Author Essentials Part 6: Marketing Plan

Is marketing your books as big a puzzle for you as it is for me? If so, you might want to check out today’s Story Empire post from P. H. Solomon. Paul shares his experiences in various marketing techniques and you are sure to garner some new tips and ideas. Please remember to pass the post along so others can learn as well, thanks. And thanks to Paul for this informative post. 🙂

Story Empire

Good morning Story Empire readers, PH here with you today back with another author essential. Previous author essential posts can be found just below here for reference, all of which cover various topics that you will find it necessary to have if you’re going to progress as an author. Today, were going to take a look at a specific plan that will help you sell books, marketing plan.

When I first published The Bow of Destiny, I thought I had a sufficient marketing plan. I was very wrong and paid for it with a complete lack of sale. Understanding what is needed to actually market book took far more than I thought. The result was largely crickets in response to my release…

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