Seeking Solace on Sale!

My poetry collection, Seeking Solace, is on sale in celebration of National Poetry Month. Any support at all is hugely appreciated. Happy reading!

Callum McLaughlin

Seeking Solace Seeking Solace

As part of the celebrations for #NationalPoetryMonth, the Kindle version of my poetry book, Seeking Solace, will be on sale from today until Friday 17th. It will be just 99p in the UK or $0.99 in the US, making now a great time to pick up a copy if you are at all interested.

The poems in Seeking Solace were written to be both approachable and relatable, so whether you are new to the genre or looking to expand your collection, I hope you will find something that speaks to you. In either case, there seems no better time to explore the form than during National Poetry Month.

In way of an excerpt, here are a few visual quotes to whet your appetite.

Taken from 'In Memoriam' Taken from ‘In Memoriam’

Taken from 'Grand Cosmos' Taken from ‘Grand Cosmos’

Taken from 'Making Memories' Taken from ‘Making Memories’

Taken from 'Dawn' Taken from ‘Dawn’

Huge thanks to anyone who gives…

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