Update#2 on My Family – #HurricaneFlorence

Now THIS is the way to ride out a hurricane! First you find a place where the beaches are calm and sunny, and you can stay in a condo with a gorgeous pool. Of course, it must be well out of the dreaded Cone of Uncertainty predicted for any hurricane that happens to be threatening a given area.

Then you take your boogie board to the beach in the morning, before the temperatures reach brain-baking levels, and later, head back to your air-conditioned quarters until it cools off enough for a lazy afternoon dip in the pool.

When the all clear sounds, you return to your home with your fingers crossed that your neighbor (who chose not to leave) has been truthful when she said there are no ugly surprises awaiting you.

Yep. The evacuation orders for Charleston have been lifted, and as far as we know, all is well with my daughter’s house. This isn’t the way they prefer to plan a vacation, but they made the best of it, enjoyed the infamous Emerald Coast of the Florida panhandle for a few days, and will soon be home again.

I can now breathe easy knowing I have fulfilled my sacred duty as a mom to issue hour-by-hour updates and warnings throughout the entire ordeal. 😀

On a serious note, as rivers continue to rise, especially throughout a wide swath of North Carolina (where many people no longer have homes to return to), the danger of record-breaking floods is still a huge problem. Please keep those good folks in your thoughts and prayers. And thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your thoughts and prayers for Erin, Myres, Kaelen, and Reya. It meant a great deal to me to know so many people were thinking of them throughout this ordeal. THANKS! 🙂 ❤

Update on My Family in Destin, FL #HurricaneFlorence

When you have no control over what might be coming your way, and you’ve done everything you can to be prepared, this is what you do: take your children somewhere safe and live in the moment with them. Be joyous for the time together. Be hopeful for the future. Trust that things will work out as they should. And send pictures like this to your worrywart mom.

Tomorrow will be here soon enough.