#ComingSoon – #NewRelease – #CoverReveal – The Emissary 3: Love Hurts

It’s been a long journey for this little novella, but at last, the end is nigh! I hope to complete the publishing process within the next week, and will let you know as soon as this one is available for download. In the meantime, to whet your appetites, here’s a little goodie for you. A cover reveal/teaser graphic all in one. Enjoy! 

New Novella Release: GAMBLE

Hi, everybody. A big thanks to Marcia for opening her blog to me. It’s nice to be here today, and I appreciate you all hanging out with me.

I’m here to share a short excerpt from my new novella, Gamble, the second installment of my Nightforce Security Series. In the following passage, we see part of one of the action scenes. Some people might consider this a spoiler, but I don’t show you how it all ends, so I don’t consider it as such. I really loved this scene because it shows our hero in his element, which is why I wanted to share it with you. (Note: The following passage contains violence and strong language.)


Noah ran, leaped. Collided with Jack in a bone-crushing tackle, driving him back into Deuce. The three crashed into a table, splintering it as they fell to the floor, both guys losing their guns in the melee.

Trixie screamed.

Noah rolled, pulling Jack over him, using him as a shield against Trey shooting. Surprisingly, no gunfire came. Instead, Noah traded punches with Jack, took a solid kick in the hip from Deuce.

Something shattered, and Deuce collapsed beside him under a shower of ceramic shards.

Trixie had smashed a lamp over his head, taking him out.

Jack lunged for a large sliver of pottery.

Noah groped for anything—a fragment of his own, a discarded gun. Hell, a broken table leg would do, or even a jagged splinter of wood.

Nothing but tiny fragments that cut his fingers.

Jack held the shard to Noah’s neck. “I’ve had about enough of you. How many times have I given you the opportunity to walk away? But you keep coming back. You’re like a bad penny.”

“That’s ‘turning up.’ Not ‘coming back.’”


“Never mind.”

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t end you right now.”

Maybe E was right. Maybe these guys didn’t want to kill anyone. If he could keep him talking, stall just a little longer…

Jack poked him with the sliver.

Too close to his jugular for comfort. But Noah had an ace up his sleeve. Relieved, he grinned.

“What’s so f***ing funny?” Jack snarled.

“Humor’s all about timing.”

Ethan had entered the room and retrieved Deuce’s gun. He pressed it against the back of Jack’s head.

Blurb for Gamble:

GambleSometimes stakes are too high to gamble. Other times they’re too high not to.

Noah Crawford is a consummate bachelor—until a one-night stand piques his interest in something more. The only problem is, she wouldn’t give him her name, and he has no way to find her.

A week later, resigned to forgetting her, he accompanies his friends to a casino. Floor traffic promises to be light while everyone clusters at the sportsbook for the college basketball championship game. But Noah isn’t in the mood for frivolity and sets off on his own. No one is more surprised than he is when he bumps into his mystery woman.

He’s playing a far different game than cards when armed criminals take over the poker room. Noah is separated from his friends, and somehow the room has been cut off from security. Help isn’t coming. It’s up to him to keep everyone safe while he tries to thwart the gunmen.

Noah quickly realizes he’s trying to prevent more than a simple heist. And he doesn’t know who he can trust. The stakes have never been higher, and he’s all in. But one of the thieves might have an ace up his sleeve, and that could cost Noah everything.

More Information | Universal Purchase Link

About Staci:

Staci Troilo writes because she has hundreds of stories in her head. She publishes because people told her she should share them. She’s a multi-genre author whose love for writing is only surpassed by her love for family and friends, and that relationship-centric focus is featured in her work.

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Cover Reveal & More

The Shy Girl Series, Short Story #2 – Little Black Dress

Cover Reveal


“He kissed me! Roland kissed me! Wow! Did that just happen? It was so quick, but felt oh, so good!”

Having been offered a scholarship far away from the prying eyes and gossips of her small hometown, Betsy is excited to be going to the Valentine’s Dance, with her first crush Roland.

However, her clumsiness is a barrier as overcome by nerves; she worries that she will embarrass either herself or Roland. Luckily, her best friend Susan is on hand to offer some friendly advice and a shoulder to lean on. The two girls enjoy a fun-filled day shopping for dresses for the dance.

