suggestions to help us become better writers? If so, what are they?

Number one is to read a lot.  Second, when you’ve written something, read it out loud.  English has a rhythm that make it pleasing to hear.  Find that rhythm in your writing and it will flow better.  A third suggestion is to write what you love and take the time to learn about it.

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