Can I pick your brains?


I’m hoping I’ve caught you procrastinating and willing to provide a little critical feedback today. First and most important, I’m struggling to decide on the title of my current work in progress. I know that I’ve sung the praises of running market research on titles before, but google raised their prices and I can’t quite stomach throwing $100 at deciding on a book title. So I hope you’ll take thirty seconds to follow this link and vote on your favorite title if you’re a reader of urban fantasy.

And if you’re feeling particularly bored, perhaps you’ll also check out my brand new author websiteΒ and give me your thoughts on it as well. There are a few things I still want to fix, but feel free to suggest changes anyway — I want to make it professional and enticing!

In case you’re curious (or thinking of making a new author website yourself), I opted to host through InMotion and used the paid theme Precious Lite Pro to make building the site easier. My primary goal was to make a quality email-list signup page since I’m thinking of trying facebook ads, but I also want to give true fans somewhere to go for extras and other perks. Which is all a long way of saying — feel free to be harsh in your criticisms! I want it to look nice. What do you think?

12 thoughts on “Can I pick your brains?

  1. I’ll probably be in the minority, but the terms “alpha” and “omega” have lately started to dominate the paranormal market, and I’m not finding myself drawn to them as much as I might once have been. However, the name Outpack drew my eye immediately. I like the single word, but mostly, it makes me curious as to what it might signify. Just one more thought to consider. I have to go back now and vote. πŸ˜€


    • I’ll admit that Outpack was my original favorite. The trouble? I realized that it looks a lot like outback, and when I asked several people (without priming the pump with that observation first), they said the same thing. Since there’s nothing Australian about the book, I decided I probably should change gears. πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      • That’s too bad. I think it’s the most original of the four, and really like it. I never thought about outback, knowing that this is a series about wolf packs, and I assumed with wolves likely to be on the cover, most would pick up on it. But what do I know? I suck at marketing. 😯 I would never even have thought about a poll, that’s how bad I am. Plus, my books almost always have a name before I start them, or within the first 2 chapters, at least. So I probably do it all backwards. Good luck deciding.


  2. I voted for Half Wolf, (was in the lead when I did that, yesterday) as it was something different and caught my attention. I’m finding these days as soon as I see ‘alpha’ in a title, I just move on.
    The website looks fab.


    • It’s still in the lead today. I think you may be right about the oversaturation of the term alpha…especially since my last title used that word. Good points, and it’s pushing me toward finally making a decision. So thank you! πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m with Deb on this alpha thing. As I mentioned above, I tend to skip over those titles. And I used to be interested in Omega, as when Patricia Briggs did her Alpha & Omega spin off. I loved the concept. But now, Alpha or Omega . . . or Alpha AND Omega . . . are almost as common as covers with a man’s bare, air-brushed, torso. I probably miss some good books because those aren’t pulling me in. (Well, truthfully, the plastic-looking, Ninja-turtle abs never did.) Anyway, I’d read YOURS, even if it said “alpha” of course, because it’s YOU, but if I didn’t know you, I’d probably not even read the blurb. That’s kinda sad, I guess.

        If you don’t feel good about Outpack (still my fave), I’d say Half Wolf is the next one that would catch my eye.


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