#Apologies fromMe and a Big #ThankYou from #Michael Thompson – #CommonplaceFunFacts

Yesterday, The Write Stuff featured a terrific blogger (Michael Thompson) and his fantastic blog, CommonplaceFunFacts. I’d like to thank everyone who posted and to apologize for the problem Michael ran into with trying to respond to comments, or even to leave one of his own. For some reason, WordPress just wouldn’t let him do either.  I still haven’t figured out what the issue is, but please rest assured that all of your comments were greatly appreciated!

Michael would like to thank each of you for taking the time to comment and for the encouragement. He hopes you all enjoy your visits to CommonplaceFunFacts, and that you find it interesting enough to warrant return visits. (I’m wagering you will, as I know I sure did!)

In the meantime, I’m going to continue to try to solve this problem, as I’d very much like to have Michael join us again for future posts now and then, and I also want him to be able to comment on any and all posts on TWS, and to be able to respond to others who enjoy his visits.( Wish me luck in solving this issue!)

And thanks again for checking out both Michael’s wonderfully entertaining post yesterday, and his equally entertaining, informative, and fun blog, too! Be sure to visit when you get a chance. You’ll be glad you did!