#InspirationBoardSunday #SundayBlogShare Book Covers as Inspiration

This cover promises magic, and, happily, the book delivers!

In addition to photos relevant to my own books, I often display pictures of other books around my work area, because, quite simply, I not only judge books by their covers, I’m inspired by them, as well. Cover art fascinates me, which is probably one reason I collect almost as many physical books as I do eBooks on my Kindle.

Everything about this one caught my eye.

Covers are, of course,  works of art in themselves, and sometimes, I wander aimlessly around my library, picking up books at random, just to lose myself in the stories I see before ever opening the book.

Sometimes the art charms me . . .

Sometimes it makes me shiver. . .

And sometimes, it’s just pure magic.

I enjoy all sorts of cover design, but I confess, I do have my favorite artist. I’m absolutely entranced with the magical and mysterious, sometimes dark and spooky, covers of artist Christian McGrath. Yes, I have bought books based on his art alone, and even if had I been less than enamored with the story within the pages, I still think the cover, itself, is worth the price. Where else can you buy art that cheaply?  🙂 (To be truthful, I’ve also bought a signed, limited edition print (sans wording) of the cover below, and at a very reasonable price. It’s now hanging in my library, of course, near my Dresden Files bookshelf.)


Happily, Chris McGrath does the covers
for my favorite Urban Fantasy series.

Here are a few examples of his work, some from series I’ve actually read and loved. (Imagine. READING the book you bought for the cover!)

Do you suppose he killed them all, himself?

Look closely. You’ll see she’s a mermaid! Inspiration
for a “tale,” indeed.

Now what can these two be up to?

In addition to having photos of these covers here and there on my Inspiration Board, I also have some of my favorite covers . . . I mean, BOOKS . . . displayed on small easels. No matter where I look, I’m surrounded by wonderful art. How cool is that? And all of it makes me look at things differently, imagining the stories I might tell, using cover art as a jumping off point. Are you with me?

My current obsession, Fitzchivalry Farseer.
I wouldn’t mind making up my own stories about him!

A Boy Named Rabbit Cover Reveal!

Woohoo! I’m so excited to share the cover of my next book in the Wake-Robin Ridge series, A Boy Named Rabbit. As always, my cover GODDESS, Nicki Forde, has done exactly what I wanted with this one. All I had to do was say “waterfall” and “silhouette,” and she nailed it.

A Boy Named Rabbit_kindle cover1

For those who aren’t familiar with Book 1 in this series, Wake-Robin Ridge, here’s a shot of that one, so you can see our intent with the series is to keep the same basic layout, and just change the middle image to something appropriate for each book. And thus, a bit of branding occurs. Hopefully. So what do you think? Do you like the new cover? Are we on the right track when you see the old one? (Oh, and for those who aren’t familiar with North Carolina wildflowers, a wake-robin is the red trillium on the cover, and the springtime bloom for which the ridge is named.)