Will Betsy be able to control her nerves? Will her budding romance with Roland develop into a long-term romance?

Little Black Dress – Short Story #2 of the Shy Girl Series introduces the reader to an adorable young couple at the very start of their love story.

Little Black Dress

I’m pleased to announce that ‘The Shy Girl Series, Short Story #2 – Little Black Dress’ will be published and available for purchase on Monday, June 27th. In addition, ‘The Shy Girl Series, Short Story #1 – Bashful Betsy’ will be available for FREE!

‘The Shy Girl Series’ are teen and young adult short stories. ‘Bashful Betsy’ follows eighteen-year-old Betsy Robinson as she enters college, finds friendship with her new roommate, and develops a crush on fellow student, Roland Barrett.

Read more about ‘Bashful Betsy’ at: https://authordbmauldin.wordpress.com/my-books/

Be sure to check back on Monday, June 27th for links to the FREE ‘Bashful Betsy’ and the NEW ‘Little Black Dress’ available for only $0.99!


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My Guest Post on Evelyn Cullet’s Blog: What If?

My Inspiration for the Painter Farmhouse

My heartfelt thanks to Evelyn Cullet for having me as a guest blogger today. Please stop by and take a look. If you leave a comment, you’ll be entered to win a signed copy of Finding Hunter (or a free download, if you prefer).  Happy reading!

Marcia Meara on Finding Hunter & Asking “What-If?”

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Finding Hunter

#RomancingSeptember Days 27, 28, and 29

2015 cover

The next three #RomancingSeptember interviews are waiting for your reading pleasure. Day 27 features Jane Cable, Day 28 features Jane Linfoot, and Day 29 features Olga Miret. You can find the interviews here:

Rosie Amber: #RomancingSeptember Day 27 with Jane Cable
Stephanie Hurt: #RomancingSeptember Day 27 with Jane Cable

Rosie Amber: #RomancingSeptember Day 28 with Jane Linfoot
Stephanie Hurt: #RomancingSeptember Day 28 with Jane Linfoot

Rosie Amber: #RomancingSeptember Day 29 with Olga Miret
Stephanie Hurt: #RomancingSeptember Day 29 with Olga Miret

Enjoy these interviews, then pass them along to your peeps, thanks!! It’s all about sharing! Happy Reading!

#RomancingSeptember Days 23, 24, 25, and 26

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Time for the latest from #RomancingSeptember. Day 23’s featured author is Bethan Darwin, and Day 24’s is Lorraine Jenkin. For Day 25, the featured author is Annie Crux, and Day 26 features Sam Cheever. Do yourself a favor, and check out these great interviews. Then remember to share them on Twitter, Facebook, your own blogs, or wherever you can. Some day it will be your turn, and we’ll do the same for you.

Read the interviews here:

RosieAmber: #RomancingSeptember Day 23 with Bethan Darwin
Stephanie Hurt: #RomancingSeptember Day 23 with Bethan Darwin

Rosie Amber: #RomancingSeptember Day 24 with Lorraine Jenkin
Stephanie Hurt: #RomancingSeptember Day 24 with Lorraine Jenkin

Rosie Amber: #RomancingSeptember Day 25 with Annie Crux
Stephanie Hurt: #RomancingSeptember Day 25 with Annie Crux

Rosie Amber:  #RomancingSeptember Day 26 with Sam Cheever
Stephanie Hurt: #RomancingSeptember Day 26 with Sam Cheever

Have fun!


#RomancingSeptember Days 19, 20, 21, and 22

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Sorry to still be running behind, but things have been going crazy here, some good, some not so much so. However, it’s better late than never, so here’s the next batch of #RomancingSeptember authors for you. If you haven’t already done so, please check out these interviews. The featured author for Day 19 is Joanne Phillips. For Day 20, it’s Sonya Loveday & Candace Knoebel. For Day 21, D. E. L. Connor, and for Day 22, the featured author is Hilda Vaughn.

