And The Winner IS ……

Good Morning Everybody! Yesterday, our Special Guest was Sue Coletta, with a wonderfully creepy excerpt from her newest book, Pretty Evil New England.

(If you missed that great post, you can check it out here.)

Sue offered a free copy of her new paperback to anyone I chose from the folks who stopped by to comment, and this morning, I drew a name from a hat to see who that would be. (Well, actually I drew it from a plastic storage container, but don’t tell Craig Boyack that. He’s very partial to hats! Especially magic ones. 😀 ) So now we have our winner.  


Jan, if you will email me with your mailing information, I will make all the necessary arrangements to have your copy of Pretty Evil New England winging its way to you as soon as possible.


BUY Pretty Evil New England here:

Amazon (all countries, Kindle & paperback)
Barnes & Noble (NOOK & paperback)
Books-A-Million (ebook & paperback)
IndieBound (paperback)
BookShop (paperback pre-order sale)
Globe Pequot
Rowman & Littlefield

#ShareAReviewDay – Secrets by Anita Dawes

This morning, I’m happy to be sharing this recent review of Secrets by Anita Dawes. I know you’ll enjoy this one, and will share it on your favorite social media sites! Thanks!


Janet Gogerty
4.0 out of 5 stars A deep dark look into childhood.

20 August 2018
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

I finished reading this in the middle of last night; though it is not unsusual for me to turn my Kindle on in the early hours, this is not the sort of novel you should be reading in the dark watches of the night! It is a good paranormal thriller, but more than that it will make you reconsider all our childhoods. How responsible are children for what they do and what is really going on in their minds? In some ways I felt most sorry for Jack’s parents, a poignant back story gradually revealed, an event that ruined any chance of his father continuing the life he loved or his mother coming to accept their rural life. There is a lot going on in everyone’s lives, but Jackie is a reminder that those of us who have led ordinary lives cannot know what others have had to overcome. There were only a few things that jarred – I thought it was likely the social services would have got involved, Maggie did not guess an obvious pointer as Jack’s story was revealed and some dialogue and characters’ thoughts could be confusing in the pace of the story. But overall I really enjoyed this unusual novel.


Secrets, a haunting family drama, is about deeply buried guilt and all the secrets and suspicions that invade and control our lives.


And some are about someone who is already dead.

A mother must find the truth before these secrets destroy her family…

Buy Secrets HERE

Author Anita Dawes

Hi, my name is Anita and although I am over 70, I am by no means a ‘silver surfer’. I have been writing fiction for a while now but never been picked up by the mainstream publishers. They all loved what I wrote, but said it was hard to slot them into a category! It came tantalisingly close with Bad Moon, but no cigar, as they say.

After going several rounds with various mainstream publishers, I realised I would have to try something else. I saved the rejection letters because most of them had very encouraging comments. I even wrote to James Herbert once and he was so very kind and supportive.

When I retired, and with the help of my sister-in-law Jaye, I decided to dust off some of my manuscripts and try to achieve the impossible.

I am a paper and pencil girl. You could chain me to a computer for years and nothing would happen! Jaye is managing to cope with it, but then she has much more patience than I do. (She is as stubborn as a mule, which helps!)

They say you are never too old to learn, but in my case never is another word for infinity!

I thank God for my family, for I have a second chance to find out if anyone out there likes the kind of books I write…

Reach Anita on Social Media Below:
Anita’s email:
Facebook               https://anita.dawes.37
Author Page
Amazon Buy Link for Let it Go:



#ExcerptWeek – #WakeRobinRidge No 2


I promised a couple more today, and I always try to keep my promises. 🙂 This is a continuation of the scene I posted earlier, another page or so along. Ruth worked up all her courage, and crept downstairs, shotgun in hand, hoping she can defend herself against her ex by finding him before he finds her. Enjoy. Or not. 😉

Stepping down onto the living room floor, Ruth scanned the room. She was alone, unless he was hiding in the pantry. Possible, but it didn’t feel right. She was sure she would have heard him moving around inside, opening or closing the pantry door. As she stood peering into every corner, a faint noise wormed its way into her awareness—a soft thumping near her kitchen window.

Whirling to her left, she aimed her shotgun at the window, then froze, her brain slow to comprehend what she was seeing. A shape hanging outside the window jerked feebly in the moonlight. A cat? No, a rabbit. A rabbit spun slowly on a length of twine, hind feet scratching faintly against the glass, leaving black, clotted smears sliding down the pane.

Nausea rolled through her as the full horror of what she was looking at registered. The bastard had slit its belly open and hung it up to bleed out against her window. In a silent agony of black and gray, the rabbit swung back and forth under the silver moon. Her breath caught on a sob, and all hope fled. She knew without a doubt—could see in her mind’s eye—that Lloyd was going to gut her just like that rabbit.

This is it. He’s gonna to kill me tonight. Oh, God, he’s gonna to cut me open and kill me.

Wake-Robin Ridge

#ExcerptWeek – #WakeRobinRidge No. 1


If no one else decides to play this week, that’s okay. You’ll just get a whole lotta ME. Hahaha. Today, I’m going to dole out a few short bits and pieces from my first book, Wake-Robin Ridge. I feel I’ve learned an awful lot about writing since I published this one two and a half years ago, but it formed the beginning of what is becoming a fun series, and I still get lots of emails from folks who enjoyed it. Here’s a pivotal scene from Ruth’s story, which takes place nearly 50 years before Sarah Gray moves into the cabin, and begins to uncover the shocking events from the 1960’s. Enjoy!

RUTH CRIED OUT in her sleep, thrashing in a sweaty tangle of bedding. She was dreaming of fists and boots and terrible pain. Over and over a singsong voice called, “Ruuthiee … Ruuuthieeee … “

Her eyes flew open and she lay gasping in terror, waiting for the echoes of Lloyd’s voice to fade. It was only 2:00 A.M., but she knew falling asleep again would be impossible. After a moment, she sat up, and reached for her robe. As she pulled it on, she saw that Penny had crawled out from under the quilt and was standing in the center of the bed. His body was rigid, and he was shaking all over as he stared at the window. He whimpered in anxiety, and just like that, Ruth knew it was all over.

Lloyd had found her.

Wake-Robin Ridge