Free Online World Building Course for Fantasy Writers

As you can probably imagine, there’s a lot of work that goes into writing a fantasy novel. One of the things I had to do for The Legender was invent an entirely new world. We fantasy nerds call the task “world building.”

For the last 20 years, I’ve been working on the craft of world building and fantasy writing. And a few months ago, I began taking what I learned from the process and formatting it into an online course on Udemy–a course I would like to offer to you for free.

This course is designed to teach you how to create a believable and compelling world for your fantasy story–a world your readers will want to get lost in again and again.

In the course you will learn how to:

  • Build a compelling and believable world for a fantasy novel
  • Establish rules for your world
  • Give a sense of depth to your world
  • Assign meaningful names to different parts of your world (i.e. landmarks and invented creatures)
  • Manage a healthy relationship between your world and your story

As I said before, since you have been supportive readers, I’d like to offer this course to you for free:

In return, I’d love to get some honest feedback from you.

Thanks for the support, and enjoy world building!

11 thoughts on “Free Online World Building Course for Fantasy Writers

  1. Wow, thanks for sharing, Jason. I’ve never worked up the nerve to consider fantasy world-building, since I can barely cope with the world I already know. 🙂 BUT, I do love reading fantasy with believable places, creatures, and characters. I’m tweeting this, and sharing on Facebook, and I hope you get a HUGE response. Good luck!!


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