Read these interesting and fun interviews here:

Rosie Amber: #RomancingSeptember Day 19, Joanne Phillips
Stephanie Hurt: #RomancingSeptember Day 19, Joanne Phillips

Rosie Amber: #RomancingSeptember Day 20: Sonya Loveday & Candace Knoebel
Stephanie Hurt: #RomancingSeptember Day 20: Sonya Loveday & Candace Knoebel

Rosie Amber: #RomancingSeptember Day 21: D.E.L. Connor
Stephanie Hurt: #Romancing September Day 21: D.E.L. Connor

Rosie Amber: #RomancingSeptember Day 22: Hilda Vaughn
Stephanie Hurt: #RomancingSeptember Day 22: Hilda Vaughn

Don’t forget to share, thanks! 🙂

#RomancingSeptember Days 16, 17, and 18

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Things got a bit hectic the last couple of days, but I hope you’ve still all been following #RomancingSeptember. The featured author for the 16th is Zee Monodee. For the 17th, it’s Kimberly Wenzler, and for the 18th, it’s Daisy Banks. Check out their interviews with both Rosie Amber and  Stephanie Hurt, here:

Rosie Amber: #RomancingSeptember Day 16 with Zee Monodee
Stephanie Hurt: #RomancingSeptember Day 16 with Zee Monodee

Rosie Amber: #RomancingSeptember Day 17 with Kimberly Wenzler
Stephanie Hurt: #RomancingSeptember Day 17 with Kimberly Wenzler

RosieAmber: #RomancingSeptember Day 18 with Daisy Banks
Stephanie Hurt: #RomancingSeptember Day 18 with Daisy Banks

And please remember to Tweet, reblog, share on Facebook, etc. When it’s your turn, we’ll do the same for you. Yay for Writers Helping Writers!


#ExcerptWeek – Finding Hunter Chapter 4

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Pulling out all the stops as we head into the weekend. Decided to share an entire chapter! We last saw Hunter racing for home, leaving a shocked and miserable Willow behind, after a shared kiss in the garden that rocked her world. Willow, probably my strongest female character to date, is not going to settle for something like that, without an explanation. This is what ensues. (Note: Hunter does have reasons for his deep-seated fear of starting a relationship with Willow. But his resistance is giving way.)

Bounced awake, I hold my head against the constant pain.
An arm reaches across me, opens the door.
Sorry, he says, wrinkling his nose.
You gotta get out now …
Go bathe.
~ Traveling Man ~

Chapter 4
I’ve Gone to China

Saturday, December 29, 2012

HUNTER GROANED, PULLING his feather pillow over his head not only to block out the world, but just in case he started shouting in frustration.

What the hell happened? What the bloody hell just happened? Everything was fine. It was going better than I ever thought it would, and then suddenly it all went crazy. She kissed me! Why the hell did she kiss me? How the hell was I supposed to resist that?

The memory of that kiss rocketed into him so hot and fast, it scorched a path through his soul. Never in his life had a kiss transported him that way. He could still feel her mouth under his, sweet and yielding, and burning like fire. The raspberry scent of her hair lingered on his hands, and he would never, ever forget the taste of her skin. Every nerve ending in his body felt burned raw from the experience—so sensitive, the slightest breeze sliding over it would cause unbearable pain.

But somewhere in his torment, he also remembered how she had responded to him, moaning into that kiss, and whispering his name over and over as they clung to each other. She wanted him, too, a concept that had never once seemed a possibility in all the years he had loved her.

Doesn’t make it any better, does it, you stupid fool? Still never gonna happen. You don’t belong with Willow Greene, and nothing’s going to change that. All you’re doing here is torturing yourself. Continue reading

#RomancingSeptember Days 14 and 15

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Two more wonderful romance writers for you to learn about. Day 14 brought us two interviews with Nicky Wells, and today, Day 15, features two interviews with author Felicia Myers. Hope some of you have been enjoying these fun posts, learning more about how authors write, and what books they have available for your reading pleasure. Remember to share, thanks!

Rosie Amber: #RomancingSeptember Day 14 with Nicky Wells
Stephanie Hurt: #RomancingSeptember Day 14 with Nicky Wells

Rosie Amber: #RomancingSeptember Day 15 with Felicia Myers
Stephanie Hurt: #RomancingSeptember Day 15 with Felicia Myers